17-Shaken up

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As soon as they were safely on the ground all three of them Harry unfroze time. The boys came running up to them.

Harry made sure the little girl was taken care of and handed her over to a medical team. The firefighters were still putting out the fire but all of the children had been rescued.

"Guys, our work here is done. Let's go home." Niall said.

"Wait!" One of the firefighters came running up to them.

He stopped at a safe distance and they turned around to face him.
"Who are you guys? How can you do that? It's crazy."

"We don't want to reveal our identities. We're just five guys with special gifts." Niall said.

'I'll say. I can't believe you did that. Thank you for saving the children!" The fireman said.

"We're glad we could help." Harry answered.

"And it's okay to call us superheroes." Niall grinned and Liam smacked him in the back of the head.

"Guys, let's go. Baby, take us home." Louis said.

They gathered around in a ring around Harry and the firefighter watched them disappear, just like that.
Harry opened his eyes and looked around. They were back in their dorm. His eyes fell on Louis and he burst out crying.
"You died!"

"What's he talking about?" Niall asked in confusion.

Louis took two steps forward and wrapped his arms around Harry and rocked him back and forth.
"I'm okay baby. You saved me. It's all good."

"You died?" Liam questioned.

"Yeah. Harry brought me back." Louis answered with teary eyes.

"Oh shit!" Zayn gasped.

Louis picked Harry up bridal style and carried him to his bedroom. He laid him down on the bed and tried to step away for a second but Harry held him in a firm grip.
"Don't leave. Don't ever leave me."

"I won't. I think you're in a bit of a shock. I'm just gonna get out of this costume. Yeah?" Louis said softly.

"Yeah, okay." Harry agreed with a shaky voice.

Louis stripped out of his costume and helped Harry take his off as well before he laid down in bed and wrapped his arms around Harry once more.
"I love you, Harry."

"I love you too."

They stayed in bed for a couple of days. Harry wouldn't let him go. He was still shaken up and had nightmares of Louis dying in one horrible way after another. Louis just held him close, kissed him, and told him he loved him and that he wasn't going anywhere.

On the third day, the boys knocked on the door and came inside. They had only seen their roommates when they came out for bathroom breaks or for something to eat.
"Are you guys alright?" Liam asked.

"Yeah." Louis answered for them both.

"We're all over the news. Five mysterious boys with superpowers. We did good." Niall grinned.

"I died." Louis snorted and Harry immediately whimpered and pulled him closer.

"Right. Ehm, but you didn't." Niall said and scratched the back of his neck.

"Because of Harry." Louis said.

"Your ability could come in handy. Come on! We could go back in time and kill Hitler before he massacred millions." Zayn said.

"You don't know if something or someone even worse would come along instead." Harry answered.

"Worse than Hitler?" Liam questioned.

"You know what you got but not what you get. No one should change history like that. It's called the butterfly effect." Harry explained.

"But you went back in time to save me." Louis said quietly.

"First of all, you just died so I wouldn't change much. But it was a selfish act. I just can't live in a world where you don't exist Boo. I couldn't bear it." Harry said emotionally.

"Fuck! I love you so much baby and I'm really thankful to be alive." Louis said with a trembling voice and glossy eyes before he smashed their lips together.

"Aaaaw." Was heard from the three other boys. 

"So what now?" Liam asked after a while.

"I think we have a responsibility to help out in situations where there's no other solution. Those kids would have died if it hadn't been for us." Niall said.

They all looked at each other. Harry was the first one to speak up.
"Niall is right. No matter how scary that was we have to use our abilities for the greater good."

"Second that." Zayn agreed and Liam nodded his head in agreement.

"It's settled then. Niall, we need new costumes. Ours got destroyed by the fire."

Niall smiled widely.
"We need codenames!"

"As long as it's not Zack." Zayn snorted.

"Pyro?" Liam suggested.

"I like that!" Zayn grinned.

They spent the rest of the afternoon coming up with names. For years to come, five men by the names Pyro, Aero (Louis), Mind (Niall demanded to be call mastermind or just master but he never got what he wanted), Time (simple but affective), and Power kept the citizens of London safe.

They became widely popular with their own merch but they kept their identities hidden. Harry and Louis got married after they finished Uni and they all stayed the best of friends.

The End

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