Tony's POV
We eat a bunch of food and I say "he used me, didn't he?" Jaime says "I don't know." I say "I think he tried to but I didn't notice it. I'm dumb." Jaime says "no you aren't, Tony." I lean against him saying "I just feel it right now" wiping my eyes. He rubs my side and I rest my head on his shoulder. I say "I feel empty" squeezing his hand. He pokes my side, making me smile. He mumbles "you'll be ok, Tone. It takes time." I straddle his thighs and he says "what are you doing, Tony?" I say "I don't know" resting my forehead on his. He says "one time thing, ok?" I say "ok" and he kisses me gently. I mumble "you don't do this often, do you?" Jaime says "never with a guy and this is not my scene, not like you do either" kissing me gently. I say "whatever, this sucks, I needed that though" quietly. I say "your lips are soft" biting his bottom lip. He chuckles, pulling away. I sit next to him saying "that other guy is cute though." Jaime says "he's definitely your thing." I say "too bad he's a bad person." Jaime says "you don't know him, Tone. You've never seen him before." I say "true but why would he be in jail?" Jaime says "he's only there for a week Luka said. Plus, he was saying that Zain got him in there so, you never know. So, it can't be that bad." I nod saying "you're right" leaning against him. We watch tv until we pass out on the couch.
A couple hours later
My mom taps my shoulder saying "go to bed your neck is gonna be sore in the morning" and Jaime and I go upstairs. He says "I'm gonna go home, Tone. I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" I nod saying "ok, love you, Hime" laying on my bed. He says "love you too, Tony" leaving my room. I strip of all my clothes and I eventually fall asleep, trying my best to not think about anything that happened today.
The next morning
I wake up slowly and I get out of bed, putting jeans, a flannel, and a SnapBack on and I say "bye mom" leaving for school. I skateboard cause guess who doesn't have time for walking? Me. I open my locker and I mumble "yikes" cause why not? Jaime says "hi" as I put my board in my locker. I say "hi" patting his shoulder. He says "whats today? Figuring out pretty boys name?" I say "we could" and we go to class together. Jaime says "hmm, what else?" I say "leftover tacos?" He says "yum." We nod in agreement, walking into the classroom. A girl waves at me and I shyly wave back, sitting next to Jaime. The teacher says "so, as some of you know, someone that we all love dearly is now in jail for 36 years for various crimes yesterday. I just wanted to make sure everyones ok?" This is the moment I walk out of class for the first time like ever. I don't need to cry in front of people and make a big thing out of it. I slide down the wall and Jaime sits in front of me a few minutes later probably cause he had to hear what was going on. He says "come here" pulling me into a hug. I say "is every teacher going to bring it up today?" Jaime says "to tell you the truth, probably. Whatever they say don't listen to them, bud" rubbing my back. I mumble "I'm just done. Why do they have to bring it up though?" Jaime says "I know, me too. I don't know why they're bringing it up, probably cause its important to many people." I say "I don't want to do this anymore" hugging him. Jaime says "what do you mean?" I say "I'm just done with feelings. He just screwed me over" crying onto his shoulder. He says "I'm sorry, I know" rubbing my back. I hold his hand loosely cause I just feel so alone now even though I was never around Zain anyways to be completely honest. I say "I'm broken, what is happening to me?" Jaime says "I don't know." I mumble "this is so sad, crying on the floor at school. This is sadder than us eating like 30 tacos yesterday" laughing and sobbing. Jaime chuckles saying "maybe, yeah.  What do you want me to do for you?" I say "just hug me please" squeezing his hand. He says "what are we doing after school?" I say "finding out the guys name." Jaime says "you're a bit bipolar sometimes." I say "I know, I am bipolar like actually, remember." He chuckles saying "I know" rubbing my back. I say "I think I'm good now" slowly standing up. Jaime says "k, buddy" standing up. I sigh and we go back in, everyone pretending along with us that nothing happened. The teacher says "why did you leave?" I shake my head cause all the teachers know not to call me out like that. Its been said by my mom, myself, and Luka. I mumble "I feel like that guy that cry's over the dumbest things" resting my head on the desk. I hit my head on the desk and Jaime mumbles "stop it." I sigh, just leaving my head there. The bell rings and as I'm walking out the teacher says "hey, can I talk to you for a second?" I shrug, turning around to listen to her. She says "I'm sorry about what I said earlier, that kind of thing shouldn't be shared at a school, I shouldn't of even called you out like that, I'd freeze up too. are you doing ok?" I mumble "I think so, I'm sorry for freezing up" looking up from the ground. She says "its ok, hun. Its not your fault" smiling. I leave the room and the girl that waved at me earlier pulls me into the bathroom.

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