🏮-why do you like me?..-🧸

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Liam x Henry :). Hope you like it!
Liam angst????

both of Liam and Henry were waiting on a bench and waiting for Jake and drew "What taking them so long?!?" Henry says "maybe their hanging out with their gf's" Liam says "oh ya Hailey and zoey" Henry says rolling his eyes "I bet when you get Leah to be your girlfriend you would spend less time with me" Liam says kinda laughing but in the inside she dieing when he begins to be alone just like in elementary.. "I won't become like Jake and drew and leave you behind. You'll always be my best friend!" Best friend huh? Is that all I am to you? Liam thinks "heeellllooooo earth to Liam??" Henry says waving his hand in-front of his face "ya ya I'm sorry" Liam says while rubbing his hand on the back of his head "OMG ITS LEAH!!!!I CAN TRY TO BE HER BF AGAIN!!!"

Henry says just while he was going to run of to Leah Liam grabs onto Henry's hand "don't go.." he whispers "huh?" Henry says Leah and zoey we're gone about now "I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE HENRY!" "take what?" Henry says being oblivious "YOU ALWAYS TO LEAH THAT AND LEAH THIS AND I SLOWLY HURT ME!" Liam shouts and one crystal eye drop falls down on the concrete "huh why is it hurting you?" Henry says "I LOVED YOU EVER SINCE MIDDLE SCHOOL TAKE A HINT HENRY!" "Huh.." Henry says shocked "AND I HIDING IT WITH SIMPING FOR EVERY GIRL IN THE SCHOOL AND STILL I ALWAYS BLSUH AROUND YOU AND YOU WONT TAKE A HINT!!!!" now Liam was fully crying Henry was shocked he never knew Liam loved him.. "you like me?.." Henry says "well y-ya.. ever since 7th grade.." "LIAM IT HAS BEEN 3 YEARS?!?... you like me for three years?...." Henry says getting calmer "yeah..." Liam says hesitantly he gets closer to Liam... "Henry.. what are you-" he was cut of by Henry kissing him when he let go Liam had so much questions "OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY!" Henry says blushing "it's ok.. he kisses Henry again when he let go he smiles "so..." Liam  says "what does this make us?.." Liam says adds right after "bf's... ONLY OF YOU WANT TO THO" Henry says "of coarse.." Liam says while smiling big


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