15- Superheroes to the rescue

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"Ha-ya!" Niall shouted and punched the air.

"One karate session and now he thinks he's Mr. Miyagi." Zayn muttered. 

"You have to admit that it was fun." Louis grinned.

"It would have been if I constantly didn't have to worry about hurting someone." Liam sighed.

"Yeah, it must be really hard to try and kick someone like normal hard, not Liam super strength hard." Harry said softly and Liam nodded his head in agreement.

"It's mostly to learn how to defend ourselves." Niall said and petted Liam's shoulder.

"I'm indestructible." Liam snorted.

"I can't believe you talked us into this. What's next?" Zayn muttered.

"Oh, I'm so glad you asked Zack." Niall smirked.

"It's Zayn!" Zayn huffed.

"I got us a police radio!" Niall shouted excitedly and clasped his hands together.

"Oh boy." Liam chuckled.

"Yeah, we're still not doing the superhero thing." Zayn said and Niall rolled his eyes at them.

As soon as they got back to their dorm Niall ran to his room to listen on the Police radio. The four remaining boys took a seat in front of the tv to catch up on an episode of Gogglebox. A half-hour later Niall came running out into the living room looking really pale.
"Guys! Turn on the news!"

Harry grabbed the remote and switched tv channel.
"A fire at the orphanage on Main Street has put firefighters to the test. There are still children inside but they have trouble controlling the fire." The news reporter said, looking shaken up.

"We need to help them!" Niall shouted.

The rest of the boys stared at each other in shock before they jumped up from the couch.
"Of course." Liam said.

"Oh God, there are children inside!" Harry said with a trembling voice.

"Suit up!" Niall demanded and no one argued.

They all ran to their rooms to find their costumes. A few minutes later they all gathered in the living room.
"Harry, do you think you can like zap us all there?" Niall asked.

"Uhm, I can try. Yeah, gather around in a ring around me. Hug each other and everyone has to have a hand on me." He said in a stressful voice.

They hurried to do as he said and Harry took a deep breath and concentrated really hard to take them to the orphanage in present time. When he opened his eyes again he was blinded by fire. It had worked!
"You can't be here!" Someone shouted.

"Sir, we can help you save those children!" Niall immediately said and took a step forward. He wrinkled his eyebrows. "No, listen to me. Yes, we wear stupid costumes because we don't want to be recognized. No, I'm not crazy. Yes, I can hear your thoughts. We don't have time for this. Let us through!" Niall said firmly.

The firefighter stared at him with his mouth hung open. He looked like he was in complete shock. "Z...Zack, can you try and control the fire?" Niall asked.

"Yeah!" Zayn said.

"L...Lima you take the lead! You won't get hurt! Carry the children to safety! And Larry, yes you." Niall said and pointed at Louis. Damn it, he knew he had forgotten about something. They should have come up with superhero names. "Fly to the second floor and look around. The fire hasn't gotten that far yet. Look through the windows if you can spot someone, it will help Lima in his search for children."

"What about me?" Harry asked.

"You'll stay here with me. You've done your part. It's too dangerous inside." Niall said before he turned to the remaining three boys." what are you waiting for? Go!"

Louis flew off and everyone around shouted and pointed at him. Harry had never been more proud or concerned about his wonderful boyfriend before. Zayn and Liam ran past the firefighters that desperately tried to tame the flames unsuccessfully. Zayn stopped in front of the door.
"Kick it open!" He shouted to Liam who immediately took action.

The flames grew from the oxygen and came shooting out of the open door and Liam covered his face.
"Move!" Zayn shouted.

He raised his hands and drew the fire out from the hallway and created a huge ball of fire. Liam stared at him. He had never seen anything like it. Zayn was magnificent. As soon as he had it under control he turned to the firefighters.
"Put this out!"

The men stared at him in shock until one of them finally complied and pointed his hose at the fireball and put it out. Zayn smirked and then he and Liam ran into the house together. They worked as a team. Zayn kept the fire away from them while they searched every room. They found the first child hiding underneath the kitchen table. Liam grabbed the little boy and they took him outside before they went back inside to continued their search.

In the meantime, Louis was flying around the house looking through every window. So far he hadn't seen anyone and he made sure to shout hello every time he reached a new window if someone was hiding.

Liam and Zayn had found five more children inside and they had one room left. Once again Zayn controlled the fire, making a path. The fire didn't burn him and Liam would heal from burns. 

Louis reached the last window and his eyes grew wide. A little girl was pressed against the glass staring at him with big eyes. She looked scared out of her mind. He flew up to the window so he could talk to her.
"Hi, sweetie. Can you open the window for me?"

The girl shook her head. She didn't look like she was more than four years old.
"You can't? That's okay darling. Can you move away so I can break it?" Louis said.

The girl did as she was told and walked to the middle of the room. Louis turned his feet against the glass and hit it hard. Karate lessons came in handy. He managed to break the glass on the first try without cutting himself. He was a freaking superhero! He made sure to remove all of the glass from the frame before he flew inside and landed on the floor in front of her. He hunched down.
"Okay love, I'm gonna help you get out of here. Let me pick you up and then we can fly out the window."

"No! Scared of flying." The girl said.

"You're scared of flying? But this would be over fast. Promise." Louis said with a friendly smile.

The girl started to cry hysterically.
"Oh, no, no, don't cry! We'll take the stairs and we'll walk out of here together. Okay?" Louis said. It was such a bad idea but he couldn't exactly force himself on her and maybe drop her from the sky if she tried to get away.

The girl calmed down and nodded her head.
"Here, can I hold your hand?"

She took his hand and they started to walk towards the door. Louis had just made a decision that would be devastating.

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