3- Fangirling

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Their dorm was like an apartment. They had a bedroom each and shared common areas like the bathroom, a living room, and a small kitchen. It was great!

Harry unpacked his things before he joined the rest of the guys in the living room to get to know them. They ordered pizza for dinner.

Harry was seated next to Louis on the couch. He didn't complain. He was totally mesmerized by him. Liam was next to Louis and Zayn and Niall sat in one armchair each. Harry noticed that Niall mostly observed them all, especially him and Louis. What was up with that?
"So why aren't you living with the same dormmates you had last year?" Harry asked.

"I didn't like mine. They were mean idiots." Liam muttered.

"Same!" Niall said.

"Uhm, I kind of started a fire in mine, a drunk accident. They didn't want to live with me after that." Zayn admitted.

All four boys stared at him.
"How do you accidentally start a fire?" Liam questioned, eyeing Zayn suspiciously.

"Don't worry, it won't happen again. I learned from my mistake." Zayn answered with a chuckle. He was sleeping with special oven mittens taped on his hands but they didn't have to know that. He looked up and met Niall's eyes. Niall was staring at him with a wrinkle between his eyebrows. He looked confused.

"Yeah, one of the dudes in my dorm tried to sleep with me all the time. I mean, I like guys but he wasn't my type." Louis said.

Harrys mind was spinning. Louis liked guys? Oh my God! Yes! Yes! Woohoo!

Niall laughed all of a sudden and they all stared at him.
"Okay, you do that all of the time. It's weird mate." Liam said.

"Sorry, sorry. Thought of something again." Niall said and tried to collect himself but then Louis looked at Harry wondering about his sexual orientation. The doorbell saved him. He shot up from his chair to open the door, hiding his grin. Those two.

He came back with the pizza and they dug in. They small talked telling each other basic stuff.

When Harry went to bed later that evening he laid awake for a while thinking about his new roommates. He liked all of them. They were all very different from each other. Liam seemed calm and like, too serious sometimes. Zayn was quiet and mysterious. Niall was a sweetheart. Kind of goofy. Louis... He didn't know how to describe him really. He was funny and sassy and...loud and kind of shy? Nevertheless, he was absolutely adorable. He was also two years older. He probably thought Harry was a kid. But he was eighteen now! Louis just had to get to know him. That was the last thought that crossed his mind before he fell asleep.

He woke up on Sunday morning feeling excited. He got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom. He was the first one up so it wasn't occupied. One bathroom on five guys would be interesting. He took a wee and got in the shower after that. After a quick wash-up, he dried himself with his towel and secured it around his waist. He took a second towel and wrapped it around his hair. Finally, he brushed his teeth and shaved. A knock on the door made him flinch and he cut himself. He wet a piece of paper and pressed it against his chin before he opened the door. Louis was standing outside.
"Oh, it's you."

"It's me." Harry confirmed, feeling stupid. Get a grip!

"What happened?" Louis questioned.

"Well, you startled me, so I cut myself shaving." Harry explained.

Louis's eyes grew wide.
"I'm sorry. Here, let me patch you up. Sit on the toilet."

"It's okay Louis." Harry chuckled.

"Sit." Louis said and went to a cabinet under the sink to find some band-aid.

Harry sat down, holding on to his towel. He didn't want to go full monty on Louis the second day of knowing him. Louis found antiseptic and poured some on a cotton ball.
"Let me see."

"It's just a small cut. Honestly." Harry protested but he removed the paper.

Louis pressed the cotton ball against the small cut and Harry flinched a little from the sting. Louis put on a band-aid. It was pink and had unicorns on it.

"Uhm, thanks. Nice band-aid." Harry smirked.

"Me mum bought it for my sisters but gave it to me instead." Louis giggled.

Harry fangirled internally over that giggle for a moment before he pulled himself together.
"Ehm, I should put on some clothes."

Louis winked and turned to the sink to brush his teeth.
"Gat is your plans f doday?" He asked, mouth full of toothpaste.

"I'm gonna check out the campus." Harry answered with a smile.

Louis spitted out his toothpaste. 
"Yeah? Can I join you?"

"Of course! Maybe you can show me around?" Harry smiled.

"I'd love to." Louis smiled back before he continued to brush his teeth.

Harry went to his room to get dressed. He fixed his hair as well before he walked to the kitchen to eat some breakfast. He needed to go grocery shopping as well but hopefully one of the guys could share some breakfast with him. He found Niall by the stove cooking scrambled eggs and bacon.
"Good morning."

"Morning mate. Did you sleep well?" Niall asked.

"Yes. You?"

Before Niall could answer Louis entered the kitchen.
"Wanna eat breakfast at a coffee shop Harry?"

"Yes! That's a great idea." Harry answered excitedly.

Louis smiled at him and they just stood there gazing at each other like fools while they simultaneously were thinking things like. "He's so cute! We're gonna spend the day together. I can't wait."

Their staring competition was interrupted by Niall's loud cackle by the stove. Louis turned to him with furrowed eyebrows.
"What's so funny?"

"Nothing." Niall mumbled and filled a plate with food. Man, he had to stop laughing at their thoughts but they were so damn cute!

Harry just shrugged his shoulders and went to put his shoes on. He and Louis left the dorm together.

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