Tony's POV
I wake up with these needles still in my back. Zander says "how was your nap?" I mumble "good" yawning quietly. He says "thats good, you're about 4 hours in, about a third of the way in total." I say "what time is it?" He says "about 8 o clock. I could go another couple hours before my wrist gives up, Thats what he said. Anyways, how are you feeling?" I say "I'm good, I'll let you know when I'm over it" quietly. He says "you're so weird, I've noticed this, you're shy and quiet when you're awake and really giggly when you're tired." I say "mhmm" smiling. I say "very loopy sometimes" shyly, smiling. Jaime barges in the shop saying "I'm back!" We laugh and I say "hey, Hime." He sits on the other side of me saying "you're almost there, buddy." I quietly say "yeah, theres like 8 hours left, a few before he's dead, and I took a really good nap" smiling. Jaime ruffles my hair and I mumble "don't touch my hair cause I can't move to fix it." Alisha comes over, running her hand through my hair to fix it, and says "how long do you think you'll be able to go for?" I say "probably a couple more hours, then were gonna do the turtle, and then we might do more." Alisha says "got it" sitting down with Jaime. Zander says " I love this color, its pretty." I chuckle saying "mmm, hows your love life, Alisha?" Alisha says "its dead, yours?" I say "you need one, any ideas?" Alisha says "maybe, I wanna here about your man." I say "he's not my man" blushing. Alisha says "well, is he sexy or whats the tea?" I say "he is, he's cute" blushing heavily. She says "omg, when do I meet him?" I say " I don't know, maybe at some point" quietly. Zander says "I wanna meet him!" I chuckle saying "guys, I can't just bring him in here out of no where. I'm already awkward" rolling my eyes. Alisha says "awww, I have a client in like 10 minutes, probably some teen that wants their lip done after their parents fall asleep." We all chuckle and Zander says "ok, break time" taking his hands off my back. I sit up saying "ooo, I feel that" groaning quietly. I say "am I allowed to look at it?" Zander says "no, wait till it's completely finished." I say "ok." Jaime says "it looks good though, pretty epic." I say "good, hows your wrist, Zander?" He says "its felt better but I'm good" putting some medicated cream on it and a brace, probably so his muscle doesn't strain. I smile and he says "ok, I'm going to put the stencil on you then we can move it if you want, this'll take like 2 minutes." I nod and he quickly makes the stencil after he washes his hand and says "how does this look?" I say "its so cute" and he says "great, which ear are we putting it behind?" I say "this one" pointing to my left ear. I say "cause I already have stuff behind my other one. He says "oh yeah, I forgot." I nod and he quickly does the tattoo after I look at the placing of the stencil. He says "you want to keep going on your back or are you done?" I say "I'm done I think" and he covers both the tattoos up. Jaime and everyone else went home after Alishas last client. I put my shirt back on and I start walking back to my house, only to be pulled into an alleyway. I quickly pull out a knife, putting it to the persons throat behind me cause I can't see them. Mike whispers in my ear saying "relax, its just me, babydoll" making me blush. I mumble "you scared me." He mumbles "thats how it was supposed to happen" biting my earlobe gently. I bite my lip and I mumble "lets go to my house" blushing. He says "mine might be closer." I say "no, its not" quietly. I feel his breathing on my neck, which is making me a little flustered. We go to my house and I unlock the door, slowly pushing it open. We go to my room and Mike mumbles "I don't know if I've ever been in here before." I say "I don't normally let people in my room" shyly. He steps closer to me mumbling "you're so pretty to look at" running his hand under my chin. I blush and he says "hows your back?" I blush saying "good" and he rubs my side slowly. We just look at each other and faintly touch each other, just taking it in. We end up pulling each other's shirts off and Mike says "can I be honest with you?" I nod and he steps closer, grabs my hips, and says "you're so sexy I could bend you over right now and fuck you so hard the neighbors would hear you moaning my name right now" his lips so close to mine, I could just kiss him. I blush really badly, gladly were in the dark so it doesn't matter but he knows. He mumbles "can I kiss you?" I nod and he feverishly presses his lips to mine. We kiss for a little while and I lick his bottom lip. He mumbles "that was hot with the lip ring, fuck" biting my lip gently. He pulls away mumbling "I know you're a bottom but how submissive are you so I know what I'm working with?" I blush mumbling "probably a lot, I'm a virgin" looking up at him. He smiles mumbling "you're cute, what do you want me not to do to you?" I look down saying "don't hurt me and don't call me anything mean please." He mumbles "ok" kissing me gently. He says "I might make your ass hurt but that won't be on purpose" nibbling my earlobe gently. I blush, biting my lip, and saying "ok" quietly, smiling.

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