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My dad was right, taking up boxing certainly did help. All I had to do was picture Hunter's face on the punching bag, and for once thinking about him didn't make me feel like crying. I hated crying, it made me feel so weak and helpless.

"Did you guys have fun?" My mother asks when my father and I walk into the loft. She is seated on the sofa cross legged with her laptop and papers all around her, still wearing the penguin onesie.

"Yeah we did" I say looking up at my dad with a smile

"I ordered pizzas for lunch a little over twenty minutes ago, so they should be here any minute now" My mother says looking back at her laptop.

My father and I take our seats on the sofas, and I grab the T.V remote and pass it to my father. Just then the doorbell rings and my mother says;

"That must be the food, Idah could you please go get it, grab some money from my purse, it's on the kitchen counter." I nod and I do as I'm told.

When I open the door, the delivery girl is holding three boxes of pizza

"Hi" I greet her

"Hey" She says with a smile and when she smiles I notice just how pretty she is

"Do you plan on eating these all by yourself" She says wiggling her eyebrows in what could be construed as a flirtatious manner. Was she flirting with me? Or was it in my head?

"No, I have my parents over" I say with a little laugh handing her the cash as she hands me the boxes of pizza. She smiles again and says;

"Enjoy your pizza" Then winking before she walks away with a little sway in her hips. She was definitely flirting with me wasn't she?

When I turn around my mother has put her work stuff away, and she is talking to my dad in a hushed tone, which stops as soon as I close the door behind me. Okay, that's weird.

"Thank God, I'm starving" My dad says as I walk towards them with the boxes of pizza. I set the boxes on the table and open all three

"Idah, I ordered the chicken and mushroom for you, I hope it's still your favorite" My mother says taking the box the pepperoni pizza

"Yes it is" I say grabbing the box like a greedy child. As we are eating my mother suddenly says;

"Idah baby I know this is the last thing you want to talk about but your father and I think you should report what happened, that boy doesn't just get to get away with this, he needs to pay for hurting you, and your father and I will stay here until he is behind bars and I will make sure that you have the very best lawyers"

"Okay" I say "But I don't have any proof, I waited too long, all the bruises have healed" I say looking to the ground, about to cry.

My mother rushes to sit next to me on the sofa and engulfs me in a tight hug

"Oh no don't worry about that baby, all you gotta do is tell me exactly what happened" My mother say.

The next couple of weeks are brutal, Riley gives me more time off after she hears what happened. I was in and out of court every day, and because of who my father was the story ended up in newspapers and tabloids, the security Camera footage from the parking lot was even leaked. Headlines everywhere I went were: 'Chicago Music Producer KB Valentine's daughter involved in sexual assault scandal'

It was a brutal time, the worst part were the people who flooded my social media saying things like;

'It's your own fault for agreeing to go outside with him in the first place'

'Now you know not to wear shit like that'

'You shouldn't have been going out in the first place'

'You were practically begging for it with that pathetic excuse of a top you were wearing'

I couldn't understand how people could be so awful. Throughout the whole thing the question people kept asking was who was the man that came to my rescue, the security footage wasn't clear enough to make out the faces, and I was glad. The whole time I told people that I didn't know who it was, I just told them that the next morning I woke up in a hotel room and my rescuer was gone. Many people didn't buy my story, but they couldn't disprove it, especially since Lucas had paid the staff at the Four Seasons off, no one said anything and thankfully his name was kept out of it.

My mom never faltered on her promise to get me the best lawyers, she worked closely with them, but she couldn't actually represent me in court, which I know is something she would have wanted. Within two weeks the case was over and Hunter was sentenced to 10 years in prison with no chance of parole.

These were the worst two weeks of my life, having to see Hunter again in court was torture. I was tempted to forgive Jessica as she and Ryan were there to testify against him, the told the jury how Hunter had practically admitted what he did to me when they took him to the hospital after they found him in the parking lot. Even though I was tempted, I wasn't ready to forgive or even face Jessica yet.

I also hated not being able to talk to Lucas the past two weeks, meeting up with him was impossible, and I could never even get a minute alone to shoot him a simple text as I was always with my parents and lawyers always having to tell them the story of the night at Unplugged over and over again just in case I missed any important details that might have helped

I know I dreaded having to report what happened to me, I thought I would have been just fine not telling anybody and keeping it to myself. I have to admit that seeing Hunter being handcuffed at the ended of the trial was very satisfying, I felt as though a huge weight had been lifted off my chest.
"Idah are you sure that you don't want to move back home with us, you must be very lonely here" My mom says for the billionth time when we get to the airport

"No mom, I'll be fine" I say as we walk through the airport

"Idah are you sure, your mother and I could get you a nice job that pays well, for goodness sake you have an MBA from Oxford and you are working as an assistant" My dad says

"Dad I like my job, and I won't be an assistant forever" I say rolling my eyes

"Well at least let us get you a bodyguard, a female, you won't even notice that she is there" My mom says here voice filled with motherly concern

"No mom, I'll be fine, I'll continue taking those boxing and self defense classes and I'll be able to take care of myself" I assure them

"Alright fine, but please Idah make sure you call us at least twice a week" My dad says

"I will" I respond

'Flight 247 to Chicago will now be boarding first class' a voice comes from the overhead intercom

"That's us" My mom says turning to face me

"I'm going to miss you guys" I say hugging them both

"We're going to miss you too buddy" My dad says

"Goodbye Idah" They both say when we let go of each other, and I simply wave.

I watch them go through the gates that lead  to their flights, and I wait by the window for about half an hour to watch the plane take off before going back to my loft.
A/N 15th Chapter everyone, I hope that you are enjoying the book so far. I have a little surprise for you, Chapter 17 is going to be in Lucas' point of view, and I hope you enjoy it.

As usual please give me feedback on the book, point out any errors so I can fix them. I love hearing from my readers.

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Edith Montgomery

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