New Knowledge

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Copper had taken the wheel of the boat, steering through the darkness while Grass lit up the path with a makeshift lamp tied to the rigid bow. Aqua was downstairs in the cabin, a separate room from Mid and Bolt. She had several things going through her mind, one of them being the little Copper. It troubled her the fact that she could not simply forget about the kiss they both shared together. Mid was tending to the scars left on Bolt, wasting the majority of his time healing cuts, holes, and more. Skull was up above as well, scouting out the dangers up ahead.

Aqua couldn't contain the smile that stung her face, hues of darker blue stained her cheeks, her hands sliding up to cover the noticeable tint. The little water lumalight didn't know how to go about this newfound crush. In fact, she didn't know this is where a single kiss would lead to! She had no one other than one person to talk to, one who knew about love and relationships since she was a key witness. That person was Mid, the mixed lumalight who has a crush on Skull himself! She hoisted herself off from the warm, cozy bed, and trotted over to the door.

As she pushed the wooden barrier gently, she peeked around the empty hall, awaiting the sound of anything. Nothing at all made itself present. So she made her departure, and went to the neighboring room, and softly knocked the door, patiently waiting for a response. "Who is it?" Mid groggily asked, Aqua clearing her throat to speak. "Aqua" she replied, Mid getting up to open the door, and poke his head on the other side. "Aqua? It's almost nighttime, you better make it quick" Mid warned, Aqua remembering his habits. "I need advice" Aqua noted.

Mid rolled his eyes slowly in search of an answer, and came to his conclusion of helping her out. "Come inside, but don't be too loud, okay?" Mid hinted, Aqua nodding. Just on the bed that was once Mid's was Bolt, his eyes shut tight, and his breathing beginning to steady itself. Aqua sat on one marshmallow as did Mid, the two starting up their pep talk. "What do you need advice on?" Mid began, twirling his fingers around his others. "It's...about Copper" Aqua hesitated, Mid looking up from his fingers to Aqua's slight blush.

The male lumalight cutely smiled, giving a small giggle before awing at her. "So you're wondering about him?" Mid covered his mouth, concealing his smile. Aqua assured him that was the truth, shyly fiddling with the end of her white dress. "How do you feel?" Mid questioned, placing a hand above her leg, sitting closer to better pay attention. "I feel like myself, but I don't feel certain. I have this weird feeling now whenever I get close to Copper. It's something that makes me feel queazy" Aqua described, her eyes trailing up to meet with Mid's white ovals.

"Sounds like you're in love with Copper" Mid poked Aqua's face, containing his smile that spread across his own. There's that word again being thrown around like a paper plane. "In love?" Aqua repeated, Mid nodding. "Yeah, when you love someone so much, you can't stop thinking about them, and wanting to be closer with one another?" Mid questioned, Aqua looking up at the ceiling of the room, wondering if Copper felt the same. Mid noticed her stressed expression, and sighed, stretching his arms high up. "I guess I am" Aqua blurted out.

Mid got up from the bed, and headed back to where Bolt was. "Aqua, when you feel prepared to confess your feelings, tell me so I can help you feel more confident" Mid gestured, Aqua remembering that for another time. "Thank you" she quietly whispered before Mid closed the door, and Aqua decided to check on Copper now that she was this lost in thought about him. Was he okay? Did he think about her too? When she reached the top of the stairs, she saw Copper taking his break from the wheel, Grass taking over for him. 

Being brave, Aqua strolled over to Copper, gaining his attention from laying back on the crates scattered around. "Aqua, you okay?" Copper asked, feeling a sense of confusion wash over him. The water spirit bobbed her head, and sat next to Copper, fidgeting with her hands. Copper didn't make a peep from his mouth, the awkward silence filling the gap. " are you?" Copper interrogated, Aqua gave a thumbs up as a signal. "That's nice to hear" Copper smiled, his bronze colored head growing a rose gold blush.

Grass was too tired to notice Copper and Aqua talking, so he kept his eyes straight ahead, steering the boat to freedom. By now, it was nighttime, Mid already fast asleep as well as Bolt. Skull was going to sleep as well, Grass followed along, setting the boat close to the curb, and dropping his anchor. Now Aqua and Copper were the only ones awake, together, very closely. Copper's hand accidentally grazed over Aqua's, him snatching it back after noticing. "Oh, uh sorry" Copper laughed off, Aqua placing her small hand back in is. The bronze lumalight felt her hand, not moving.

"Copper, your hands are warm" Aqua said in her small quiet voice, leaning her head on Copper's shoulder. He tensed up, and his blush spread on his entire face. "Thanks" Copper thanked, looking down to see Aqua's transparent eyes, his reflection inside her eyes. Aqua sat up straight once more, and leaned close to Copper to lend a hug. This hug was a long one, until Aqua leaned back to look at him. "Copper, I love you" Aqua whispered, hoping no one else heard her. He never felt so happy, here he was prepared to jump in the water if it was a dream.

"You do?" Copper tilted his head in confusion, Aqua nodding, trailing her hands up his neck, and linking her hands together. Copper held Aqua by the waist, pulling her up to sit on his lap, his eyes lost in hers. They were both entranced by one another so much, that looking at each other was enough to make them happy. "You're adorable" Copper poked where Aqua's nose would be, her silently giggling. A quick peck on the cheek is what started it. Aqua had truly fallen in love with Copper, and she had no knowledge about it until now.

From a kiss on the cheek to the forehead, Copper knew Aqua had it for him. It was a sweet blossoming love between Copper and Aqua, the two learning together how to love. This meant one, and one thing only for Copper, and it meant Aqua and him were officially together. Yes, they learned to love each other. As the night progressed further, the two lumalights conversed with one another, sharing their thoughts on one another, and learning to cope with their newfound emotions. It was a long night of questions and answers, Copper being the one who did most of the answering while Aqua's curious mind did all the interrogating. They were practically inseparable.

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