☾ secret hang out ☽

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Henrys is bi
And Luke's pan , just so you know.

Luke P.O.V
So i met one of jakes friends! they stopped bulling us so whats the harm of being friends with them! I only met one though his name is henry! hes pretty short and has green hair and freckles! I asked him to hang out and he said sure! But he said to keep it low because his friends will hate him is he hangs out with me i dont know why though so we said we should hang out in the boba shop that just opened across from my house which is not thay far away its pretty colorful its name is "sweet spot" its a cute name to! Okay so we deceided to hang out today! so im waiting outside the school suddenly i spot someone

He was zander we was coming towords me "hey luke? Wanna walk home together" i know i like zander and all but everytime i go close to him he just pushes me back i think hes not ready for a relasionship "sorry zander im hanging out with someone today!" "oh.. Who?" there was a kinda angry tone in his voice "oh um cant tell you that they wanted it to be a secret!" "oh?.. Why is that" "um i dont think i can tell you that" "oh.. Ok... Imma go now hailey is walking alone too" "ok bye!" i say im kinda feel bad.. "hey luke!" i look up to see henry really close to me.. "O-oh um hey!" i say im so emmbaressed ugh "o-oh sorry for being so close lets go!" "oh sure!" i say

Henry P.O.V

i cant belive im hanging out with him.. I know my friend wont agree for me to do this cause jake did the same thing and left us and became friends with the music club why me am i becoming like jake? But did jake feel tingley like this when he was like luke? Nah its prob cause leah punched me in the stomach for trying to be her bf i think i should let go off her i tried to get her since middle school amd still she dosent like me i think its a matter of time i should let go..

"we are here!" luke says "oh! Its looks cool!" "ya i know right!" "lets go in" i say "sure!" luke says back when we go in its really pretty its all the colors of the rainbow! "Wow! So pretty!" luke says his eyes were sparkling when he says that his eyes are really pretty.. Its like gold when its sparkling and when its on his eyes its way better.. luke see's me staring at him!! oh no "what are you looking at it looks intresting?" "um nothing!" "oh.. Ok?" luke says confused bruh- why me? "so should we go get a boba?" luke asks "oh- ya sure!" "so what would u like to order?" the lady asks us "hmm thai boba" luke says "ok! What about you sir?" "pink berry boba!" i say "good choice ill get you a table!"

she get out of the counter table and walks us to our seat when we sat she said "oh you two are adorable couple by the way!" "huh?!" i say i feel me cheaks to get hot "o-oh um we are not a couple ms!" luke says "what a shame you two would look really cute together!" we are both blushing now "oh um thanks?" i say "no prob imma get ur boba's! After 5 min she gives us out boba but she gives me the thai boba and she give luke the pink berry boba "um" luke says "hey luke can i get mine and u'll get urs?" i ask "nope! you have to get it from me" he says with a smile "oh cmon plz?" i walk over to him he stands um and he extended his right arm so i couldnt get my boba "Oh cmon luke!" "no can do! U have to get it!" i jumped again and again but not even closer to get my boba "Please luke?" i say with puppy dog eyes" his checkes shows a bit of red "O-oh okay sure" he hand me my boba and he gives me his after we drank out we said good bye and headed out but when we left i still couldnt help to blush.. We also planned another hang out..

No P.O.V
Little did they know zander drew and liam were spying on then...

𝙳𝙾𝙽𝙴!! 𝙻𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚣𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 , 𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚖 , 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟!

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