17: Voight and the unit part 2

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I walk out of Voight's office and carry Jay to the couch in Voight's office.

"Okay, we need to have a talk about Halstead." Hank says

"Is he getting fired?" Hailey asks

"No, nothing like that, our favorite danger magnet releases his stress in a different way." Hank replies

"He's a little meaning that when he get's really stressed, or put in a difficult situation he regresses or starts acting like a baby, and I'm his certified care taker or 'daddy' since I got back." I explain

The girls squeal and the guys smile before all asking in unison.

"What can we do to help?" 

"I can make bags for each of you to keep under your desks if you want." I suggest

"Yeah, so do that." Kim smiles

I hear soft cries coming from Voight's office.

"Care to join me and see if Jay-bird wakes up little?" I ask

They look at me and then stand up and follow. I open the door and sit on the couch with Jay.

"Jay-bird, wake up, your having a bad dream." I speak gently

Jay keeps tossing and turning and saying 'no' over and over again before I speak once more.

"Baby boy, can you wake up for me?" I ask

Jay's eyes flutter open and he gives me grabby hands. I pull him onto my lap with ease while the unit stares at me.

"I-I th-tho-thought y-you l-le-left m-me." Jay speaks

His stutters back, this isn't good.

"No, no baby, I'm never gonna leave you, I promise you that on my life." I tell Jay

"Wan' my paci."  Jay whines

"Hailey, can you go get the bag from underneath my desk?" I ask

"Yeah." Hailey replies

Hailey comes back and I open the bag and pull out a Stitch paci.

Hailey comes back and I open the bag and pull out a Stitch paci

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"Oh now that's cute." Kevin smiles

"Yeah I know and every time he does this, I get to spend time with him." I speak 

I position Jay so he's sitting on me, well straddling my lap with his head burrowed in my neck.

"As cute as this is, we still have paperwork to do so get back at it, except for you and Jay, Mouse." Hank tells everyone

With a collective groan, everyone goes back to work.

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