Tony's POV
Jaime says "come on, buddy" taking my hand and pulling me out of the class room. I mumble "why am I doing this to myself?" I slide down the hall and Jaime says "hey, chill out. You're worrying yourself over nothing" hugging me. I say "I know I am but my heart just races from my constant anxiety and makes me panic over the smallest things" burying my head in his shoulder. He mumbles "its ok, just breathe for a second." I nod, sighing, and just focusing on playing with his hair. Jaime says "how are you feeling?" I say "I'm good" quietly. He smiles saying "thats good" quietly. I mumble "I think I'm good" lifting my head up. He nods and we go back in just as the bell rings. We grab our stuff, including my skateboard, and we go outside for break. Oli says "I think you bring that everywhere, Tony." I shrug and not many people know I can actually skateboard, they know I do it but they, I don't know, don't believe me I guess. I mumble "was this repaved?" Jaime says "I think so, you're not gonna kill yourself on this." I say "good "quietly. Someone yells "DO A KICK FLIP!" My friends and I look at each other and I might've rolled my eyes a bit. I do a kick flip and a few people cheer. I mumble "people have that low of standards for skateboarders now a day." I do another kick flip and people are just watching me now. I mumble "this is so weird" making my friends chuckle. I do a couple more then my ankle feels like its going to give up so I don't do another one. I pop my board up into my hand and go to sit in between Jaime and Mike. Mike says "hi." I shyly say "hi" and Jaime says "you dead, buddy?" I say "no, felt like my ankle was going to give up if I did another one" quietly, smiling. Jaime says "k" chuckling. Mike non chalantly puts his hand on the ground, his fingers on my hand. I blush lightly and he smiles, chuckling quietly. I smile, looking down. Vic says "no, its I walk alone to get the feeling right." Jaime says "no, its I wore cologne to get the feeling right." Vic says "fine, I'll look it up" pulling his phone out of his pocket. I chuckle, mumbling "he's wrong." Mike says "let him pretend he's right, just for a little bit." Vic yells "MOTHERFUCKER, SUCK A DICK, BLINK 182" in Spanish. Jaime, Mike and I laugh and Kellin says "I get it now" chuckling. Mike says "you picking it up, Kells?" Kells nods saying "yeah" laughing. I say "they might like it, you never know" in Spanish. We laugh and Mike says "nice one" high fiving me. Vic says "damnit" and everyone laughs. I say "you said that song right" and we laugh harder. Vic says "I just feel attacked now." I chuckle saying "sorry" quietly. Jaime says "hows your back, Tone?" I say "better than this morning. Danny gasps saying "is Tony finally getting fucked?!" I say "no, I got tattooed for like 6 hours straight on my back" rolling my eyes. Kellin says "you sure?" I nod and Oli says "you sure, you sure?" I nod and Vic says "thats the thing you aren't telling us!" I say "I don't tell you guys a lot of things that you might want to know. If you want to know a lot of it badly, you'll have to put Jaime at gunpoint." Jaime says "why me?!" I say "cause they won't actually do it and they all know they'd be in a jail cell and apparently those are boring." Jaime says "Everything's boring when you just have to sit there." I say "duh, cause you can't sit still ever, Hime. Ever." Mike says "you're telling me, guys." I chuckle mumbling "you poor thing" sarcastically. Mike rolls his eyes and I chuckle. Danny says "I'm tired" yawning. I say "did you stay up all night?" She says "till like 3 this morning" yawning. I say "take a nap" chuckling. Jaime chuckles saying "nap time" laying on the ground. I lay on the ground and Jaime pokes my side. I say "whats with you poking my side? It feels weird" chuckling. He says "cause I know it annoys you" laughing. I say "you're mean" then we look at each other and almost cry laughing. Mike says "I think you guys are on something" making the whole group laugh. Jaime says "you said it, partner" and I say "literally why would you say that" laughing. I say "never say that again" and Vic says "never again" all of us laughing. I say "Jaimes a cowboy" and we all laugh and Jaime flops on top of me saying "yee haw." I laugh saying "shut up."
Skip to the end of the day
Mike and I go to my house and we go to my room. He mumbles "hi, babydoll" hugging me. I blush mumbling "hi" and he kisses me softly. I smile and he mumbles "how are you?" I say "good" quietly, leaning my head on his chest. He kisses me and I wrap my arms around his neck. He trails his hand over my side gently and squeezes my hip gently. I trace my finger down the center of his chest slowly. He smiles and kisses me, squeezing my hip. Mike smiles mumbling "you're cute" kissing me gently. I blush and he bites my bottom lip, him running his fingers over my side. He takes my hat off as he kisses me and throws it to the floor. He slowly slides his tongue over my bottom lip, running his hand through my hair. I mumble "that feels good" gripping the front of his shirt. He smiles as he kisses me, rubbing his thumb over my cheekbone. I smile and I lick his bottom lip, trailing my hand down his chest. Mike says "you're cute" biting my lip. He softly kisses me and pulls away. Mike mumbles "how are you feeling?" I say "I feel ok" quietly. He says "you sure?" I nod and I quietly say "I'm scared?" He sits on my bed saying "why?" I sit next to him, quietly saying "I just want to know everything is true that you tell me so I don't feel so screwed over if we break up." He says "I'm not going to do what he did to you, ok? I'll tell you anything you want to know at some point if I don't tell you right away, look at me, babe." I look up at him and he says "he's not good enough for you, don't waste your time on him. No ones good enough for you, you're beautiful and just amazing" leaning his head on my shoulder. I blush saying "you're too good for me." He says "I don't know, I'm kind of dumb sometimes" making me chuckle. I quietly say "isn't everyone? We all make mistakes and accidents happen, if we didn't we wouldn't have popsicles and those are pretty great if you ask me." Mike laughs saying "you have a point."

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