Tony's POV
I sit next to Alex mumbling "does your mom know?" She mumbles "yeah, she found out a couple weeks ago." I say "how'd she take it?" Alex says "it was alright. I am this thing called grounded for a few weeks but she uses that term very loosely. I think shes over it now. I just want to skateboard but nooooo. You're my new bestie, Mike, I'm keeping him" leaning her head on my shoulder. I chuckle and Jaime says "I wish you luck, sister." I say "hey!" The guys chuckle and Alex says "I'm gonna go home and be sad about not being able to skateboard. I wonder if I'm allowed to get a tattoo." I say "probably not, you could always ask though" quietly. She says "damnit, I can't do anything fun. I guess I'm gonna go home and sleep, I'll see you guys at school Monday" and she leaves. Vic says "whats happening?!" Kellin says "do we finally get to hear about stuff?" Mike sits next to me, leaning his head on my shoulder. He mumbles "what am I going to do?" I say "I don't know" quietly. He buries his face in my shoulder and he says "I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm supposed to know whats happening but I don't." I rub his back mumbling "you'll know what to do when it happens. If you don't we'll figure it out, k? Shes freaking out just as much as you are, she doesn't know what to do either, you're going to do it together, ok?" He says "k. Oh my god, what am I going to tell mom? Fuck!" Vic says "what are we telling mom?" Mike says "you're gonna hate this. Moms gonna kill me, dad will actually kill me, I'm figuratively fucked." Kellin says "I'll be your mom." I say "wouldn't that be insest?" Danny says "I'll be your mom, Mike." Mike rests his head in my lap and he says "how do I do this?" I say "well, I think you should do what you want to do but you gotta tell someone other than me at some point" quietly. He sighs saying "ok" squeezing my hand. Mike says "fine, can you guys keep a secret?" They all nod and Mike says "well, hmmm, how do I want to put this? I'm going to be a dad." I run my hand through his hair and Vic says "really? Like actually?" Mike says "yes, Vic and I don't know what to do!" I mumble "easy, babe." Mike says "mmm, ok" playing with my fingers. Vic says "well, guess who has to tell mom?" Mike says "give me a couple days and I'll do it. If you keep doing that, I'm going to fall asleep" yawning. I say "sorry, I'm just bored." He mumbles "its ok, feels nice" yawning. He squeezes my hand and I mess with his hair. He looks up at me and I say "umm, well, what are we going to do now?" Jaime says "do you have tacos?" I say "no, I ate them this morning" rolling my eyes. Jaime groans and we all laugh. I roll my eyes and I poke Mikes forehead and he says "what?" I say "making sure you're awake" chuckling. I say "we could go to my house?" Danny says "sure" and we all get up. We get to my house and I say "hey look, someone got me a box." Mike says "hey, the box is taller than Vic. Another delivery truck drives up and brings a few flat but long boxes up and puts them down on the big box. I go inside saying "mom?" She says "what?" I say "what did you buy?" She says "ooo, boxes are here" getting up and Shane follows. I say "yeah. Several" chuckling. Danny says "what is it?" Mom says "you'll see, young grasshopper" carrying all the boxes in and I say "those heavy?" She says "a little" putting the flat boxes on the counter and the big one on the floor. Kellin says "what are they, mom? I wanna know!" Jaime says "yeah, can we open them?!" Mom says "easy guys, you can open them though. No breaking anything though." I say "big box first" sitting on the floor. Mom gives me a knife saying "be careful" and I cut the box open. I say "I need help" cause I can't get everything out of the box. We all take pieces out and Danny says "what is this?" I say "hmm, I think its a guitar stand." Mom says "it is, weirdo." We laugh and she says "it holds a lot." I mumble "well, we kind of have an addiction, mom, this'll be filled up quick I think" chuckling. I say "I think we should've left that in the box cause now we should just put it together" laughing. Jaime says "yeah, we should've just left it in the box." We all nod and look at each other. I say "I'm a little dumb sometimes" and we laugh. Oli says "imagine if Christmas was an elf showed up on your front porch with a shit ton of boxes instead of your parents putting it under a tree?" Mike says "my elf is probably drinking martinis somewhere." Vic says "or you're just not a good kid? Or he just sucks." Mike says "you never know" making us laughing. Jaime says "other box, other box, other box." I say "chill, Hime." Mom says "be extra careful with those, they're your babies." Kellin says "you got him babies?! No fair" crossing his arms. We laugh and I slowly cut the box open. I get the box open and I say "did you buy 3 guitars?" Mom says "yeah, momma got paid, I gotta do something with it." Shane chuckles and mom says "we seriously need a room for all this stuff instead of our closets." I say "this thing wont fit in my closet with all the gay and the emotional baggage." We laugh and mom says "yup, that takes up most of the house too" making us all laugh harder. Jaime says "I think you just got roasted, Tone." I roll my eyes and I mumble "whatever." This guitar is purple fade into black, its awesome. I say "I like this one. I think you're going to be playing this more than me though. I know that for a fact." Mom says "ok, you're right." I nod and I open the next box to a matte black guitar, all of it, just matte black. I say "this is mine, you can't touch. This is mine" making everyone chuckle. Mom says "I'm gonna end up playing sometime." I say "true but this is my favorite." Mom says "ok, the next one is interesting but it made me really curious so I got it." I laugh saying "I'm scared" opening the box. I say "this is actually kind of cool" quietly. Ok, hear me out, this guitar is like the purple and black one but its pink and black but its black fading into pink. I say "ok, this is awesome. Ive made up my mind." Jaime says "oooo, pink." I nod and I say "mhmm." I say "I like this one" and Jaime says "are we going to put this together?" Oli says "we don't have anything better to do so sure." I say "we might want to figure out where to put this first." Mom says "theres the spare room upstairs." I say "mhmm, lets go" and we put everything back in the box and carry everything upstairs.

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