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"...looks great." Niall finished his sentence when Harry unfroze time again. Niall stared at them in surprise.
"Where did you come from?"

Zayn burst out laughing and pointed at Liam.
"What are you wearing?"

Liam looked down at himself.
"Apparently a dress. How?"

Niall cackled out loud and took a step back which made the cornflakes in his boxers crunch.
"What the fuck?"

"Oh man, your hair Zayn!" Liam said and laughed out loud.

Zayn went pale and immediately ran to the bathroom. He let out a chasm roar as soon as he looked in the mirror.
"Looooouiiiis! I'm gonna kill you!"

He came running back to the living room and Liam grabbed him to keep him from jumping Louis.
"No one touches the hair!" Zayn shouted.

Louis smirked.
"So Harry learned a new trick. He can stop the time without freezing me as well. Came in handy." 

"I'm gonna burn you down!" Zayn growled.

Niall hurried to Zayn's bedroom, making a crunching sound with every step. He came back with the oven mittens and taped them on Zayn's hands.
"Just for precaution."

"Yeah, I better run." Louis chuckled and dragged Harry with him to his room. He locked the door behind them.

They could hear Zayn demanding Liam to kick the door open but a second later the shower was turned on so they guessed Liam had carried him there instead. Louis burst out laughing.
"That was so much fun!"

"Yeah, but now we're stuck here." Harry smiled.

"Mm...I wondered how we could spend our time." Louis said with glittery eyes while he tapped a finger against his cheek. 

Harry pulled him in by the hip and leaned down to kiss him. Louis threw his arms around his neck and pressed their bodies together and responded eagerly. It didn't take long before he lifted from the floor. Harry held him down.
"Come on Peter Pan, let's get on the bed before you fly away." 

Louis giggled and took off Harry's t-shirt and dropped it on the floor. He pressed feather-light kisses over his chest before he picked him up bridal style and glided over to the bed, without touching the floor. He laid him down gently before he took off his own t-shirt.

Harry made grabby hands and Louis laid down on top of him. He looked down at his boyfriend with a smile.
"I love you."

"And I love you." Harry replied softly and brushed a stray of hair from Louis's eyes with his fingertips.

They connected their lips, savoring the taste of each other for a moment before they opened their mouth to let their tongues play. Harry noticed that Louis started to float again so he rolled them around and pressed him down into the mattress. Louis giggled but when Harry created a lovebite on his neck he moaned instead.

Harry continued to explore Louis's body while he kept a hand on his chest to keep him in the bed. Having a boyfriend who couldn't control his flying ability around him was tricky, but such a compliment that he got all warm and fuzzy inside just thinking about it.
"Take your pants off." He mumbled against his skin.

Louis immediately started to fumble with the button and managed to open them. He kicked them on the floor and Harry removed his as well.
"Can I top this time?" Louis asked.

"Of course!" Harry said excitedly.

He laid down on his back and Louis hovered on top of him. Harry had discovered that he could keep him grounded as long as he touched him. He was still flying but he didn't hit the roof. He just floated a few inches over him. It was super cute!

Louis kissed him again and he got other things to think about, like how amazing it felt when Louis played with his nipples. He was quite generous, dividing his attention between all four of them. Harry moaned into his mouth.

Louis kissed his way down Harry's belly and pulled down his boxers. Harry's cock almost hit him in the eye when it sprung free.
"Oooops!" Harry giggled.

"Well, well, well, someone's excited." Louis chuckled and wrapped his hand around Harry's cock and gave it a couple of strokes. Harry moaned out loud so Louis took him in his mouth instead. He blew him for a while and Harry made sure to keep a hand in his hair so he wouldn't fly away.

When Louis could hear that Harry was getting worked up he reached for the lube and coated three fingers. He came up to kiss him again and circled a digit around Harry's rim for a moment before he pushed it into the second knuckle. Harry's breath hissed and he spread his legs wider. Louis took his time opening him up, exploring his pink hole with his fingers and his mouth with his tongue at the same time. Harry was breathing heavy, letting out small moans and whimpers.
"Please, I'm ready! Just get inside!" Harry pleaded, sounding almost desperate.

Louis was painfully hard himself so he hurried to lube his cock and put the tip against Harry's entrance before he started to push in slowly until he bottomed out. He buried his face in the crook of Harry's neck and started to fuck him slowly at first. Harry wrapped his arms around him and his legs around his waist to keep them together because now Louis had absolutely no control over his ability. Harry held on tightly, grounding him enough so they didn't go spinning through the proof. He picked up the pace and Harry moaned out loud when he managed to hit his prostate dead on.

Harry wasn't aware of it, but every time Louis made him feel extra good he traveled back a few seconds in time to repeat it. Louis wasn't the only one who couldn't control his ability when they made love. Louis had figured it out a week ago and it made him even more turned on. He made Harry feel so good that he unconsciously needed to feel it again.

They were both getting close and Louis pounded harder. Harry shouted out his orgasm and Louis was right behind him. He fucked them through their highs and they fell on the bed. Harry laughed a little.
"That was awesome!"

Louis looked up at him with a smirk.
"Yeah, you kind of rewinded parts of it."

"What?" Harry asked confused.

"You time travel when we make love sweetie. Every time you feel extra good you go back to experience it again." Louis said and kissed him on the cheek.

"I do? Wow, I didn't know that I do that." Harry said with eyes wide open.

"It's such a compliment love." Louis beamed.

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