8-Date day

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Louis took Harry's hand in his as soon as they came out of their building and started to walk down the street. Harry looked down at their hands with a delighted smile.

They strolled around an empty campus for a while before they turned left down the street to a nearby park. Louis spotted some swings and dragged Harry with him. Harry laughed and joined him. They took one swing each and pushed themselves in the air. Harry swung higher and higher.
"It feels like I'm flying." He shouted out.

"It's a close second." Louis giggled.

"Have you done a lot of flying?" Harry joked.

"Of course I have." Louis answered truthfully with sparkling eyes.

"I knew you were Superman." Harry laughed.

"What gave me away? The red cape?" Louis chuckled. They had stopped swinging and just sat there looking at each other.

"That and the way you have been ogling phonebooths." Harry answered with a grin.

"Ah! I must be more careful then." Louis winked.

He got up and reached out a hand for Harry to take.
"Come on! There's an arcade ten minutes away. Let's play some games!"

Harry nodded his head with a smile. They told each other about their families as they walked to the arcade. They spent an hour inside playing different games, laughing along. After that Louis took him to a coffee house, the same one they visited the first time they went somewhere together. Harry ordered a chicken salad and Louis followed his example. They sat down and continued their conversation while they ate, telling each other things about themselves in order to get to know each other even better.

Two hours later Louis looked at the clock.
"Wow, time really flies. I thought we could catch an early movie downtown and go to dinner after. Sounds good?"

"Yeah, wanna take my car?" Harry smiled.

"Sure. Come on!" Louis stood up and once again he reached out a hand for Harry to take. Harry really liked the fact that Louis always wanted to hold his hand. It was cute.

They walked to their dorm and Harry's car that was parked outside and climbed inside. Harry started the engine after they had put on their seatbelts and turned up the volume on the radio. He soon started to sing along to Four non blondes What's up that was currently playing. Louis smiled at him and started to sing as well. Soon they were both wailing "and I say hey, hey, hey" out loud.

Louis guided him to a movie theater and Harry managed to find parking nearby.  He turned the engine off and locked the car behind them as soon as they got out. This time he reached for Louis's hand and the smaller man took it without hesitation and a big smile on display. 

They looked at the selection of movies that they could choose from as soon as they reached the cinema.
"Look! The new Spiderman movie!" Louis said with enthusiasm.

"You have a thing for superheroes huh?" Harry teased.

"I guess I'm intrigued by normal people being able to do the impossible." Louis smirked. 

"Yeah." Harry said, looking really amused. He laughed quietly.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows. There was no way Harry could know about his ability to fly. Why was he laughing like it was a private joke? Weird.

They paid for their tickets and found their seats after buying popcorn and drinks. Louis put his arm around Harry's shoulders and Harry beamed.
They both enjoyed the movie and their time together and they were both buzzing when the movie was over and they were on their way out from the cinema.
"I don't know, Tobey Maguire did it better but it was still a good movie." Harry said.

"Yeah, this guy, was it Andrew Garfield? Anyway, he's not geeky enough, and he's too tall." Louis argued.

Harry gave him a once-over with a mischievous smile.
"Too tall? Whatever you say little one."

Louis gasped.
"Give me a break. I'm big!" He huffed.

"You're such a smol bean Lou, but I adore that about you." Harry smiled.

Louis rolled his eyes but blushed from the sweet words. He didn't actually care that he was smaller than Harry. He kind of liked it as well.

They found a cozy restaurant and they both ordered a steak. The conversation was flooding easily and they never ran out of topics to discuss.
They ordered dessert as well but stayed away from the alcohol considering tomorrow was a school day and Harry was driving.

Harry drove them back after dinner and they once again sang along to the radio. He parked the car and locked it and they walked inside their building together. Harry stopped outside their door and turned to look at Louis with a smile.
"I had such an amazing day today Louis. It can't get much better than this. It was absolutely perfect. Thank you!"

"I also had an amazing time but there's one thing I can think about that could make this day even better." Louis smiled and took a step closer.

He looked up at Harry and slowly pulled him closer with his hands on his hips.
"Can I kiss you?"

Harry nodded his head eagerly and leaned down to meet him. Louis connected their lips and snuck his arms around Harry's neck instead so he could press their bodies together. Harry wrapped his arms around him as well and kissed him back.

They tasted each other's lips for a moment before they opened their mouths to deepen the kiss. The hair on the back of Louis's neck stood up and he got butterflies in his stomach. Kissing Harry was absolutely amazing. It felt like he was floating.

He realized that he actually was in a way. His feet weren't touching the ground anymore. He panicked and broke the kiss before Harry would realize what was happening. He fell back to his feet abruptly. Harry opened his eyes in surprise.

"I have to talk to Niall!" Louis blurted out.

Harry wrinkled his eyebrows.
"Okay? Right now? Did I do something wrong? Was it a bad kiss?"

Louis took a deep breath to calm down. He took Harry's hand.
"I'm sorry for being so hyped. I just remembered I eh, have some school work I have to discuss with him. Bad timing! You did nothing wrong love. I had a wonderful time today and that kiss was incredible! I want to share many more with you and go on more dates. Yeah?"

"I'd like that as well." Harry beamed. He looked relieved.

"It's settled then." Louis said with a wink before he unlocked the door.

Harry went straight to the kitchen to take care of the dishes he left in the morning and Louis headed straight to Niall's room and knocked at the door. He was in desperate need of some advice.

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