They Don't Know About Us~

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Wei Wuxian stopped on his tracks and waved at Lan Wangji when he spotted him walking towards their direction. He grinned and winked at him when their eyes met. He giggled a little when he saw how the tip of his ears are red.


He was about to say something more when someone grabbed the back of his collar and yanked him back.

"Wei Wuxian stop bothering Lan Wangji!" Jiang Cheng hissed and glared at him. "Do you wanna get killed by him?"

"I'm not bothering him!" Wei Wuxian fixed the collar of his uniform. "I just want to talk to him." And he pouted when he saw the retrieving back of Lan Wangji walking away from them.

"Well he doesn't want to talk to you, that's for sure."

"How do you know that?" Wei Wuxian raised a brow at his brother.

Jiang Cheng stared at him like he is the dumbest person he knows. "Are you blind? The guy looks like he wants to kill you everytime you're near him."

Wei Wuxian was about to retort back when the sound of the bell was heard. Soon the two are making their way towards their respective classes.


"Hey Wei-xiong! The gang are planning to have a slumber party tonight." Nie Huiasang informed him as he joined his table. They are currently at the cafeteria, their next classes still in the next hours. "My dorm room. 9PM"

Wei Wuxian remembers the text message he received a while ago.

"Usual spot tonight?"

He turned to look at his friend, "Sorry can't come."

Wei Wuxian laughed when Nie Huiasang choked on his food. He handed him his drink which the other quickly took and gulped it down in one go. After he recovered, he stared at him wide eyes.

"I'm sorry what?" He asked, "You're not coming?"

"Yup." He answered, popping the letter "p" on his mouth.

"Why?" Nie Huiasang was still gaping at him, like what he said was the most unbeleivable thing ever. Well he really can't blame him though, Wei Wuxian doesn't miss any of their hang outs. He was always present to the party that their group of friends do.

"Something came up." Was just what he answered and grinned at him.

Later that night, Wei Wuxian was walking towards one of his favorite place here in Cloud Recesses. It is located at the back garden of their school, a place he stumbled into a long time ago.

He smiled when he saw someone sitting under the tree, his hair swaying because of the night breeze. The other looked up when he heard his footsteps, and Wei Wuxian was greeted by those pair of pale amber eyes he love so much.

"Hey." He called out softly. The other didn't respond, but his eyes turned soft when he saw him. He patted the space in front of him and Wei Wuxian happily obliged to sit there.

His back is comfortably settled at the sturdy chest of Lan Wangji. The other have his hands around his waist and his chin is propped at the top of Wei Wuxian's head. Wei Wuxian was playing with the hands that are embracing his waist. The two are silent as they watched the mini fountain in front of them. The water glistening under the bright moonlight. The sky is also decorated with thousands of stars tonight, twinkling and shining.

Wei Wuxian sighed and leaned back, his head falling in Lan Wangji's right shoulder and the other kissed his temple before burrying his head on his hair and inhaled it. "What are you thinking?"

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