☔️𝙬𝙝𝙮 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙚.🌊

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Zoey angst!
Some drew x jake (someone reqested)
Maybe lia angst
Friend ship between Milly and zoey (NOT A SHIP I KNOW IT LOOKS LIKE SHIP BUT PLESE I DONT LOL)

"REALLY ZOEY WE CANT KEEP DOING THIS.WE CANT BULLING PEOPLE WHEN THEY DONG NOTHING WE ARE GONNA GET EXPELLED AND I REALLY WANT TO GO TO COLLAGE" lia screams at zoey "yeah yeah whatever." zoey says twirling her hair "if its yeah yeah whatever then dont mind what m going to do now." lia says "she smashes her friend ship braicelet into peices when they got in 5th grade and thdn zoey shared with lia when she was new at Wilson elementary school from that day they were inseparable 'like two peas in a pod' most people said and when zoey bullied she does it to for their long lasting friendship "were done with this thing we call a friendship." Lia said after walking away    "Lia.." she was on the floor seeing all the pieces of the friendship bracelet one tear fallen to the ground like it was leaves in fall suddenly a ring happened "h-hello?.." zoey said in hesitation "hey zoey I think we should break up." Drew said like he was emotionless "wait w-hat?" Zoey questioned "we need to break up jake told me about the sugar daddy and now we're a couple and I like him and there's nothing you can do about it." Drew said "okay I'm sorry I didn't treat you right bye." Zoey said "bye?..." the call ended.. Drew was thinking for a fight and her wanting him back but he was wrong

"why.. why..." zoey was lifting in the empty hallway "ah that took forever even longer than Sean's sweeping!" Milly said she was going out of school she was not at her usual timing because she had a problem with her electric guitar it was out of tune so it took so long to fix it then when she got out she saw zoey she saw she wasn't in her usual self when she got kinda closer she saw something that would never happen her crying sure she saw her cry so many times went they would fight but she got the feeling this was real tears unlike those crocodile tears in the past "so....." Milly said as she walked by a stopped "what do you want now?..." zoey said sadly "..you ok." Milly said looking away "huh?..." zoey said "I said if you were ok don't make me say it again." Milly said "why." Zoey said "why wha-" "WHY WOULD YOU TALK TO ME AFTER ALL THOSE TORMENTS AND BULLING" zoey said shouting

"well I'm no monster that why I'm here for everyone who cry's." Milly said looking away again "so hurry up and tell me what's wrong before I change my mind." Milly said "well Lia and drew left me Lia said she doesn't want to me my friend and drew left me for someone else." Zoey said looking down milt could see the tears on her neck all the way to her skirt "..don't listen to them" Milly said "what I literally bullies you why have the right to do that.." zoey said crying again Milly put a arm on her elbow "did you here me? I said don't say that." Milly said sharply "huh? Why are you even helping me I know you help every one but why don't you just ignore me?" Zoey said still looking down

"it's because I known you for a long time and I hear when you go outside you get screamed at by your mother." Milly said "huh.. you know about that?!" Zoey said finally looking up from her feet "yeah I felt bad so take my comfort before I go ok?" Milly said while hesitant "thank you Millicent" zoey said "call me Milly." Milly said by now zoey was putting her head on Miley's shoulder "by the way I have one question." Milly said "huh what?" Zoey said looking up at Milly

"why does your mom shout at you?... it okay if it's a hard topic.." Milly said "well she wants me to be pretty and perfect and take over my family business... and sometimes I get slapped" after zoey said she sighed "..I didn't know you had that much responsibility..." Milly said kinda feeling bad for her hurting her too "...are you okay?" Milly said "huh?" Zoey said questionably "are.you.okay." Milly said looking at zoey "huh? Oh ya." Zoey said zoey was just surprised after the bulling she still gets comforted by Milly "I cant tell if you lieing or not." Milly said with a detective face which makes zoey sort of laugh Milly smiles "I'm serious I'm fine" zoey said with a giggle "that's the spirit keep your head up!" Milly said in  courage "well I think I should go.. bye Milly thanks for the help" zoey stands up and smiles "bye.."Milly said "yeah bye.." zoey said while she was just about to walk she heard something "wait! Can I get your number we can text and be friends"  Milly said excitingly "sure.." zoey said with a smile 


"Milly has been on her phone straight for 5 days!!!" Hailey said after Milly went to the bathroom "IKR I WANNA HIT HER!" Zander said all of the music club went silent "too far?" Zander said "yup" all of them answers "let's see what in it!" Jake said "that's rude!" Sean said "oh cmon aren't you a little curious??" Jake said "m-maybe a little" Sean mumbles "I'm in I just wanted to see who has she been typing with" Zander said Hailey sighed "I'm in." Hailey said "this is for the club cause the band competition is almost here" Hailey adds "I'm in." Luke said "now what's her password?" Jake said holding her phone "it's 25941!" Sean says all of them look at Sean "what? we live next door?" Sean says "I got in! What first?" Jake said


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