Tony's POV
"I dunno, Hime. He's wherever he normally is." Jaime says "I hate to be that guy, Tone but he isn't who you think he is." I say "what do you mean, Hime?" He says "he's fucking dangerous, Tony! Do you even know him?!" I say "he said whatever people say isn't real and that he loves me. I gotta go to class, you wanna come with me this afternoon?" Jaime says "sure" and we go our separate ways to class. I mumble "he's crazy" as I sit down. My boyfriend is really mean sometimes but he says he loves me in the end. People keep telling me he's not who I think he is but I know who he is and they don't. My town that I live in looks nice but there are really scary parts I'm not allowed to know about but Zain, my boyfriend said he'd keep me safe. We dont spend time with each other because he has a job when he's not at school. I don't know what he does for work but its important to him. He's a good guy sometimes but it makes me sad when he doesn't text me back for weeks on end. My mom knows I'm gay but she doesn't know I'm dating Zain which is for the best according to Zain. Its really hard for me to keep this a secret cause I tell my mom everything. Shes the best but shes scary when she wants to be. Shes a police chief and a lot of people know her so a lot of people that I don't know, know me and its weird because I don't like talking to very many people much. I sit through all my classes and the bell finally rings. I seem like I like school but it's the thing I dread most everyday cause anxiety and groups of people doesn't work very well ever. Jaime says "what are we doing today?" I say "annoying my mom and skatepark and food." Jaime says "so, what we normally do?" I nod and we skateboard to the police station. We walk in and its a big open area cause the fire department is connected to it and they kind of need a lot of space. A bunch of the officers are just hanging out and my mom says "hey boys, whats up?" I say "nothing much" as she types away at this computer with like 3 monitors on it. I say "where is everyone? Like now ones here?" She says "they're arresting someone across town." I say "hmm, what for?" Mom says "I don't have a complete idea, bud." This really loud siren goes off from the police department side which means it can't be good with whoever they're bringing in. Mom says "you might want to stay back, their bringing him through here." I say "ok" leaning against the desk. They really struggle bringing these guys in. I notice this guys short hair from anywhere. I break down right then and there and Jaime goes up to Zain and the guy pulling him across the room. Jaime says "can I talk to him for a second?" The guy shrugs saying "its not like he's going anywhere." Zain says "what do you want from me, Jaime?" Jaime says "this is it, this is too far, I want you to go over there and explain to him what you did, ok?" Zain rolls his eyes and I mumble "why do I love him?" Zain comes over saying "I didn't do anything, Tony. Do you believe me?" I sob saying "I don't know anymore." Luka, the guy that was bringing him in, and he's my father figure in a way, says "bullshit, punk. You're in for gang activity, drugs, and other shit." I lean against Jaime saying "I love you but were done." Zain says "the hell?! What do you mean, done?!" I say "I'm breaking up with you, I love you but were done" sobbing. Jaime rubs my side mumbling "you aren't doing anything wrong, Tone." I nod and Luka takes Zain out. I sob saying "I don't even know whats happening anymore" leaning my head on his shoulder. Jaime rubs my side saying "I know, you'll figure it out eventually, its ok." I say "do you know?" He says "no, I don't." They bring another guy in thats yelling at Zain. He yells "LISTEN ASSHOLE, YOU'RE FUCKING TWISTED IN THE HEAD. I HOPE YOU GO TO FUCKING HELL! YOU'RE THE ONE THAT GOT ME IN HERE!" I look up at this guy and he looks over at me. I smile at him cause I can see the pain and anger in his eyes. Luka says "kid, chill. You're in here for only a week, he's here for almost 30 years, you wont have to deal with him for a while." The guy says "fair" rolling his eyes. Jaime mumbles "do you know him?" I say "no" looking at the guy with curiosity. He looks over at me as Luka brings him to the cells. He winks at me and gets pulled out of the room. I blush, looking down. Jaime says "you sure?" I say "yeah, I'm sure" shyly. I mumble "he's cute" blushing heavily. Jaime says "take it slow, you aren't ready yet." I mumble "I know but he's cute. How much was Zain lying to me about?" Jaime says "everything" making me cry on his shoulder. He says "I didn't mean to make you cry." I sob saying "I know, I should've listened to you. I'm sorry." Jaime says "its ok, Tone" rubbing my arm. My mom pulls me into a hug saying "why are you crying, bud?" I cry saying "I'm sorry I haven't been telling you anything. That Zain guy was my boyfriend for like 5 months" hugging her tighter. She says "its ok, buddy" rubbing my back. I say "I don't know what to do." She says "it takes time, Tone. How about you and Jaime go home, theres taco stuff at home, have Jaime make you tacos and eat ice cream or something, k? It might make you feel a bit better." I smile, saying "ok" and I walk over to Jaime. I mumble "we should go home and make tacos, eat ice cream, and be sad." Jaime says "good plan" and we go to my house. I say "I'm so sad" getting ice cream out and eating it. Jaime says "I know" getting all the stuff out to make tacos. I say "what did I do wrong?" Jaime hugs me saying "you didn't do anything wrong" rubbing my back. I say "are you sure?" He says "yeah" pulling away to make me food. I hug him from behind mumbling "I'm sorry" and he says "you did nothing wrong, Tone." I shake my head, hugging him tighter. I put my ice cream back and he finishes cooking a little bit later.

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