𓁹 𝑠𝑝𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑛 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠 𓂀

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Ship- Drander and Henry x Luke
Genre- fluff/WAFF
au-secret friends au

Zander POV.
I'm going to tell him!..I'll tell Luke that I have a crush on him for years, while we walk home alone. I told Hailey to go home alone today cause of that reason. okay now to ask him, he looked like he was waiting for someone.. "hey Luke?, Wanna walk home together?"God..today's the day. Wish me luck. "Sorry Zander.., I'm hanging out with someone else today!" My heart dropped at what Luke said, I couldn't help to feel angry and..Jealous. For whoever was hanging out with Luke. "oh..,who?" Luke stops in his tracks for a minute, before he talks again. "Um I can't tell you that they want it to be a secret!" Like chuckled at the thought, but I'm not laughing...Now why would the person want a hang out to be a top secret? "Oh?.. why is that?" I ask, to get an answer out of Luke. And to know what's actually going on."Um I can't tell you that" who is this person?? "Oh ok... imma go now Hailey is walking alone too" I say I can't help to feel sad "ok bye!" He waves at me but imma get to the bottom of this and see who's he hanging out with.. imma hide next to a pillar and pretend I'm reading with a book infront of my face I know it sounds weird stalky or something like that trust me it's not I'm just seeing what's my friend hiding..

Drew POV
Henry has been weird all day he did get a punch on the stumach for hitting on lia but that's the most normal this he did today he didn't text lia or spam her. And he didn't even say a weird joke.. there's something up with him he feels like he's embarrassed about something imma follow him. I asked Liam to tag along cause we both know some was wrong with Henry we follow him he's gonna to the entrance of the school gate we are hiding by the pillar I'm bored okay?!? I've been sad since zoey dumped me because I didn't buy her a purse..  so I've been bored and not bulling the music club like I always do I only can see his head and the person he's talking to is really close to him.. and he's a boy.. is he dating a boy? That can't be true he likes lia! Or is he blinding us so we don't know his secret relationship.. imma follow him me and Liam have I'm behind a bush next to two pillars where everyone leaves wait.. is that Zander?!?

Liam POV
We both see Zander we deceived to go up to him "hey Zander?" Drew says "ugh it's you idiots what do you guys wasn't where's the other one?" "He's been acting weird" "that's weird Luke has been acting weird to.." "what if we team up?" I say "they both look at me like I'm a mental person "EW NO! I'm not gonna team up with you guys" "oh cmon this is for our friends don't think about working about us think about your friend" I say "ugh fine." Finally Henry comes "hey Luke!" "WH-" drew puts a hand on his month and says "don't scream." I see Zander blush is it just me or is there somthing love related in between them- nvm it's nothing "let's go Henry!" Luke says

(Sorry guys imma skip some dialogue)

"Let's go in!"
"Ok this is the part where we should be really careful" drew says when did he get so good at this?
"Ok.." Zander says
After they did there orders the waiter showed them to their seats
Then I hear something..
"You guys are a cute couple!" The waiter says
Then Zander looks sad for some reason?..
"Okay so they might be on a date.." drew says
".." we kept silent

Zander POV
When they got their drinks the waiter switches their bobas
"Hey Luke can I have mine?"
"Nope you have to get it from me!" Likes not the teasing type of guy.. well
AFTER THE MOMENT sorry I'm lazy today
I waited when they both left to run and cry to my house..

Henry POV
Huh I heard something..
I should follow it.. I heard running coming from there..

Drew POV

what so cool about the toast guy to make Zander cry?
"That hurt you know.." "anyway what's the matter" I say
"... well I like Luke for month and I push him back.. cause i hide my feelings for him.."
".. you know I play the piano"
"Where did that come from?!?" Zander tells me
"I'm no good and help sad love drama that's liams job"
"Oh.. well what do you like to play on the piano?" He asks
"Well we all know classical music is is the best type of music but Henry Liam and Jake don't think so"
"Really?!? I piano player and also like classical music like me!" I say suprised
He laughs a little bit..
" Wow I never heard him laugh.. NOPE NOPE NOPE SNAP PUT OF IT DREW"

After a talk

"Well thanks I guess.."
"You're welcome"
And this is where I gets surprising he kissed me on the cheek.. (xd I know Zander will never kiss anyone on the lips xd he's slloowwww)

Henry POV
I know if weird to spy but I just saw Zander kiss drew on the lips

(YOU MIGHT BE CONFUSED BUT ANSWERS AWAIT Henry is seeing the back on drew and when he's sees Zander kiss him on the check he kinda sees him kiss Zander)

HUH?!? I'm confused you know what imma ask about to him this later..


"Hey drew?" I ask him "Yea Henry?" He reply's "why did Zander kiss you" I say he looks suprsied.. "how was you date with Luke?"

so I have noticed the bully group has been him to us and I decided to do a truce with them! Hailey says
"WAIT YOU MEAN LIAM HENRY AND DREW RIGHT?!?" Zander says "yup!" Hailey says "nope never going." Zander says "oh cmon Zander meeting my friends isn't that bad!" Jake says "ugh fine" he eyes rolls
"ATLEAST DIDNT KISS ZANDER!" "ATLEAST I DIDNT ACT LOVEY DOVEY WITH LUKE AROUND" "um guys?..." Jake says get their attention "OH heyyyyy jjaakkkkeeee my dude! ..." Henry says

DONE :))))

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