♕𝑎𝑞𝑢𝑎 𝑡𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑝𝑠♔

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Wooo! The crowd chanted there was some surprised people in the crowd also Jake glances at everyone in his dream this was the time he confesses to daisy but now after 3 whole months he knows his true feelings. There's a table on the other side of the certain but a very hidden table that's where he's going to give Hailey a aqua tulip and his confession. "He smiles at all his band mates Luke,Zander,Sean,Milly and of coarse the love of his life Hailey the the curtains "well I think we know who won tonight!" The host said coming in after a bit more of the performances and Jake grabbing his flower and preparing for his confession the judges came to a conclusion the host got the envelope from the judges "well the winner is... ALABAMA HIGH'S MUSIC CLUB!" The host said the a smile "that's us!!!" Milly said "I'll stay here" Jake said "oh ok well then see you after we get the trophy" Luke said with a smile when they went Hailey went to "wait Hailey.." Jake said grabbing her by the hand "yes?" "Follow me.." Jake said leading her to a small pond and some multi color flowers surrounding in and a lily pad on the small pond "wow Jake.." Hailey said with surprised "Hailey.. I need to tell you something important.." jake said "yeah Jake..?" Hailey said with a light smile "I love you Hailey. You the best and my feeling for you became more and more so I wanted to say I love you and confess to you so it's ok-" Jake got cut of my Hailey planting a light kiss on his lips "I like you to idiot." Hailey said with smile "so princess you like me to huh?" Jake said with a smirk Hailey rolled her eyes "yes." "Oh! Wait here!" Jake said Jake held out a aqua Tulip in front of Hailey "wow Jake it's beautiful.." Hailey grabbed it and but it in her hair "you look better" Jake said with a flirty smirk "oh my god shut up already and kiss me.." Hailey said grabbing jakes checks after a long kiss they went back I side "AND THATS WHY YOU NEED TO WORK HARD." Zander said "I think you should calm down said.." Luke said "nope they need the ability to works hard!" Luke said both Hailey and Jake laugh "let's go Zander.." Luke said "okay fine." Zander said "really Zander?" Milly said "what." Zander looked at Milly "did you have to give a 1 hour speech how to work hard?!?" Milly said "let's clam down" sean said "why are you smiling?" Zander snarled at jake "nothing you snake." Jake said "ugh whatever." Zander said "let just go home hailey" Zander said after "oh sure Zander "Hailey said after she left she took a quick glance at jake and left "so what happened" Milly elbowed Jake "nothing!" Jake said

-toco bell

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