
14 1 7

I wake up to the sun viciously attacking my eyes as it pours through my bedroom window, when I try to sit up I feel like I've been hit by a bus, my head is pounding and I feel like shit.

When I finally manage to sit up I notice that this isn't my room, in fact it's three times the size of my room. The room has a brown colour scheme, with floor to ceiling windows on my left where I can see the sun rising over Boston; if I wasn't so hung-over this I would be able to appreciate this more. The room is so beautiful with is crème fur covers and its mahogany flooring.

How did I end up here?

Images of the club come rushing to my mind, the drinks, the club the dancing and Hunter. Oh my God I feel sick. I quickly jump out of the bed and run for the bathroom as I feel the hot bile rising up my throat, when I reach the toilet I immediately dump what seems to be half my weight in vomit into the toilet. I feel so disgusting. As I puke, I feel tears streaming down my face, the images of Hunter's hands all over my body keep flashing in head with each spasm that causes me to pour more of my guts into the toilet.

When there's nothing else to throw up, I lie on the floor feeling dirty. I can still feel Hunters hands and mouth . I remember the way his face looked through the glass of the car window, the way he grabbed my thighs. I feel a dull ache in each of the places he touched me. My body doesn't feel as though it belong to me anymore, I feel foreign in my own skin. I'm so ashamed. How could I get myself into this situation? How could I be so stupid and let this happen to me? As I lie on the floor weeping brain spins in painful circles  imagining ways I could have, prevented the situation. I was too friendly; I shouldn't have danced with him, I dressed too provocatively. I was the one that nibbled on his ear. There was no one to blame but myself. And this realisation makes me sob ever harder, I can barely breathe, I couldn't even move from this spot even if I wanted to.

I hear a door open. "Yara?" a voice comes from the bedroom, it's Lucas. I want to answer him but I can't stop crying. A few seconds later he steps into the bathroom

"Yara, I am so sorry" He says getting on the floor, he tries to hold me but I immediately pushing him away, I don't want him to touch me, I don't want him near me. I know he wasn't the one that hurt me, but for some reason I feel like if he touches I'll be transported back to last night and I'll just break.

"It's okay" Lucas says moving further away from me, good he understands.

"I brought you breakfast" He says, and I continue sobbing silently, my head is starting to throb. I don't want to eat anything. I just want to lie down here

"Take as much time as you need Yara, I'll be right here" Lucas saying now sitting on the floor with his back against the shower door.

I continue crying for what feels like hours, the tears won't stop. I have never felt this way before, so violated. I feel so frustrated and broken; nothing is ever going to be the same again. I fall asleep on the bathroom floor, I'm not sure for how long, but when I wake up I'm back on the bed.

This time I feel nothing, both physically and emotionally, the headache is gone and I don't feel like crying.

"Do want some water or food" I hear Lucas say, he is seated on the chair that's a few feet from the bed. I sit up and shake my head no. I'm not hungry or thirsty.

"Is there something I can do?" Lucas asks looking genuinely concerned. Again I shake my head no.

I look around the room again trying to figure out where I am and I think Lucas notices my confusion because he says; "We are at the Four Seasons Hotel "

"I didn't know where else to take you, but we can stay here as long as you like" He says to me and I simply nod

I look down at myself and I'm no longer wearing the clothes from last night, I'm wearing a pair of black silk pyjamas, they are long sleeved and so no part of my body is showing and for some reason this brings me comfort. Panic starts to rise in me when I start to think how I got these on, did Lucas do this? Did he undress me? Did he see those ugly bruises that Hunter left on body? Was he disgusted?

"I got one of the housekeepers to change your clothes" Lucas says as though he read my mind "I would never want to do anything to make you feel uncomfortable" He finishes. In a parallel universe where I hadn't been raped and Lucas just took care of me because I drank too much, his statement would have given me butterflies, but I feel nothing.

"I wish I had gotten there sooner, that boy should never have touched you" Lucas says boy with such disgust; he practically spits the word boy out. When I look at him he looks angry, he's clenching his fights so tightly that he's knuckles turn white. I then notice the bruises and wounds on them. That's when I remember that Lucas was the one who saved me last night. Well I don't know if save is the right word since I was still assaulted.

I start to laugh, I don't know why but I just burst out laughing.

"Is everything okay Yara?" Lucas asks completely confused at my reaction

"At least you got to me before he could cum, so there's a chance I'm not pregnant" I say this laughing hysterically, but Lucas doesn't see what's so funny, he doesn't join me in my laughter. He merely looks at me with an emotion I don't recognise, it's almost like a mixture of concern and maybe sadness.

"When you're ready, we should go to the hospital" Lucas says after a few seconds, and I immediately stop laughing

"You just need to get checked out" Lucas says to me looking me in the eye

"Why are you being so kind to me? " I ask him

"Because I care about you Yara"

"Why, you don't even know me, I'm just your wife secretary"

"You're also my friend Yara" Lucas says, and he sounds genuine

"You still want to be my friend after this? I'm dirty and disgusting. How can you even look at me?" I say looking him in the eye

Lucas immediately stands up for the chair he is sitting on and takes three large steps to close the gap between the chair and the bed. He sits on the edge of the bed being careful not to get too close

"Never ever say that Yara-Idah, you are not dirty or disgusting, you are just as beautiful as you were the day I met you and you are strong and I will not let you put yourself down like this. You will get through this, that son of a bitch will spend the rest of his life in prison" Lucas says this to me with a fierce determination. I wish I could feel the way he was feeling, I wish I could believe him, but I know that nothing is going to be the same. So I simply lie back down and turn to face away from him wordlessly, I close my eyes and my mind is blank, I still few nothing and after a few minutes I feel Lucas get off the bed and I hear him walk back to chair he was on.

I focus on my breathing so as to not let my mind wonder to the events of last night, and soon I am blanketed by the peaceful darkness that is sleep.


A/N 10TH Chapter y'all, I hope you liked it. I know it was a little short and a bit sad but I hope you are enjoying the book so far!!!!!!!

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Edith Montgomery

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