New Home

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I thought that cutting ties with Jess would make me feel better, but it didn't, no weight is lifted off my chest, no relief. In fact I'm just mad at her, how could she not report what Hunter did to me, how could she let him get away with what he did to me. He took something from me.

By the time I reach the hotel I'm kind of surprised, I'd forgotten I was driving as my mind was consumed with thoughts of Jessica. I look out my car window and I see that it's almost dark; it makes me eager to get inside the hotel.

When I get out of my car the valet offers to take my keys so he can park my car. I first take all my essentials out of the car, my phone and a change of clothes before giving him the keys and walking into the hotel lobby. There are so many people walking around it kind of makes me nervous. I head straight for the elevator and try not to make eye contact with anyone.

I press the elevator button and the open almost thirty seconds later. Good there is no one inside. I walk in and the doors close behind me a few seconds later. I stare at the panel to my left and realise that I don't even know what room I was staying in, let alone the floor. I take my phone out of my pocket and I call Lucas, it rings twice before he answers

"Hey Yara" he says as soon as he picks up

"Hey Lucas, I just got to the hotel and I realised that I don't know which room I'm staying in, this afternoon I was in such a rush when I left and I didn't even bother to check" I say with a nervous laugh.

"We are on the 30th floor in room 3016" he answers, "I'm already up here, I got us food and I rented us movie" he adds and I smile and thoughts of coming home to him flood my mind and I quickly pull myself together. Stop Yara, you're just friends and he has a wife, I tell myself, mentally giving myself a slap.

"Thanks, see you just now" I say before hanging up. I press the button that will lead to the 30th floor and I take a step back and I feel the elevator ascend to my destination.
I close my eyes and take deep breaths trying to calm myself from the jitters that Lucas has given me. I don't want him to think I want anything more than friendship, he'll think I'm a bad person, fantasying about a married man. Besides, he wouldn't want me even if he wasn't married, because of what happened with Hunter, I've been used, and I'm not whole.

I hear the elevator doors open interrupting me from my thoughts; I'm ready to step out when I see a man in front of me. He's wearing a fancy suit and holds a briefcase in one hand. He looks to be in his fifties as the sides of his black hair are turning grey. He steps into the elevator and my whole body goes rigid. I look at the panel in the elevator and we're on the 17th floor. The man gives me a friendly smile before pressing a button on the panel. He looks kind of harmless, but then again so did Hunter. The elevator doors close and I feel my breathing becoming irregular, my heart pounds so hard, I feel as though it's trying to escape my chest. I look to the ground and close my eyes repeating the words "please don't hurt me" in my head over and over again like a prayer.

When the doors open again I look at the panel and we're on the 30th floor. I practically sprint out of the small box and start looking for the room. When I find it, I stop in front of the door to catch my breath.

You're okay I tell myself, calming myself down. I'm not hurt, I'm okay, and I'm strong. My heart rate goes down as I continue to reassure myself. When I'm totally calm, I knock on the door and wait for Lucas because I don't have a key card.

He opens the door seconds later with a big smile, and I smile back. We walk to the bed and he offers me food and we eat and watch our movie. We laugh and I forget all about the man from the elevator. This time Lucas doesn't sleep over, I'm a little disappointed, but I don't ask him to stay over, last night was probably a mistake, he probably fell asleep and lost track of time. He leaves and tells me he'll pick me up tomorrow to go apartment hunting and furniture shopping.

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