16- Lifeless

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They managed to reach the stairs. Louis could see the fire on the bottom floor. This was such a bad idea.
"Zayn? Liam?" He shouted.

"Louis?" Liam shouted back from somewhere.

"Yeah, I'm at the stairs. I have a little girl with me." Louis shouted back.

He took a firm grip of the girl's hand and started to walk down the stairs. He hoped it was stable enough. When they were halfway down Liam and Zayn showed up.
"Jesus Lou, why didn't you take her out a window?" Liam asked.

"She's afraid of flying." Louis smirked.

"Oh for fucks sake. Hurry! We won't be able to get out soon."Liam said stressfully.

Louis picked up the little girl and carried her down the stairs. He handed her over to Liam when they had almost reached the bottom. Zayn turned around to control the fire and Liam walked behind him. Louis jumped the last three steps but to his surprise, the floor broke underneath him and he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He looked down in surprise. He had been impaled with one of the floorboards. His suit was turning red.

Liam and Zayn had turned around when they heard the floor break. They stared at Louis in utter horror. Louis made a gurgling sound and his head fell to the side and he stared into nothing.
"Louis? Oh my fucking God! LOUIS!" Zayn shouted and ran up to him.

He shook his lifeless body and checked his pulse.
"He's dead!" He screeched and burst out crying.

"No!" Liam screamed and fell to his knees.

"Liam! We have to get out of there!" Zayn said.

"Take her!" Liam replied and tried to hand him the girl.

"What? No!" Zayn protested, out of his mind.

"We're not leaving Louis!" Liam answered. He gave Zayn the girl and reached down to drag Louis's body out of the hole. He removed the piece of wood that had impaled his heart as well.

"We won't be able to get outside. There's too much fire! I can't!" Zayn said, panicking more and more with every second.

Liam looked around.
"Come on! Kitchen!"

He started to run with Louis in his arms. He ran right up to the wall. He didn't stop, he just ran right through it without considering the damage it would do to him. He landed on the lawn. Zayn was right behind him. Niall and Harry came running up to them.
"What happened? Is Louis alright?" Harry shouted.

Liam broke down crying.
"He's dead."

Harry just stared at him for what seemed like forever before his eyes finally fell on the lifeless body in Liam's arms. His lower lip started to tremble and he fell to his knees and started to sob uncontrollably.

"How?" Niall asked.

"He fell through the floor. Impaled his heart on a stupid piece of wood." Liam answered.

Harry started to beat his knuckles against the grass until they were bloody. Niall got down next to him and tried to comfort him.
"This is all your fault. You and your talk about our abilities and being fucking superheroes. Wait.." Harry sat up straight and wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "I can fix this."

He looked around in a frantic state, refusing to look at Louis's dead body.
"Show me which window he entered! And find me a fucking ladder!"

Niall exchanged a look with Zayn and Liam.

"NO! I'm not losing him! Hey you! Give me a fucking ladder!" Harry shouted at a fireman a few feet away.

The fireman hurried to meet his request. His whole team was in shock at what they had witnessed and he didn't want to mess with the strange men in spandex with superpowers. As soon as he came running with a ladder Harry shouted to him to follow him and he ran around the house looking for the right window. If he was gonna go back in time he had to see where he was going.

He found it and the fireman helped him to put the ladder against the wall. Harry climbed it immediately and went through the window. He took a look around in the room, memorizing it. He looked at his arm watch. Louis must have broken the window about 35 minutes ago. He closed his eyes and tried to call down. He had to get this right. He took a deep breath and concentrated really hard.

When he opened his eyes he was standing in the same room and the window was still broken. Didn't it work? He looked at the time and let out a breath of relief. The clock had rewind 35 minutes. Where were Louis and the little girl? Then he heard Louis's northern accent outside the room and he ran towards it. Louis was just about to step down the stairs.

Louis turned around in surprise.
"Harry? What are you doing here?"

Harry ran up to him and threw himself in his arms and hugged him close and started to cry again.
"I love you so much. Never leave me again."

"I love you too and I'm not gonna leave you silly. Wait, what's going on? Why are you crying?" Louis said confused.

"If you walk down those stairs you're gonna die. Come on! Let's fly out the window." Harry answered truthfully.

"I die? So you traveled back in time?" Louis gasped.

"Yes! Hurry! I want you down in safety." Harry said and pulled Louis against the bedroom.

"Wow, it comes in handy to have a boyfriend who can time travel." Louis chuckled.

"There's nothing funny about you dying." Harry hissed.

"I know. I'm sorry for dying on you love." Louis said softly.

"Don't do it again!" Harry huffed.

They had reached the bedroom. The little girl was crying now.
"She's afraid of flying. That's why we took the stairs." Louis explained.

"That's not a problem." Harry sat down and looked at the girl. "Hi, sweetie. You won't be flying. Can you just sit here for a while?"

The girl nodded her head and sat down on the floor. Harry turned to Louis. "Hug me. I'll stop time. You can take her down and come back for me before I unfroze time again.
"That's brilliant!" Louis beamed.

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