Meeting Lucas Edge

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I get out of the shower with only 25 minutes left to get to work. I dry myself off hurriedly, and rush to my closet. I then grab a formal black playsuit and a pair of plain black heels. I decide to only apply lotion on the body parts that will be visible in my outfit to save time. I get dressed then I look at myself in the mirror. My hair is a mess, I grab a toothbrush and hairgel to curl my edges, I decide to leave my dreadlocks down instead of tying them into a ponytail as I usually do. I make a mental note to go to the salon soon to get them trimmed a little, their starting to get heavy. I do my make up hastily, just using a little lipgloss and mascara.

When I'm done I grab my phone and my red prada bag that one of my brothers sent me for my birthday, and I practically sprint down the stairs. Jessica is no longer in the living room, so I yell goodbye before making my way to the front door and unlocking it. I go down to the basement and unlock my black Jeep Wrangler ( another present from my brothers) before getting in, and then I speed of to The Grind, my boss's favourite coffee shop with only 10 minutes left to get to work.

I collect my usual order from Grind, they always know to have two lattes ready for me in the mornings, one for me and one for Riley. After the coffee shop I head straight to work. I make it to the reception with only 2 minutes to get to Riley's office which is on the top floor of the 40 storey building. I take the elevator, and arrive in Riley's office at exactly 7:48.

"You're late" Riley says to me without looking up from her laptop where she's typing something.

"Sorry, traffic was terrible" I lie

Riley then sticks her hand out to me  with no response, and I hand her her coffee.

"We have a busy day today Yara, my husband will be coming in today so clear my schedule from 11 to 12. Also make room for Jessie and Ben I want to see them again, they are the two young men who came in last week wanting me to invest in the application they're building. I've read their pitch and I must say that I'm impressed" Riley says to me all in one breath

"I will get right on that" I say to Riley before retreating to my desk which is right infront of her office. I switch my Desktop Computer on and make the adjustments to Riley's calender as necessary, as soon as I'm done the phone rings and my day of answering calls and making appointments begins



It's 10:45 when Riley summons me to her office. When I walk in her eyes are still glued to her laptop, and she's still typing something. She then looks up at me when I reach the edge of her desk. "My husband will be here in a few minutes, go to the little restaurant across the street and order my usual; my husband will have a fruit salad and a strawberry smoothie, be back before he arrives" Riley orders.

"Yes Riley" I respond. She never liked being called Ms Allen or Mrs Edge; she makes everyone call her Riley.

I turn around and walk out of her office and towards my desk; I grab my purse and head for the elevator. When I'm outside the building I cross the street and walk into Catch 54, the restaurant Riley sent me to. There are so many college students inside each with their laptops, iPads or phones either typing something or taking a picture of themselves or their food. I walk to the counter and place Riley's order as well as mine; I might as well eat something now seeing as I haven't eaten all anything all day. After a few minutes the cashier hands me a paper bag with the food and a cardboard cup holder with 3 drinks on it.

I walk out of the little restaurant with the food and start making my way back to Riley's office. When I reach the elevator, I realise that I have no free hands to push the button, the doors before this had already been opened. I awkwardly try to manoeuvre my arms around so I can carry the food, the drinks and my purse all with one arm, so my other hand is free to press the button, but in the midst of these awkward movements I hear a light chuckle and a man who looks to be in his late twenties or early thirties emerges at my side and presses the button for me.

"Thank you" I say feeling embarrassed, if my skin was lighter my face would probably be redder than a baboon's butt, but I do feel my cheeks heat up from the humiliation.

"No problem" the man says with a smile that creates slight dimples and creases that move the freckles that litter his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. His teeth are so white and shiny, and his smile gives me butterflies. This man is so handsome with his scarily vivid green eyes, his deep voice and dirty blonde hair. He is really tall as well and his shoulders are broad, he's wearing a black long sleeved t-shirt that outlines his muscular upper body (he clearly works out a lot), he's also wearing a pair of grey joggers and white sneakers so you can tell he doesn't work here. The smell of rain lingers in the air around him. This man is the picture of perfection.

My staring is interrupted by the arrival of the elevator and the man walks in before me giving me a chance to look at his perfect round bottom.

"What floor?" he asks me

"Fortieth." I respond ripping my gaze away from his body. He presses the button and the elevator doors close

"Looks like we're going to the same place" the man says flashing me another one of his smiles, "Would you like some help with that?" he offers eyeing everything in my arms.

So he's both handsome and generous.

"Yes please" I respond with a sigh of relief and he takes the cup holder and the paper bag with food from me.

"Thank you" I say to him with a smile and he just smiles back.

After a few seconds of silence I look up at him and say "My name is Yara-Idah, but most people just call me Yara"

"That's a beautiful name, my name is Lucas" he says with his gaze boring into my eyes which makes me a little jittery. Even he's name is perfect

"Thank you" I say looking down unable to maintain eye contact.

"Do I make you nervous?" Lucas asks me unexpectedly. Yes, he does make me nervous.

"I...UM..I" I stutter not knowing what to say

"I see" he says mockingly, but not in a rude way, in a way that makes it seem like he's known me long time and is always making fun of me. When I finally look up at him I see the humour dancing in his eyes.

"So what are you doing here?" I ask him in an attempt to change the topic and mask my embarrassment.

"I'm visiting an old friend" he says "What about you?" he proceeds to ask.

"I work here" I tell him, and as soon as I say that the elevator doors open. Without a second thought I rush out of the elevator and head straight for Riley's office without saying anything else to Lucas, he makes me feel like a 14 year old with a school girl crush.

When I enter Riley's office I realise that I left the food with Lucas, but before I can turn around Riley looks up at me from her laptop. I'm about to open my mouth and explain how I left the food with a man in the elevator when Riley looks behind me and says, "Lucas, you're late."

"I'm sorry darling, the plane took off later than I expected" A familiar voice says from behind me

"I see you've met my assistant Miss Valentine and that you've brought our food" Riley says looking at the stuff that Lucas is holding.

"Leave us" Riley says now looking at me, "And close the door!" she finishes


A/N: Second chapter done!

Hey lovely people, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Again if you spot any mistakes, grammatical errors or anything that just doesn't make sense or feel right, please tell me so that I can make improvements

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Edith Montgomery

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