13- Fly away with me

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Niall had forced them to practice their skills and with time they got better and even if they were against it at first they had started to enjoy it. Neither of them had actually explored their ability and Niall always pushed them harder.

Three weeks later he came running into their dorm with his latest plan. 
"Guys! I signed us up for karate lessons!"

"Why not?" Louis said and dragged Harry to his room when he didn't want to hear the argument between their three other friends that was bound to happen.

He pushed Harry against the door as soon as he closed it behind him and kissed him. As soon as they deepened the kiss his feet left the floor as always. Harry held him close, getting used to it by now. He had laughed when Louis finally told him what had happened the first time they kissed and he absolutely loved it. The fact that Louis couldn't control his flying ability from a kiss from him made wonders for his ego. It made it a little tricky to have sex but they managed.

"Lou, I've been thinking about something." Harry said when they needed to come up for air.

"Yeah?" Louis hummed.

"Is it possible...I mean, could you fly with me?" Harry asked and bit his lower lip.

Louis stared at him in surprise before he broke out in a sunshine smile.
"Of course! Why haven't I thought of that?"

"Because flying is natural to you while it's something others just dream about?" Harry smirked.

"Well, I'm gonna make your dreams come through. Come on! Let's go to our usual place."

He took Harry's hand and hurried out of the room. The guys were still arguing.
"I'm not gonna be a fucking ninja in spandex!" Zayn said.

"We're going out!" Louis shouted over his shoulder and dragged Harry out the door before the guys could stop them.

They got in Harry's car and drove to the meadow. It was empty. Once they had all gone there to practice and a family were having a picnic. They had turned around without a word and Niall had muttered things like "They're standing in the way of greatness" in the car ride home.

They walked out to the middle of the meadow.
"So how are we doing this?" Harry asked nervously.

Louis turned to him with a smile and put his hands in Harry's knee pits.
"Wraps your legs around me. Jump!"

Harry complied and held on tightly with his arms and legs wrapped around Louis.
"Am I too heavy?"

"No silly. Ready?" Louis asked.

Harry gulped.

All of a sudden they lifted from the ground and Harry screeched in excitement.
"Oh my God! I'm flying!"

"Technically I am." Louis chuckled amused.

"This is incredible Lou!" Harry answered breathlessly. He looked over Louis's shoulder and could see the ground underneath them.

Louis didn't fly that high up in the air. Instead, he circled the meadow before he finally landed and put Harry down gently. Harry had tears in his eyes, feeling totally overwhelmed by the experience.
"Thank you, Lou! That was absolutely amazing!"

Louis got up on his toes to plant a soft kiss against Harry's lips.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it. We can do that as much as you want. Too bad I can't experience your gift as well."

Harry gave him a calculating look.
"Maybe you can. Come on! Let's go home and try it out!"

They drove home and hurried inside. The boys were still at it. Really?
"I don't like yellow spandex!" Zayn shouted.

"Okay, hug me close." Harry whispered.

Louis didn't need to be asked twice. Harry wrapped his arms around him and closed his eyes. He concentrated really hard and then he stopped time. He let go of Louis to look at him and Louis looked right back.
"Are you gonna stop the time or what?"

"Turn around." Harry smirked.

Louis turned around so fast that Harry was sure he was getting whiplash.
"No fucking way!" Louis shouted.

He ran over to the window and looked out. Everything stood still. He walked over to Niall and waved a hand in front of his face but didn't get a reaction. He turned to Harry.
"This is so cool Haz!"

"Yeah, the first time I stopped time by accident I thought I had gone insane." Harry chuckled.

"I remember how scared I was when I woke up one morning and I was floating on top of my bed. But I soon got excited. I think I would have absolutely freaked out if I had your ability instead. Don't get me wrong, it's a mindblowing gift but you must have felt so scared and alone when it happened." Louis had walked over to Harry and cradled his cheeks.

"Yeah, it was lonely and scary." Harry admitted emotionally.

"You're not alone with your secret anymore. You have all of us. You have me. I love you, Harry." Louis said softly. It was the first time he uttered those words.

Harry gasped and broke out in a breathtaking dimple smile.
"I love you too."

"Good." Louis smiled and pressed a soft kiss against Harry's lips.
"Now, let's mess with the guys! What are we gonna do? Oh, I wish I had a dress!"

"Well, I kind of have one." Harry admitted with blushed cheeks.

"Oh, I haven't seen you in a dress before." Louis said, looking interested.

"I just wanted to try it, you know. Ehm, what do you need it for?" Harry asked with sparkling eyes.

"Well, wouldn't Liam look lovely in a dress?" Louis smirked.

Harry let out a loud cackle.
"They're so gonna kill you for this."

"I'll just fly out the window." Louis winked.

"Of course." Harry chuckled fondly.

"Get the dress! I'll find other things." Louis said and ran in the direction of the bathroom.
Harry shook his head in amusement but walked over to his bedroom to find the dress.

It took them some time to put the dress on Liam but time didn't exist right now so Louis guessed it didn't matter. He had poured cereals down Niall's boxers, and now he drew a mustache on him. After he was done he looked over at Zayn and got an idea. He found some hair wax and started to style his hair really badly. He turned and twisted it until it was pointing everywhere. He finished his creation with some pink hairspray that he still had from last Halloween where he had dressed up as the pink power ranger. 
"Oh, Zayn's gonna end you!" Harry chuckled.

"You won't let him." Louis smirked.

He took a step back and looked at the boys.
"Done. Okay, let's sit down on the sofa and watch the chaos that will occur as soon as you unfreeze time."

"You're enjoying this a little too much." Harry smirked.

"Of course young Harold." Louis grinned.

They took a seat and Harry unfroze time again.

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