Nightmares, Comfort and an Almost Hook Up

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When I get home from the airport it's 5pm. It's a Thursday night so usually I would be at work. Now that the whole Hunter thing is over I'm all by myself. I haven't been alone in two months, well I have, but not like this, it feels very strange and I don't like it. I get my phone and I decide to send Lucas a text message;


I wait patiently for his response, ten minutes pass and there's nothing. And so after 20 minute I decide to order pizza, hoping that I see the girl from two weeks ago. If she really was flirting with me, maybe she might want to hang out for a bit. As my fingers hover over the call button I start to think, What if she thinks that I'm desperate? Well I am, I just don't want her to think it. Maybe I could call Jess instead; she would probably be down to hang out. But then I would have to forgive, we would have to talk about Hunter and about what happened and I'm just not ready to forgive her or talk about anything Hunter related. So I order pizza instead.


Thirty minutes later the door bell rings I practically sprint to go get the door. When I open it I'm happy to see that it's the pizza delivery girl from last time.

"Hey" I say with a smile

"Six pizzas this time, you and your parents must be really hungry" She says with a smile. Yes, I admit ordering six pizzas might have been a bit much, but I thought that it would be a good conversation starter, and clearly I was right.

"Nope it's just me tonight" I say taking cash out of my pocket to hand to her

"And you plan on eating all these by yourself?" She asks skeptically

"Did you want to join me?" I ask in what I want to be a flirtatious manner but might have just come off as awkward and she giggles a little

"I would love too, this is my last delivery and my shift ends in 10 minutes. I have to go back to work first but I can be back in twenty minutes" She says giving me the pizza boxes

"That would be perfect" I say with a smile

"Cool" She says with a smile of her own

"My name is Yara by the way" I say just as she is about to walk away

"I'm Jodie" She responds sticking her hand out for me to shake, when I try to reach out I almost drop all the pizzas, but Jodie catches them in time and we both laugh

"I'll see you in a bit" She says stabilizing the pizzas in my arms before walking away

I walk back into my loft and close the door with my foot. I'm excited. I set the pizzas down on the kitchen counter before rushing upstairs to look at myself in the mirror. I straighten out the plain white t-shirt and black joggers I'm wearing and re-tie my perfect bun into a cute messy bun. I grab a bottle of perfume and spray just a little; I don't want Jodie to think I went and dumped the whole perfume bottle on myself just to impress her. It would be kind of weird.

I take my phone from my pocket and I see that Lucas hasn't responded to my texts and it bothers me. Is it because I hadn't replied to any of his texts or emails during the past couple weeks? I was kind of occupied with the whole trial; he can't fault me for that. Or maybe he's just busy and I'm over thinking this. He will probably get back to me when he's free. I hope.

Maybe I should send a follow up text, just explaining to him why I couldn't reply him, so he doesn't think I'm rude or that I didn't want to talk to him. But that would just be silly if he isn't ignoring me. He'll probably start thinking that I'm clingy.

Oh God. What if he is upset that I didn't give him credit for saving me from Hunter? Shit he probably felt like I didn't appreciate him.

No Yara, that can't be it, he paid off the hotel staff remember, he didn't want to be found out. But what if he only did that to protect me, so that no one would find out that I was lying about my rescuer. Because he only sent me the text that he had paid off the staff to corroborate my story after I had went on record to say that I didn't know who the man who saved me was. And I didn't even have the decency to respond to that text either.

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