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After I got over the flu and my best friend being dead, I'm going to be back at work and I'm feeling the biggest I have in a few weeks. It was going to be a good day, or so I thought it was, little did I know that my whole world was about to change again. I had just woke up when my phone rang. Not paying attention to the caller ID I answer.

"Halstead." I say sleepily

"Jay, Alvin got shot." I recognize the voice as Voight

"W-what?" I say shocked

And there goes feeling big and my good day. Alvin is basically my dad and only Voight knows that.

"Is Mouse with you?" Voight asks

"Yeah." I say 

I look over at Mouse, whose now listening intently.

"Well then get your asses to med, now!" Voight all but yells making me flinch

The beep at the end of the line tells me that my boss ended the call.

"Who was that?" Mouse asks

"Voight, Al's been shot and is at med, I don't know how bad it is." I speak while shaking

Mouse brings me into a hug, letting me rest my head on his shoulder.

"Come on, we got strict orders from Voight to get to the hospital." Mouse says pulling away

He grabs us some clothes and gets us dressed before grabbing his keys as we walk out the door. When we arrive at med,  Voight pulls me aside.

"It was just a shoulder shot, but I knew you would wanna be here." Voight tells me

"Where is he?" I ask 

"I'll take you to him, and you can stay as long as you want." Voight says 

He puts a hand on my back and guides me to Alvin's room. He's awake and looking at us.

"I brought you something." Voight says to Al

"Come're kid." Al says scooting over

I look at him with hesitation.

"You're not gonna hurt me." He says softly

I walk over and crawl in the bed with him. Al wraps an arm around my shoulders and I rest my head under his chin. I let the hand that's rubbing my back lull me back to sleep.

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