11- Secrets out

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Louis found out about Zayn's ability a week after that when he entered his bedroom without knocking. Zayn was laying in bed playing with a ball of fire. He put it out and looked at Louis.





They stared at each other in silence after that. Louis could see that Zayn was trying not to freak out so he did the only thing he could do at that moment, he lifted from the floor and flew over to Zayn's bed. Zayn stared at him in shock.




After that Louis sat down and they talked it through. Two days later he had convinced Zayn to tell Niall and Liam about his ability. Niall burst out laughing.
"Now I totally get the oven mittens! I thought you had some really weird kink going on!"

"I can't believe you can hear my thoughts! That's really fucking intrusive!" Zayn huffed.

"I know and I'm sorry, okay?" Niall answered softly.

"Yeah, I guess you can't help it." Zayn answered.


"Guys, I think we should tell Harry about our abilities. We can't leave him out of this." Louis said.

"You only say that because he's your boyfriend." Zayn snorted.

"That's a part of it but wouldn't it be nice to be able to be yourself inside this dorm? Have a safe place where you don't have to hide your abilities? We can trust him. I'm telling him about mine at least." Louis argued.

"Louis's right. We can trust him." Niall said.

"Are you sure?" Liam questioned.

"Harry is very loyal and he loves all of us." Niall said.

"Stop eavesdropping on his thoughts!" Louis growled.  

Niall held up his hands in defense.
"I would if I could, trust me! I know way too much about the two of you to be comfortable."

Louis blushed.

Niall smirked.
"So? Are we telling him?"

The boys looked around at each other for confirmation and they all nodded their heads.
"Great! I'll get him!" Louis shouted excitedly.

"Wait! Now?" Liam questioned.

"Let's just get it over with." Zayn said with a shoulder shrug.

Louis ran over to Harry's room and knocked at the door. Harry shouted a "come in." He smiled as soon as Louis entered.
"I was wondering where you went."

Louis walked over to the bed and kissed him. Harry tried to pull him down on the bed with him but Louis took a step back. He swallowed nervously.
"I have something to tell you, or show you really. Please don't freak out!"

Harry furrowed his eyebrows and sat up.
"You look really nervous Lou. What is it?"

"Ehm, I can do something I think no one else can." Louis started off and bit his lower lip.

Harry's eyes widened in surprise.
"Like what?"

"Okay, I'm just gonna show you." Louis said with a nervous laugh.

He took a deep, shaky breath and then he lifted from the floor and floated mid-air. Harry stared at him in disbelief.
"What the actual fuck? You're flying! Holy shit!"

Louis landed on the floor again and looked at Harry with insecurity written all over his face. He looked really scared. Harry's features soften immediately and he reacts out a hand to pull Louis down on the bed. He wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tightly.
"Don't be scared sweetie. Thank you for trusting me with your secret. You're amazing! I can't believe you can fly! That's incredible!"

"Thanks. Uhm, I thought you would be more shocked than this. You're really handling it well." Louis answered.

Harry let go and gave Louis a pensive stare. It looked like he was debating with himself if he should say something or not.
"Well, I kind of have a secret of my own."

Louis stared at him with his mouth open.
"No way! You have an ability? What is it?"

Harry hesitated briefly before he answered.
"I can bend the space and time continuum."

Louis blinked a couple of times, looking utterly shocked.
"Wait, what? You can time travel?"

"Yes, and stop time." Harry said with a shy smile.

"That's unbelievable! But.. how, wait! The first time we went to that coffee shop and I stumbled..." Louis questioned, finally putting two and two together.

"Yeah, I stopped time and fixed it. I didn't want you to feel embarrassed." Harry said and blushed.

"That's...do you do this a lot?" Louis said and glared at him suspiciously. 

"No! That time only, oh, and once more when we made that pasta and you were about to drop the whole fryingpan on the floor. That time too but that's it. I used to do it a lot more in high school, you know, fast forward boring classes and stuff like that but now I know the responsibility that comes with it." Harry smirked.

"This is an incredible gift. I can't believe it! Come on! The guys have something to tell you." Louis said with a smile and dragged Harry along.

The boys got up from the couch as soon as they entered the living room and Louis pushed Harry down instead. Harry looked around.
"What's going on?"

"I told him I can fly." Louis explained.

"How did he take it?" Liam wondered.

"Guys, I'm sitting right here."  Harry complained.

"He's really calm about it. He's not freaking out at all." Niall said.

Harry gave him a confused look.
"Yeah, so I can hear people's thoughts." Niall explained.

"Oh? Oh! Fuck! You heard everything I ever thought about? That's embarrassing!" Harry said and hid his face in his hands.

"Yeah, but really cute!" Niall said with a smirk.

"Oh, God." Harry muttered.

"Moving on. Liam?" Louis said and squeezed Harry's shoulder comforting.

"Uhm, I'm really strong, like lift a mountain kind of strong and I have the ability to heal." Liam said.

Harry looked up at him.

He looked over at Zayn instead who smirked and created a ball of fire. Harry's eyes widened in surprise but he didn't comment on it. Instead, he started to smile.
"We have all incredible abilities." He stated.

"We?" Niall questioned.

Harry smirked and closed his eyes to stop time. He walked over to his frozen friends and pulled down their trousers, except for Louis'. He sat down on the couch again with a smugged smile and unfroze time, waiting for the reaction.

It came instantly. Louis burst out laughing when he saw his friends in their boxers, knowing what Harry had done.
"What? How?" Liam asked confused while he pulled his pants back on.

"I think our dear Harry here has a secret as well." Zayn smirked and buttoned his pants.

"I can bend the space and time continuum." Harry said with a shrug.

Niall still had his pants down and stared at Harry in shock.
"You can time travel? That's bloody brilliant! Guys! We're gonna be superheroes!"

"What the hell is he talking about?" Liam questioned.

"We all have an amazing gift. We have to use them for the greater good. I'm gonna make us costumes!"  Niall shouted excitedly and started to run towards his bedroom with his pants by his ankles.

"Yeah, he lost it." Zayn stated.

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