Tony's POV
At the end of the school day, Jaime and I go to the police station. I go up to my mom quietly saying "I have a crazy idea." She says "last time you said that you came out, it can't be too bazaar." I say "piercing my tongue, what do you think?" She says "sure, thats not bazaar, go for it." Jaime starts singing that 90s song how bazaar by OMC, making everyone that can hear it chuckle. Mom says "Jaime, that song is older than you" chuckling. I say "are you serious, that I can do that though?" She says "sure, you can go do it right now if you want" as she types on the giant monitors. I say "ok" and I look at Jaime. He says "well, lets go." Luka chuckles saying "I'm curious on how impulse this decision is?" I quietly say "this morning" slyly smirking. Luka chuckles saying "come back after, I want to see it." I say "ok, I will." Mom says "here" handing me her card. She says "I'll know what you buy with that, be back before 5 cause someones coming to the house, k?" I nod saying "I don't plan on buying anything else" rolling my eyes. She says "ok, bud" hugging me. She says "keep an eye on him, Hime." I say "I hope you mean the other way around, its a little more accurate." Jaime nods saying "he's not wrong." We say our goodbyes and Jaime and I go to the tattoo and piercing place. At this point they know me by name, everyone in that place. Ive gotten a bit of something from everyone that works there, not kidding. Jaime says "this is crazy." I nod saying "yeah, I mean if I don't want it its not like I can't go back." Jaime says "you're right" and we walk in the place. The girl that does piercings, Alisha says "hey kid, who's stabbing you today?" I smile, saying "you." She says "yay, what am I stabbing?" Jaime says "is that how you great everyone?" Alisha says "of course not, he's here enough so I'm not scaring him by saying it." Jaime says "got it" making us laugh. I say "crazy impulse idea this morning." The guy thats working on my back piece, Zander says "ooo, Tony Perry impulse ideas are my favorite." I chuckle and Alisha says "ok, where? I gotta know or the snake bites will come back." I say "no, those aren't coming back, ever. My tongue." Zander says "ooo, yeah, do that." Alisha says "just right in the middle? Venom bites, snake eyes?" I say "just in the middle." Jaime says "I really thought you'd back out coming here." I raise an eyebrow and Zander says "when can I do more on your back piece?" I chuckle saying "another time cause I only have permission for this." He says "ok, I have a client in like 3 minutes. They want nothing fun for me to do. Its a matching friend tattoo and its like a stupid infinity sign. I have a feeling they're going to whine about it hurting too" rolling his eyes. I say "I guess I better come in soon if you aren't doing anything boring." Zander says "come in soon, please? I'm going crazy." I chuckle saying "I will." Alisha says "ok, child. Come sit in the stabbing chair." She is the nicest person ever, shes not evil no matter how much she sounds it right now. I sit in the chair and she says "you're taller than the last time you were in this chair, I'm gonna have to put the chair back a little bit" putting it back. I say "it's been a few years, I would hope I got taller." She says "well, I'm not getting any taller so its inconvenient for me." I chuckle and she says "ok, open your mouth for me and stick out your tongue" as she puts gloves on. I laugh saying "imagine doing this with a stranger cause what you just said was so weird" shyly. She says "it is weird when I have to ask strangers do it" and I stick out my tongue. She uses this clip thing to keep my tongue out. Great. She says "so, I need to use this so you don't move and I give you a split tongue instead of a piercing. I'll tell you when I stick the needle through, got it?" I give her a thumbs up and she grabs a needle and another thing so she can line it up. She says "ready?" I nod and she says "it'll hurt a little more than when I pierced your ears but it'll be a little different." I give her a thumbs up and she says "k, 1,2,3 and its through" putting the stainless steel stud through as she puts the needle all the way through. She says "that worked well" taking that clip off. She says "how'd it feel?" I say "I feel alright, ooo, weird talking with that." We laugh and she says "you get used to it. I hope to stab you again, child." I chuckle saying "if you find something weird for a piercing let me know and I might let you stab me." She chuckles saying "yay!" Zander says "do you want me to make you an appointment?" I say "sure, what do you have?" He says "I'm free like all next week, literally nothing." I chuckle saying "really?" He nods saying "yup, come in like after school or next weekend." I nod saying "ok, I probably will cause I'm just as anxious as you are to finish it." He says "wait let me see it again." I pull the back of my shirt up and he says "we could get that finished in like 8 hours but split it between 2 days cause we'd be tired at like hour 4." I say "right, we were last time, so just come in and do some then come in another day and finish the rest? What about Friday after school and Saturday?" Zander says"works for me, kid. Oh! I wanted to show you something I drew up that I thought looked really cool." He shows me this sketch and its a turtle and its tiny but very detailed. I say "its so small and cute" smiling. Zander says "I could do that in like 20 minutes maybe less." I say "does anyone have that yet?" He shakes his head saying "no, I was saving it to see if you wanted it cause all of us are constantly putting turtles on you." I chuckle, quietly saying "you aren't wrong. We could put that behind my ear, what do you think?" He says "yes! That would be awesome. I'd do that one for free." I say "really?" He says "yeah, its so cute and its so you, I'd only do it on you for free." I say "I feel special, sure. We could do that this weekend too." He says "I'm excited, let me see your tongue." I stick my tongue out at him and he says "cool. I should have her stab me sometime." I say "why not? I'll stab you if you want." He says "maybe" chuckling. We laugh and I say "I'll see you next week then if I'm allowed to." He nods saying "totally" and I go back to Alisha. She says "its on the house, I like you too much to charge you and you didn't cause me any problems." I say "you serious?" She nods saying "yeah, totally. I'm here next week too so I'll see you then." I say "ok, thanks, Alisha." She says "no problem, child" and Jaime and I leave. Jaime says "that turtle was so small." I nod saying "it was so cute" smiling. Jaime says "yeah, how many turtles do you have anyways?" I say "a lot, there has to be more than 3." He says "you're kidding." I shake my head saying "no, theres more than 3."

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