🍇𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕡𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕦𝕔𝕖 𝕤𝕞𝕠𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕖。🥬

774 10 19

So um. Here we are. Doing this ship.
Zander x Henry
Idea by:

"Here I am lonely in this oddly colorful smoothie shop." Zander thought to himself while he took a small sip of his grape smoothie he was wearing a dark blue collar full sleeve teeshirt with a black tie a blackish brown belt and fully black pants with some fully white sneakers making the shoes stand out as if now he was sitting on a table which was metal as for the table a colorful umbrella and as you guessed also metal "stupid camping with the whole music club I can't help that I'm had a trama when I was younger to make me hate spiders for my whole life." Zander rolls his eyes and took another sip of his grape smoothie suddenly he got spotted by someone "Hey! Oliver was it?" Henry said "despite bullying me for 1-2 years you still don't know my name." Zander let out a cold frown "sorry sorry I never thought you were famous and expect me to remember your name." Henry said sarcastically "ha ha. Very funny." Zander said . Zander spotted his lettuce smoothie "going on a diet ah? If you are you really need it." Sander said with a smirk "HEY! rude much! Who spitted in you food?." Henry said as he stored in the other seat in Zander's table "No one actually thank you very much." Zander said not giving him eye contact so he can go away

"if you won't tell me I'll, follow you for the rest of the day" Henry said with a smirk with two elbows on the table and his hands on his cheeks Zander looked at Henry can have a annoyed frown "ugh your hopeless. Fine. My friends went camping and I can't go." Zander said "why huh your scared of BeArs????????" Henry said smirking "NO!.....I'm scared of spiders." Zander said whispering "what was that last part?" Henry said "I'm scared of S-spiders." Zander said avoiding eye contact "HAHAHA SPIDERS?!?" Henry said dieing of laughter "I'm going." Zander said took out money left it on the table scooted his chair while he was about to stand up Henry grabbed his hand "fine fine I'm sorry I promise I won't laugh...BUT SPIDERS?!?" Henry said "I'm still going." Zander said with annoyance in his eyes "OKAY OKAY I WONT LAUGH!" Henry shouted at Zander who was so close to leaving "ugh fine." Zander got back on his seat "wanna year something?" Henry said he had one hand looking like a crescent moon on his cheek and the other hand waving so he can listen what he had to say "what's with that posture?" Zander said confused "I can tell why no one told you secrets" Zander said rolling his eyes "ugh fine what is it?." Zander said coming closer to Henry's face "I'm um scared of kale." Henry said being as quiet as he could so no one could here "really? You laughed at me for have a normal phobia and your here scared of kale?." Zander said

"STOP PEOPLE CAN HERE YOU!" Henry shouted at Zander "why would you think I would stop by you just telling me?." Zander said looking at he and he was about the shout Henry was scared kale "because I'll tell people your scared of spiders." Henry said Zander gave him a shocked stare "fine. I'm going to change the subject." Zander said "ok go on ahead" Henry said "why are you here alone?" Zander said in curiosity "jakes on your weird camping trip , Liam and drew and playing a game that just came out but I know it's just mostly drew playing the whole gave so I decided to do something else cause that's BORING." Henry said "would have done the same thing but I would have died then going to that." Zander said with a straight face "isn't that taking it to far?" Henry said worried "if it's drew then no it's not" Zander said "WOWWWW you really did drew like that" Henry said shocked "so um wanna exchange numbers?" Henry said nervously "n- you know what fine you'll just annoy me if I won't" Zander rolls his eyes "ok! Here's your phone! Maybe we can hangout sometime!" Henry said with a smile and went away "wait henry!" zwnder called to him "yeah?" henry replyed "no MHA memes." zander saod seirously "awww fine" henry sadi and went away zander looked wt him until he couldnt see him and walked the other way
Idiot = henry
Grumpy. : zander

Later at 1 :00 AM
Idiot : HEY!
Oh hey henry. : grumpy.
Idiot : wanna hang out tomrrow? :).
Didnt we just hang out idiot? : grumpy.
Idiot : ya but im bboorrreeedd
Fine. movies 12:00 PM sharp. : grumpy.
Idiot : okay thanks! Seeya!
Ya ya bye and henry? : grumpy.
Idiot : ya?
For the love of god go to sleep. : grumpy.
Idiot : okay okay geez

"hey im back!" hailey said "oh your early." zander said "ya there was were of bugs" hailey replyed "oh well im sorry then" zander said "OH YA! Come in!" hailey motioned for them to come in it was jake , milly , luke , and sean "we kinda felt bad leaving you alone..so we are going to spend all day with you and have a sleepover!" luke said said said "ya no thanks." zander said "why is it because of me?." jake said with a frown "no.im just going to the movies with somone and im going to be late because of you guys." zander said "sounds seirious whos it with sounds like your exited for it." milly said "non of your business." zander said and walked out of the door "its defenitly a date." sean said "but who?" hailey said

"sorry that im late." zander said "its fine! Let go in" henry said pointing at the door "you dont uage to point at the door." zander said annoyed "but its fun!!!" henry said "idiot." zander said


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