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Two weeks went by and Niall spent every free minute in his room with his sewing machine.
"Uhm, guys, when are we gonna tell him that we're not gonna be superheroes in some ugly costumes?" Zayn asked while they were spending a lazy Sunday in front of the tv.

"He's happy. Let him hold on to that illusion a while longer." Louis said.

Harry snuggled him closer.
"I actually think it's kind of a good idea. We can do the impossible. We should use it to try and help people."

"We would become lab rats the minute people find out about our abilities." Liam snorted.

"Yeah, well, that's where the costumes come in handy." Harry chuckled.

"So you're gonna run around in some tights and a cape?" Zayn questioned with an eyebrow raised.

Before Harry could answer Niall came running out of his room.
"I'm finished!"

He had five very colorful outfits in his arms. Zayn paused the movie they were watching and they all turned to look at Niall.
"So we all have different colors! Harry, you're green because of your eyes." Niall said and showed him a green creation. It looked like something in spandex, like ice figure skaters would wear.
"Uhm, thanks, Niall." Harry said.

"Louis! Blue!" Niall handed him the same kind of outfit.

"Liam you are red. Oh, wait that should have been Zayn, with the fire. Why didn't I think of that?" Niall said and looked utterly heartbroken.

Liam and Zayn shared a look.
"Eh, that's okay Niall. I like red." Liam said awkwardly.

"Yeah, red isn't my color. It doesn't look good with my complexion. Oh, wow, yellow? Great!" Zayn said and tried to hide his grimace when Niall handed him his outfit. 

Finally, Niall showed them his own outfit which was a tribute to the Irish flag, green, white, and orange.
"Come on! Try it on! I had a hard time measuring you in your sleep. I hope I got it right."

Louis started to laugh until he realized that Niall wasn't joking.
"You measured us in our sleep? What the hell man?"

Niall just shrugged his shoulders and dropped his pants and started to put the onesie on. The rest of the boys exchanged a look.
"We can at least try them on when Niall has put so much effort into making them." Harry said and stood up. Niall rewarded him with a thankful smile.

The rest of the boys sighed but complied.
"Keep your thoughts to yourself!" Niall growled.

"Sorry, Niall." They all mumbled in unity and started to get undressed.

Soon they were all standing in the living room wearing Niall's creations, that covered everything except their faces. He had solved that with eyemasks in the same color as the outfits.
"They're tight. It doesn't leave much to the imagination." Harry finally said and fixed his crotch.

Louis started to giggle and soon they all burst out laughing so hard they cried, including Niall. He could see the humor in it. But he was still dead serious about wearing them.  
"Ehm, Niall, great work here buddy. You really outdid yourself. Who knew you were so great at working a sewing machine? Anyway, we're not gonna pretend like we're superheroes. Sorry!" Liam said, trying to let him down easily.

"What are you talking about? Liam, you can lift everything! And you can't get hurt. Louis, you can fly for fucks sake! Zayn, you can control fire, and don't get me started on you, Harry. Timetravel? You can stop time! My ability is nothing in comparison with yours but we're a team! We can make the world a better place. It's our duty to at least try." Niall answered upset.

"He's not wrong guys." Harry said and looked around.

"Seriously?" Zayn questioned. 

"Well..." Harry said and shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm not gonna start picking down kittens from trees." Louis snorted.

"Why not? They're cute!" Harry cooed.

"You're cute." Louis answered and gave him a once over.

"No time for dirty deeds boys. Keep it in your pants." Niall huffed.

"Can you blame me? He's hot!" Louis smirked.

"Yeah, yeah. It's time for combat training." Niall said dismissively.

"Combat? No! Why?" Zayn protested.

"We have to know how to defend ourselves! Let's go to the woods." Niall stated and headed for the door.

"Fine, but can we at least take these off?" Louis asked, pinching the fabric of his suit.

"Why?" Niall asked.

"Uhm, because we don't want to draw attention to ourselves." Louis answered.

"Yeah, good thinking. Okay, change into something comfortable. Meet me out here in five minutes." Niall said and ran towards his bedroom.

They just stood there staring at nothing.
"Well, you heard the guy. Get changed!" Harry said at last. 

Five minutes later they were all dressed in sweats and hoodies and Niall lead them to Harry's car and they got in. He instructed him to go to a vantage point twenty minutes away. Luckily they were alone at the place when they arrived. They got out of the car and gathered around.
"Okay, Liam, attack Harry." Niall said.

"What? I would crush him." Liam immediately protested.

"Really?" Harry said amused.

"No offense Harry, super strength remember?"  Liam smiled.

"Yeah, but I have a couple of tricks up my sleeve." Harry winked.

"Fine, suit yourself." Liam said with a shoulder shrug. 

"Woah! Wait! You can't be serious! Harry!" Louis protested and stepped between them.

"I'll be fine Lou." Harry said softly and kissed his cheek.

"But..." Louis protested weakly.

"Don't worry sweetie." Harry said fondly and kissed him.

Someone cleared his voice behind them.
"Sorry, sorry." Harry said with a blush.  Then he leaned in to whisper something in Louis's ear.

"Guys! I can hear your thoughts! Come on! Not cool!" Niall whined.

Harry and Louis chuckled lightly and then Harry went to stand in the middle of the small meadow and Liam backed up.
"So I'll just attack him?" Liam asked.

"Go ahead." Harry said with a smile.

Liam started to run towards him but Harry just stood there with a smile lingering on his lips. Louis gasped in horror.
"Move baby!" He shouted out.

When Liam came close enough Harry closed his eyes and stopped time and walked over to stand next to Louis instead. He unfroze time and Liam kept on running towards him except he wasn't there anymore. Liam stopped and looked around in confusion. Harry waved at him with a cheeky grin.
"Hey! That's cheating!" Liam protested. 

"No, that's my brilliant boyfriend with his amazing gift." Louis bragged and put his arms around Harry.

"This is gonna be a long day." Zayn stated.

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