22: Hanging out with Adam and Platt

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Great, we caught a case, and Jay's still little. I'm trying to think of what to do in this situation, I don't want to force Jay to be little, but we need someone to watch him.

"If it's okay with, I can do computer work here and stay with Jay while you guys are out in the field," Adam pipes up

"Yeah, sounds good," I reply

I sit down on a desk and stare at the white board. I look over at Kevin who has Jay on his lap. Kim comes in quietly with some new information and we talk quietly so we don't wake Jay up.

"Alright, go get the suspect and bring her in," I say to no one inparticular

We roll out witht eh exception and Jay and Adam.


I shift in my chair, trying to keep Jay from waking up. He has one hand curled around a stuffed Panda and the other wrapped around one of my fingers. I hear someone coming up the stiars and realize it's Platt.

"Hey, I heard they left you here with Jay," Platt whispers

"Being here isn't so bad when he's like this, and since Mouse is out of town, I get to do all the computer work when the unit calls," I say

Jay stirs and opens his eyes. He must be big because he let's out a yelp and jumps off my lap.

"Jay, calm down, calm down buddy," I say, trying to get Jay to slow his breathing 

"I-I'm sorry," Jay stutters

"It's okay, you got scared," Platt says

"Come here," I tell Jay and pull him back on my lap

Before Mouse came to work for Intellegence, we knew that Jay was gay. We also learned that while he may not admit it, Jay's loves pysical contact, if he was having a bad day, he would always stay close to someone he trusts and lay his head on someone's shoulder.

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