5-A weird Niall

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The first week of school went by really fast. Harry loved all his classes. It was so exciting to go to University.

He really liked his dorm mates as well. Especially Louis but they were all great guys.

They had decided to celebrate their newfound friendship with a little home party just the five of them. They started early on Saturday. All of them were sitting in the living room drinking beer. Louis was sitting next to him on the sofa and his heart skipped a beat when Louis put his arm around his shoulders. He thought of all kinds of things involving Louis.

Niall cackled out loud out of nowhere but they were getting used to his odd behavior. Niall had a hard time controlling himself. He couldn't help it. He found it absolutely adorable that Louis and Harry both were thinking about kissing each other, totally oblivious about the fact that they were both so into each other. He couldn't tell them. Then he had to explain his ability and that was a secret. It was kind of unethical too, sharing someone else's private thoughts. He would never do that. It was bad enough that he heard what they were thinking.

He tuned in on the other two instead. Zayn was nervous, thinking that drinking beer was such a bad idea, thinking he should go and get his oven mittens. What the fuck was up with that? Some weird kink?

Liam was thinking about how much a tractor could weigh. Why? His dorm mates were so weird but he liked them anyway. Louis and Harry were gazing into each other's eyes both thinking embarrassing thoughts. Why couldn't they just get it on? He didn't know how much more of this mutual pining he could take. He chuckled lightly to himself and Louis immediately turned to look at him.

Louis had a suspicion regarding his Irish bloke but it couldn't be. That was preposterous. On the other hand, he also could do the impossible. He had to observe him some more. But it seemed like Niall always laughed when he thought about Harry. Niall was concentrating on Zayn for the moment with a wrinkle between his eyebrows. What was that about?
"Cheers mates! Let's get drunk!" Louis shouted and raised his beer.

Six beers later he had that buzzing feeling in his head and he decided to try something. He started to think about how Harry would look like naked, observing Niall without making it obvious.

At first, he just thought about images of a naked Harry (sue him, the man was fucking gorgeous) but Niall didn't react at all. Interesting.
Instead, he formed words in his head. "I wonder what Harry would look like naked? I bet he has a gorgeous body. He's so sexy."

Niall was just drinking from his beer and spit it out and started to cough. Louis's eyes grew wide. No way! Insane! He waited a few minutes before he thought something else directly directed towards Niall.
"Niall, I'm gonna eat all your chips now."

"No!" Niall shouted out of nowhere and glared at Louis.

"Aha!" Louis shouted back and pointed a finger at Niall.

Niall stared at him in shock. He looked really scared. Louis felt sorry for him.
"Don't be afraid Niall. Come on, Let's talk in private. I'll go to my room. Meet me there."

Niall stared at him and then he slowly nodded his head. Louis got up with some lame excuse and went to his room. A few minutes later Niall entered and closed the door behind them. They just stood in the middle of the room staring at each other in silence for a moment until Louis opened his mouth to speak.
"You can hear what people think." He stated.

"That's impossible." Niall said.

"Yes, but somehow you can. Are you trying to deny it?" Louis asked.

"Why would you even suspect that? That's crazy!" Niall retorted.

"Niall, I asked you in my mind to meet me in my room and here you are." Louis chuckled.

"Oh." Niall said with a surprised look on his face.

"Every time I think of Harry you laugh." Louis said and blushed. Knowing that Niall had heard every embarrassing thought he had about Harry made him mortified.

"You two are too much. I'm sorry but I can't help it." Niall smirked.

"Us two? Does that mean that Harry thinks about me as well?" Louis asked in a hopeful voice.

"I can't share his thoughts, Louis. That's private. I'm not gonna either confirm it or deny it." Niall answered.

"Do I have a chance?" Louis asked.

"You have to ask him about that." Niall said.

"Ugh, fine. It's not fair! I'm never gonna know him like you do." Louis said, sounding sad.

"Of course you will. He'll tell you with his own words. I can't help hearing what people think. Trust me, it's not that great. You get very self-conscious. You meet someone and say hi and the first thing they think is "ugly shirt" or something equally flattering. Your self-esteem really gets punched on." Niall said, hanging his head.

"Oh, that's awful. I'm sorry Niall if I thought anything remotely bad about you. I really like you. I hope you know that?" Louis said and put a hand on Niall's shoulder and squeezed it.

"Except for thinking I'm fucking weird for laughing at nothing all the time you've been a sweetheart and so are the rest of the guys. I've never felt so accepted before." Niall said with a smile. "But, uhm, please don't tell anyone about my ability. You're the only one who knows. I've been hiding it well since I was thirteen and I usually have a great poker face but you and Harry...I just can't contain myself. Please, Louis!" Niall pleaded, looking scared.

Louis decided to let Niall in on his secret. It was the right thing to do.
"Niall, I get it. I actually have a secret of my own that I haven't told anyone. I'm gonna show you. Then you don't have to be afraid because if I tell anyone your secret you can tell them mine." 

"Okay?" Niall said, sounding both confused and curious at the same time.

Louis took a step back. He closed his eyes to get in that special headspace he needed to be in and then he lifted from the floor and flew. Niall gasped.

The thing was though that after a couple of beers his coordination wasn't what it was supposed to be and he forgot that there was a roof and smashed his head in it. He fell to the floor with a grunt.
"Oh my God, are you okay?" Niall shouted.

"Aoch! That hurt!" Louis whined and looked up at Niall.

"You can fly?" Niall asked with his mouth hung open.

"I can fly." Louis confirmed while he rubbed the top of his head. 

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