Tony's POV
Kellin says "tell us the story!" I raise an eyebrow saying "I don't know" to annoy him and drag it out. We all sit around in the living room and Mike sits next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders. He kisses my temple and and I say "which one?" We all laugh and Alex leans against me saying "I don't know, tell a story." Mike says "I'd like to know how you gave your poor mom third degree burns" laughing. We all laugh and I say "ok, fine. She was cooking something, can't remember what to be honest and I said hi and she didn't know she was there. She jumped a little bit and burnt her hands on whatever she was cooking" chuckling quietly. We all chuckle and Josh says "what else am I going to learn today? Jesus Christ." We laugh and Jaime says "something new everyday, dude." I nod saying "you aren't wrong, its always weird." Mike kisses my cheek mumbling "pay attention to me." I chuckle mumble "you don't need it" making him pout. I kiss him saying "get over yourself." Mike says "so aggressive." I say "not really" rolling my eyes. He bites my cheek and I say "thats weird, stop doing that to me" laughing. He does it again and I roll my eyes saying "stop" pertly pushing his face away. Alex says "you guys are so weird" chuckling, everyone else laughing. I lay my head on Mikes shoulder saying "maybe a little bit." Mike says "wow no way" sarcastically. We laugh and Alex says "tell us another story!" I say "I don't want to, Mike, tell a story." Mike says "well, there was this time that Tony" and I say "shut your mouth" putting my hand over his mouth. They laugh and Vic says "what was he going to tell us?" I laugh saying "I don't know but it can't be good." Mike says "its funny though." I say "it probably isn't though" laughing. He licks my hand and I mumble "seriously" wiping my hand on his shoulder. He rolls his eyes, rubbing my back. Jaime says "I'm tired." I say "mmm, me too" yawning. I say "any drama, Jaime? You normally know that stuff" tiredly. Jaime says "hmm, you're in the room with girls, they must know more." Jessica says "the quarterback and the cute emo guy that won't talk to us are fucking, maybe dating. He's so cute but he just death glares when we try to talk to him." Jessica says "he's so cute. His eyeliners better than mine." I chuckle saying "he doesn't talk to you because he's probably gay and knows you guys are going to flirt with him. Just watch from afar, say hi when you walk by him, wave, just make him known of your existence, and he'll come to you if he wants." Alex says "flirting tips with Tony." We all laugh and I say "it works 70 percent of the time." Oli says "say it with me now, only if you're a bottom." I say "alright, listen. Shut up." We all laugh and Mike says "you aren't wrong" and Vic says "unless you're magical." Mike shrugs saying  "you have to be pretty fucking magical." I say "you guys are being very stereotypical" and we all go silent, look at each other, and burst out laughing. Alex says "I mean, it could work. You guys don't need it to work though so it doesn't matter." Kellin says "you got a point." I nod and we all chuckle. Mike kisses my cheek and I say "hi." He mumbles "hi, babydoll" making me blush.  He then licks my cheek, in result, I slap him across the face saying "stop" glaring at him. He says "oww." Vic laughs saying "chill, he didn't hit you hard, theres not even a red mark." They all laugh and Mike says "it hurt!" I say "I'm sorry" going to kiss his cheek and I lick his cheek instead. He screams like a girl saying "no!" We laugh and he crosses his arms, turning away from me. He says "that felt weird." Everyone laughs and I say "sorry" sarcastically. Then I say "you did it first." He death glares me and Vic says "you're fucking screwed, Tony." Kellin mumbles "of course he is, he's dating Mike." Then he says "sorry, couldn't help myself with that one." Everyone laughs and I blush, quietly saying "that could've been taken multiple ways" making everyone laugh harder. Elle says "so innocent yet so dirty minded, how?!" I say "I'm friends with Jaime, thats how." Jaime says "shhhh, I don't tell you nothing." I say "yeah right" rolling my eyes. Andrea says "nice grammar" making us laugh. I say "that was needed." Mike pushes his nose against my jaw whining "pay attention to meeeee" resting his head on my shoulder. Everyone chuckles and Alex says "never knew Mike to be an attention whore" laughing. I kiss his cheek saying "I don't know honestly cause me either." Mike kisses me saying "shhh, I'm not an attention whore, Alex" poking her arm. Alex says "why are you poking me?" Mike says "why not?" Alex says "I didn't ask that." Mike says "whatever." They chuckle and Mike pokes my cheek. I say "excuse me sir" and we all laugh. I say "what?" Mike mumbles "nothing" kissing the corner of my lips. I smile saying "you sure?" He nods quietly saying "you're pretty" making me blush. Jessica says "is this all you guys do is make fun of each other?" Oli says "what else could we do? Theres not much else to do." Jessica says "we could play a game." We all shrug and Elle says "truth or dare?" We all shrug and Mike says "sure, at this rate with us, what could go wrong?" Josh says "true, who is going first?" Jessica says "I will, Elle, truth or dare?" Elle says "I walked into that. Hmmm, dare." Jessica smirks saying "a shot of hot sauce." Vic says "shes white, don't do that to her. Her poor body." We all laugh and I say "to the kitchen?" We nod and we go to the kitchen. I open a cupboard and I say "welcome to the hot sauce shelf, the darers heaven, the darees nightmare, a Mexican and spice fanatics dream and white persons nightmare all in one. How about this, take your pick, this is the least spiciest, this is the most spiciest" gesturing from one side to the other side of the cabinet. Kellin says "call this Tonys saucy cabinet" making us laugh. Elle says "ughh, whats the least spicy one?" I chuckle saying "this one" grabbing a bottle. Oli says "why do you have a hot sauce cabinet?" I say "why not have a hot sauce cabinet?" We laugh and I get a shot glass saying "I'm not going to give you a lot cause I know you won't be able to drink all of it" filling it about a third of a way. I say "you won't die with this one taking this much of this one." We all laugh and she says "alright, lets do this."

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