2- New Dorm

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Harry had fought the urge to fast-forward life until he graduated high school. How boring school might have been he didn't want to miss out on life and it would be really unethical. With great powers came great responsibilities.

Now the day when he was starting university was finally here and he was really excited. He was going to a school in London and he had been assigned to a dorm room with four other guys. Apparently, you were assigned to a new dorm room every year unless you filed a form that you wanted to stay with the same dormmates for the next year as well. He was a freshman so he didn't have much to say about it.

He had been informed that his new roommates were older than him. Three of them were in their second year and the fourth in his third year. So he would be the youngest of them all. Great.

He had managed to keep his ability secret for the last five years and he didn't see that it would be a problem to be able to keep it a secret in Uni. No one knew when the time changed. He often wondered where time went but that was too philosophical even for him.

His dormmates were already there when he entered their shared dorm with a box in his arms, blocking his view.
"I'll help you with that." Someone with a really distinct accent said.

He felt someone lift the box from the other side and suddenly he could see. His eyes met two beautiful ocean blue eyes and he let out a small gasp. So did the boy helping him with the box. They stared at each other frozen in place. Harry had never seen anyone more beautiful in his lifetime.

He came to his senses when someone started to chuckle on his left. He looked over. A boy with a huge grin on his lips was looking between him and the blue-eyed boy. What was going on? Harry blushed.
"Ehm, just put it down on the floor."

The boy complied. They leaned down at the same time but Harry managed to put the box on the boy's foot who grunted.
"Ooops! Sorry!" Harry said with blushed cheeks.

"Hi. It's fine." The boy smiled.

He extended a hand for him to shake.
"I'm Louis."

"Harry." Louis was such a beautiful name. It suited the gorgeous man in front of him.

"I'm Niall." The boy who chuckled earlier said. This time with a smirk on display. Harry found it weird that he was laughing and smiling at nothing but who was he to judge?

The two remaining boys introduced themselves as Liam and Zayn.
"Are you a freshman Harry?" Liam asked with a friendly smile.

"Yes. Do you guys know each other from before?" Harry asked.

"No. We're all new to each other." Louis answered and smiled. Harry stared at him in awe. That smile was breathtaking. He smiled back, popping both dimples. Louis stared at him.

Niall let out a loud cackle and everybody turned to look at him.
"What's so funny?" Zayn asked.

"Eeeh, nothing. I just thought of a funny joke." Niall answered and scratched the back of his head.

"Tell us." Liam said.

"Oh! Eh, I forgot it. Let's show Harry his room." Niall answered and grabbed the box on the floor and ran off.

The four remaining boys shared a confused look. What was up with Niall?

Niall had reached Harry's bedroom and put his box on the bed. He shook his head in amusement. Usually, he was really good at hiding his ability and act normal but Harry and Louis threw him off. He had to pull his shit together. They were just so damn cute, admiring each other in their thoughts. Instant attraction from both of them. He bet they would fall in love.

He was looking forward to following their thoughts as they progressed. He wonder who would fall first? This was exciting. He should probably feel bad for listening in on something so private but it wasn't like he could do something about it. His ability was a miracle and a curse at the same time.

Harry came inside to check out his new room and Louis was right behind him. Niall smiled at them. It turned into a smirk when he could hear Louis think "great ass."

Louis furrowed his eyebrows and stared at him so Niall tried to keep a blank face expression but then Harry's mind started to rant about how he wanted to touch Louis's soft hair. He quickly excused himself and ran out of the room to hide his grin.
"He's strange." Louis stated.

"Yeah...uhm, I'm gonna get the rest of my stuff from my car." Harry answered, not really knowing what to say about his new Irish dorm mate.

"I'll help you!" Louis said with a smile.

Harry froze time and stepped up to Louis. He examined his face closely with a smile on his lips. Louis had really long eyelashes that framed those beautiful blue eyes of his. He had a cute little nose and cheekbones to die for. He reached out a hand to touch his hair to feel if it really was as soft as it looked but he stopped his movement midair. What the hell was he doing? He couldn't touch Louis without his permission. He sighed and unfroze time again.
"Woah! How did you get so close? You were over there a second ago." Louis said with eyes wide open.

Right. He forgot to move back.
"I'm a vampire." He answered with glittery eyes, trying his best to hide how nervous he was that Louis would continue questioning it. He was a really bad liar.

Louis rolled his eyes.
"You're silly. Come on, let's get the rest of your stuff."

Louis walked out of the room and Harry let out a relieved breath. He couldn't use his ability for selfish, stupid stuff like that.

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