6-Nurse Harry

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Harry, followed by Liam and Zayn burster into the room.
"What happened?" Harry asked when he spotted Louis on the floor and hurried over.

Louis and Niall exchanged a look.
"Ehm, I was gonna show Niall a sweet dance move and I fell and hit my head." Louis panic lied.

Harry looked between them and then his eyes stopped and he stared at Niall with furrowed eyebrows. Louis could see Niall's eyes widened in surprise.
"Yeah, if I had been into guys I would have totally loved it." Niall said while he stared at Harry.

Louis could see Harry relax. What the hell was going on? Then it hit him! Oh, Harry must have thought that something was going on between him and Niall! Poor baby! Niall tried to reassure him that wasn't the case but now it sounded like he had been trying to hit on him and Niall turned him down. 
"Yeah, you're not my type Niall. I wasn't trying to seduce you." He snorted.

Harry looked down at him with a smile. He looked relieved. Louis's tummy fluttered. So maybe Harry was interested in him too? Niall cackled out loud and ruined the moment.
"So is someone gonna help me up or what?"

Harry immediately reached out a hand and helped him to his feet and then he proceeded to lead him towards the bed.
"You hit your head. You should lay down and rest for a while." He said with a concerned voice.

"Keep me company?" Louis asked.

"Sure." Harry agreed and blushed a little.

"Okay guys, we'll be in the living room." Niall said with a smirk and motioned for Liam and Zayn to head out of the room. They closed the door behind them.

Louis laid down on the bed and Harry hesitated and sat down on the edge. Louis rolled his eyes playfully and moved closer to the wall and patted the spot next to him. Harry smiled a dimpled smile and laid down. They were facing each other.
"Did you get a bump?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. Here." Louis took Harry's hand and guided him to the top of his head before he removed his own hand. Harry carefully brushed over the bump.
"You're such a clutch."

"Yeah." Louis smirked.

Harry slipped his fingers into Louis's hair and ran them through it. He couldn't resist it. It was as smooth as he had imagined. Maybe even better. He took his hand away and blushed.

"Don't be. It felt nice." Louis answered breathlessly.

They got lost in each other's eyes for a moment but then Louis swallowed loudly. He looked nervous.
"I want to ask you something. Two things when I think about it."

"Ask away." Harry said encouragingly.

"Ehm, would you like, eh, to go on a date with me?" Louis said.

"I'd love to!" Harry immediately answered and smiled brightly.

"You would?" Louis couldn't believe it.

"I really fucking would."  Harry grinned.

"Good!" Louis started to smile as well.

"What's the second thing you wanted to ask me?" Harry wondered.

"Yeah, so...can I feel your hair? I've been thinking about those lovely curls the whole week, wondering how they feel. Fuck, I sound like a creep." Louis said and blushed.

Harry laughed softly.
"No, you don't. It's sweet. Go ahead."

Louis reach out and tangled his hand in Harry's hair. It was soft and the curls bounced back when he had run his fingers through them. He took his hand away. They just laid there not knowing what to say really. Harry tried to start a conversation.
"Uhm, tomorrow?"

"What about tomorrow?" Louis questioned.

"Do you wanna go on a date tomorrow or is that too early?" Harry asked with pink cheeks and bit his lower lip.

"Tomorrow's perfect!" Louis grinned.

They started to run their fingers through each other's hair again and soon they were both asleep. Out in the living room, the three other boys had continued the party.

Niall was getting drunk and with that his ability went away. He could still pick up a few loose thoughts from his mates but it was quickly fading away. It felt nice to be alone in his own head for once. Zayn was still obsessing over those mittens. He was so weird. Liam was still thinking about heavy stuff, as in vehicles. Also fucking weird.
"What are they doing in there?" Zayn asked and tilted his head in the direction of Louis's bedroom.

Niall smirked but tried to look innocent.
"Harry's probably playing nurse."

"I didn't need that image in my head. Thanks, Niall." Liam chuckled.

"Just let them be. Louis is probably resting. He hit his head pretty hard." Niall said.

"Yeah, I never really understood how he exactly manages to do that?" Zayn questioned.

Niall scratched the back of his head awkwardly.
"Ehm, he was dancing and stumbled, and yeah..."

"Why did he dance for you in private?" Zayn asked and raised an eyebrow, looking amused.

"Who knows? Another beer guys?" Niall said, desperately trying to change the subject. He couldn't tell them what really happened. He still hadn't processed the fact that Louis freaking Tomlinson could fly. That was absolutely insane and so fucking awesome! He was so happy that he had found someone else with a special gift.

"Okay, one more." Liam agreed and Zayn nodded his head while thinking that his hands would be okay as long as he didn't drink more than that. Yeah, fucking weird. Niall shook his head in amusement and went to fetch them new beers.

They drank and small talked. Louis and Harry came out from Louis's bedroom looking like they just woke up. They said no to another beer and they all decided to watch a movie instead. They chose a good comedy. 
"We really suck at partying!" Liam stated.

"Yeah. Better luck next time." Louis smirked.

They ordered in and spent the rest of the Saturday evening in front of the tv, just enjoying each other's company.

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