Seeing Lucas

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After my weird morning with Lucas yesterday, I can't even focus on my work. All I can picture is him with another girl or him with Riley and it's driving me mad. I know one would think it would be easier to put myself out of my misery and ask him where he went that night, but I can't, I'm not sure if I want to find out where he was, because a part of me is convinced that he went home to Riley. And I don't think I'm ready to leave this mental bubble that I'm in, the bubble where I can sometimes forget that he isn't really mine, that he belongs to someone else.

After Lucas lied to me that Sunday morning I told him that I was going to the boxing gym so he would leave and I spent my day thinking about what had happened with Lucas and I downed the rest of the champagne from the night before.

But the fact that my dad bought me a new car did make me feel a whole lot better, it was an orange 2020 Lexus LC 500, even though it was a nice car, it wasn't enough to make me forget, I was even distracted the whole drive to work. Just thinking about Lucas.

I suppose the thing that was bugging me most was that if Lucas could hurt Riley the way he was hurting her by cheating on her with me, what's to stop him from doing the same thing with me.

"Yara!" Riley yells out from her office, and I get up from my desk and walk to her door

"Yes?" I answer sticking my head in her door way

"There are some files that I need you to collect from my house; they will be in my study. I have already informed my staff that you will be there in 10 minutes" Riley says looking up from her desk at me.

"I have sent a text message to your phone that has a list of all the files I need, make sure to get them all" Riley says looking back down at her desk

"Sure Riley, is there anything else?" I ask

"No, that's it"

"Alright" I say going to my desk and grabbing my car keys and phone.

I go down to the parking garage and get in my car; I'd been to Riley's house before because she sometimes forgets something or when she's working from home she tells me to come over.

The drive to Riley's house is short, scratch that the drive to her mansion. Her place was huge, it's probably a bit bigger than my parents' house, and that is saying something. The house is built like a fortress, the ones from the fairytales; it's elegant yet also mysterious. There is even a valet ready to take my car when I get there

"Miss Valentine, the maître domo by the door will show you to where you are supposed to go" The valet says pointing to the front door where I see a man wearing a tux.

"Thank you" I say to the valet then turning around to walk towards the maître domo

"Miss Valentine, please follow me" The maître domo says to me as he opens the front door. He goes in first and I follow behind. Riley's house is kind of intimidating; with its high ceilings and read carpets and the whitest walls and ceilings I have ever seen. The chandeliers even look like they're made of real diamonds. The ambience of the house is cold, nothing about the way it's designed looks like a home, and there aren't even any personal pictures, just a bunch of painting that look expensive line the hall ways.

When the maître domo opens the sliding door to Riley's home office I expect to find a bear skin rug on the floor, but the inside just looks like the rest of the house. With mahogany furniture, red and white carpets and no personal picture, just a white sculpture of a little boy in the corner of the room

"If you need anything I'll be right around the corner Miss Valentine' the maître domo says leaving me in the office and I nod

It only takes me a couple of minutes to get what I need from Riley's office, and just when I'm about to walk out I hear Lucas' voice;

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