4- A first not date

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"So this is the best coffee shop on campus." Louis said and opened the door for Harry.

"Good to know." Harry said with a smile and walked up to the counter and looked at the big board on the wall.
"I'll have a frappuccino and a bagel." He said to the barista.

"Tea with milk and I'll also have a bagel with cream cheese." Louis said.

Harry paid for them both and was rewarded with a breathtaking smile. They waited for their orders to be done. The place was almost empty so it didn't take long. Louis took his tea mug and bagel and started to walk towards a table. Harry was just about to pick up his own mug when he saw Louis trip in the corner of his eye. He immediately closed his eyes and stopped time.

When he opened them again everything was frozen. He would never get used to this. Maybe he shouldn't be using his power on trivial things like this but he didn't want Louis to feel embarrassed for spilling his tea all over the shop. He walked over and put the tea mug and all of its content back in Louis's hand. He grabbed his shoulders and made sure he was standing upright before he went back to his spot at the counter.

As soon as he was standing in the same place he reached out his hand to hold his frappuccino and unfroze time.
"Woah! I thought I would drop that. Strange." Louis said in front of him.

"You must have really good balance." Harry said and walked over to him.

"Apparently." Louis agreed and they went to sit down at one of the tables.

"What are you gonna study?" Louis asked.

"Mostly sociology. What are you studying?" Harry replied.

"I'm gonna be a drama teacher." Louis beamed.

They continued to talk while they had their breakfast and when they were done Louis guided Harry around on campus. They had lunch at a hamburger joint before they went to get Harry's car to drive to the supermarket. Louis helped him grocery shopping and they had a lot of fun, goofing around in the store. Harry had one of the best days in a very long time.

They went back to the dorm just to find the guys sprawled out in front of the tv, having a lazy Sunday. They put away Harry's groceries together and when they came back to the livingroom Niall had moved to one of the armchairs leaving two seats open on the sofa. They both silently cheered that they could sit next to each other and they both missed Niall's smirk.

They decided to watch a movie together and picked something random but hopefully funny. Harry had a hard time concentrating. Louis smelled so good and he was sitting so close that their shoulders and thighs touched. He wished he could run his fingers through his hair to feel that soft fringe. Louis's thoughts were running in the same direction. If he gently pulled one of Harry's lovely curls, would it bounce back? What cologne did he wear? It smelled really nice.

Niall laughed out loud and they all turned to look at him. The movie wasn't even funny.
"The Irish leprechaun is weird." Louis mumbled to Harry who started to giggle. Louis was so funny!

"I'm hungry!" Niall complained.

"I can cook for us." Harry offered.

"I'll help!" Louis immediately said and Harry smiled at him while internally cooed over how cute he was.

They walked over to the kitchen and Harry picked out the ingredients he needed to make a pasta sauce with mince.
"Do you wanna chop the onions?" He asked Louis.

"Uhm...sure. If you show me how." Louis answered with blushed cheeks.

"You don't know how to chop an onion?" Harry questioned in surprise.

"Not really. I don't do a lot of cooking." Louis answered.

"Really?" Harry chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm here for moral support mostly." Louis smirked.

Harry laughed softly and found a cutting board and a knife and put it in front of Louis.
"Cut the ends off, peel it and chop it into small pieces. You can do it." Harry encouraged.

Louis followed instructions and in the meantime, Harry put the mince in a frying pan and started to cook it. He put another pan on the stove with water for the pasta. He threw Louis a glance once in a while. He looked really concentrated and Harry smiled fondly. Louis was absolutely adorable. He had never met someone before that he felt such an instant connection with.
"Done!" Louis shouted proudly.

Harry walked over and looked at the chopped onions. They were a mix of large and small pieces.
"Perfect! Put it in the fryingpan."

Louis beamed from the praising and took the cutting board over to the stove. He put the onions in the pan and then he turned around to look at Harry for further instructions. Harry couldn't hide the fond smile.
"Just stir it."

Louis grabbed the wooden spoon and hesitated at first but then he got really into it. Unfortunately, he got a little too enthusiastic and managed to tip the frying pan from the stove. Harry closed his eyes and stopped time. When he opened them again he stared at the disaster that was about to happen. How would he be able to fix this and come up with an explanation that made sense? He sighed and walked over to the fryingpan hanging mid-air.

He picked it up and put it back on the stove, saving their dinner from being thrown on the floor. What now? He stood behind Louis and took his hand with the spoon and held the handle of the frying pan with the other one. He would just have to play dumb. He had to stop saving Louis from his clumsiness like this.

He unfroze time and Louis jumped and screamed.
"Where did you come from?"

"I was right behind you. You were about to tip the pan." Harry answered and took a step back.

Louis turned around with furrowed eyebrows.
"You were by the counter a second ago. Do you have super speed or something?"

"Yeah, right." Harry laughed. He could hear how fake his laughter sounded. He cleared his voice.
"I'm sorry I snuck up on you like that. Ehm, add the crushed tomatoes, will you?"

Louis gave him a pensive stare.

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