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Sean x Milly! (I know it's weird Because they have a bother sister relationship but bare with me I'm dead out of ideas)

"im really sorry milly.." elliot began to say softly ask he was trying to grasp onto millys arm "dont touch me elliot! You cant hide the fact that your going to England!" Milly shouted with clear sparkled tears "I know.. maybe a long distance?." Elliot said to make her stop crying "...sorry Elliot maybe it's time for us to move on..." Milly said she brushed her tears with her sleeves and walked away from Elliot "Milly! I'm sorry!" Elliot began to cry with his tears he doesn't cry much to this was a shock for Milly.Milly sighed "good luck with your fancy private school in England Elliot..." Milly said took a quick glance at Elliot and she began to get closer into the dark shadows Elliot was on the ground next to him is his garden where he told Milly to give her some news which really hurt milly in only a few seconds "I-I'm sorry..." Elliot says

"...your moving?" Sean said "yeah..I'm going to be in California for my collage we are going to be a collage soon so that's why Sean..." Daisy said "oh..it's fine.." Sean said with a fake smile "Sean please I know when your lying!" Daisy said "Go away daisy." Sean said with a cold heated face "huh?..." Daisy was confused how is emotions changed so quickly Sean exhaled "I cant do this.. I can't keep a straight face." Sean said "it's fine if you wanna cry.." Daisy said patting her shoulder "no thanks.. but you can go to your collage I'll support you.." Sean said with a smile "thanks Sean you don't know how much this means to me!" Daisy said with a smile "yeah live your dream.." Sean smiled again "thanks again!" Daisy said and walked away from daisy running to her parents car to move "yeah..bye" Sean waved but there wasn't a pain in Sean's heart the one which won't stop hurting he had those pains but why doesn't daisy leaving get a pain?

Sean walked back into the school it was already done school was over no one could possibly be here at this time "Milly?.." Sean said "Sean?..." Milly looked up from the ground "what are you doing at this time?!?' Sean said "I could ask you the same.." Milly said "touché." Sean said "so what are you doing here?" Sean asked "oh um Elliot wanted to tell me something he he broke up with me.. for England." Milly said "oh.. same I got dumped by daisy she had to move because of collage.." Sean said

"oh.. well I'm sorry" Milly said looking down and the floor and making a weird noise with her who and the floor tiles "no no it's fine! I've been through worst..but are you okay?" Sean said and began to grab Milly shoulder which made Milly to look up now they were close.. "O-oh um yeah it's fine if it's for him.." Elliot said "oh well..I'll walk to your house!" Sean said with a light smile "yeah thanks.." Milly said looking down the thing is they lived really close to each other they were neighbors but they used to walk to they were really close but when they got a boyfriend and girlfriend their good friendship started to fade and they started to walk with their boyfriend/girlfriend so this was something they did and forgot about.. when they were walking Sean asked.. "did you have a pain in your heart when you were leaving Elliot?" Sean said not looking at Milly and looking straight forward

"Come to think of it....no.." Milly said looking at Sean "same I don't know why do you?" Sean said after a few moments of silents "what if we didn't care about our relationship?" Sean said milky faced Sean in a shock manner and went back how she was normally "....that can't be true we were happy with them..at least I thought that" Milly said looking down "..hey? What did liked someone when you liked Elliot? Because that's what I think in my case.." Sean said "..." Milly began shocked with some blush because her old crush was Sean..he was helpful , funny , and did anything for a friend "Milly?.." Sean looked at her "Oh um..yeah." Milly said they kept silent "well..Who did you like?" Sean said "N-NO ONE!" Milly said Sean was shocked how red Milly was "you?.." Milly said "you can't not say yours and expect me to tell you mine!" Sean chuckled slightly

"Oh! Our houses!" Sean spotted when he went to go to his house he got stopped by something "S-Sean.." Milly said she was looking down to hide her blush "um yeah?" Sean asked confused suddenly Milly pecked Sean on the lips "..Milly..." seam said his eyes were like he was in a trance Milly ran away from Sean and quickly went in her house and locked her in her house "I.." seam was still on the sidewalk in a full oh trance he blinked a few times and he was shocked "did she just?.." Sean said he while he was still shocked he went in his house and locked it wheb he went inside he realized what was happening and he...blushed "so i was her first cursh too huh?"

⌨︎︎TOMORROW! ✍︎︎
"milly!" sean said he waits 15 minutes of milly to get out of her house "sean look i kno-" milly was cut of by milly kissing sean "wait what?" milly said "I like you to..but let's keep this relationship low" Sean said rubbing his hand on his head "yeah same..it's kinda weird for us because they think we just have a brother and sister relationship" Milly said and did the same thing but lacked eye context with Sean "new relationship day one!"  Both Milly said Sean said

DONE! :)))),

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