10-Liams secret

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A month went by and Harry and Louis continued dating intensely. Niall had a hard time. He was happy for them but they thought about each other 24/7 and he needed a break!

At the same time, he got to follow their romance progressing from a unique point of view. From every little insecure thought like "does he really like me?" to the moment they both realized they were in love and then there was that insecurity again "what if he hasn't fallen for me?" It was beautiful to witness. He just wished he didn't have to hear all the dirty thoughts as well. Too much information! He wished he could bleach his brain from all the images their thoughts gave him.

Louis smirked at him often, knowing his secret. He snapped once, when he found himself alone with Louis, asking him to stop thinking about everything he found sexy about Harry (It was a long fucking list) but Louis just shrugged his shoulders.
"Can't help it mate. Try not to listen to my private thoughts!"

"I wish I could!" Niall hissed and stomped to his room and slammed the door.

Louis felt bad for him but then he remembered that Niall knew everything Harry was thinking and that just made him jealous. Niall probably knew how Harry felt about him. They hadn't talked about that yet. He decided to change that and crashed inside Harry's bedroom. Harry looked up from a book he was reading.
"Hi Lou, what..."

"I'm in love with you." Louis blurted out.

Harry slowly broke out in a dimpled smile.
"I'm in love with you too."

Louis walked up to the bed and kissed him. "Wanna be my boyfriend?"

Harry pulled him down and rolled them around, knowing that Louis wanted him on top.

They started a heated make-out session until Zayn knocked on the door.
"Harry, we need to get to class." 

"No!" Harry growled playfully and hugged Louis close.

"See you after class baby." Louis said softly and pressed one last kiss against Harry's lips before he got off him.

Harry didn't move. He just laid there with a smile on his lips. Louis took his hand to help him get up.
"Lou? I'm really happy." Harry said shyly.

Louis smiled down at him.
"Me too baby. Me too."

"Baby?" Harry questioned.

"You don't like it? I'm sorry. I'll give you another pet name." Louis said and scratched the back of his head.

"I like it!" Harry grinned before he got up from the bed.

Harry left with Zayn and Niall, Liam and Louis walked together to their end of the school.
"Come on! I know a shortcut!" Louis said and turned left into an alley.

Niall and Liam followed him behind. Suddenly there was a loud noise above them and they looked up. A container was falling towards them. Neither of them had the time to get away and they stared at it in horror. Louis closed his eyes, waiting to get killed but it never happened. He opened his eyes again and gasped from the sight that met him.

Liam had stopped the 2000 kilo container, balancing it over his head before he threw it to the side and it fell to the ground with an ear-deafening sound.  

They didn't speak at first. They just stood and stared at Liam who looked back at them. Finally, Niall opened his mouth.
"How did you do that?"

"Ehm, adrenaline rush?" Liam tried to come up with an explanation.

"Yeah, that one weighs like 2000 kilo. I don't think so mate." Louis snorted.

"I work out." Liam said.

"Cut the crap. That should have been impossible." Niall said and then he listened to Liam's thoughts and his eyes grew wide.
"You have inhuman strength and you can't get hurt? That's incredible!"

Liam wrinkled his eyebrows in confusion.
"How did...did you just? No! Impossible."

"I did." Niall smirked.

"You can hear my thoughts?" Liam questioned and stared at Niall in disbelief. 

"Yep but that's nothing compare to our sassy friend over there." Niall said with a smirk and tilted his head towards Louis.

Liam stared at Louis instead.
"You also have an ability?"

Louis smirked and took a quick look around to make sure that no one was around before he lifted from the ground and flew a lap around Liam before he landed on the ground again and took a bow.

Liam's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.
"You can fly?"

"Yep!" Louis grinned proudly.

"I....wow...I have a hard time grasping this." Liam said.

"Look who's talking. You're the fucking hulk!" Louis grinned.

"Yeah, thanks for saving our lives!" Niall said. 

"You're welcome." Liam said with a shy smile.

"Now I get why you always think about heavy machinery. I found it really weird mate." Niall smirked.

"You heard my every thought for the last month? I don't know if I'm okay with that!" Liam huffed.

"I'm sorry. I can't help it. If it makes you feel better, your thoughts are really boring in comparison with Louis's and Harry's, oh and Zayns, he's weird." Niall chuckled. 

"Really?" Liam asked and smirked at Louis who rolled his eyes in response.

"Yeah, I'm in love. I'm not making excuses for the things I think. I don't appreciate for a second that you know what's going on inside my boyfriend's head!" Louis huffed and crossed his arms over his chest, while glaring at Niall.

"Still, can't help it mate but it's all good things, I can promise you that. Boyfriend huh? You finally made it official? Congratulations!" Niall grinned.

"Thanks!" Louis beamed before he turned to Liam again. "So you can't get hurt? That's insane!"

"Yeah, I mean, I don't think so. Cuts heal, bones heal. I don't know what would happen if I got decapitated but I'm not exactly eager to find out." Liam chuckled.

"That's freaking awesome!" Niall shouted excited.

"Yeah, so guys, can de keep this between us? I never told anyone about my abilities." Liam said, looking scared.

"Of course! Your secret's safe with us." Louis assured him and Niall nodded his head in agreement.

"Great, we should really get to class now." Liam smiled.

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