Tony's POV
Alex sits in front of me, Mike next to me, and Kat walks in and sits on my other side. She waves to me and I smile, waving back. I say "how are you?" She gives me a thumbs up and shrugs. I say "me too" making her smile and me chuckle. The teacher comes in and says "what did everyone do this weekend?" Mike mumbles "many things." I roll my eyes mumbling "so dramatic." Alex says "I hung out with my friends yesterday." A dude says "played video games with the boys" and all his friends go 'ayoooo.' I mumble "thats probably why I don't hang out with straight guys other than Jaime." Alex laughs and Mike hits his head on the table, laughing. The teacher says "do you guys have anything to say?" Mike says "nope, were good" leaning back in his chair. I bite my lip, looking down. He puts his sunglasses on just to annoy the teacher, making me chuckle quietly. All the girls sitting with the popular guys practically swoon just looking at him. Mike smirks, crossing his arms, letting me know that he knows they're staring. The teacher says "Mike, you can't wear sunglasses inside." Mike says "what am I doing right now then?" I roll my eyes and the teacher says "whatever" and starts the class. The teacher says "so, I'm supposed to talk to you about something, can't remember what but I have someone coming in to talk to you about it." My mom leans against the door frame of the classroom saying "I'm sure I got the right room didn't I?" I hit my head on the table and I mumble "shes always on que." Shes in partial uniform like normal, skinny jeans, the belt with all the scary stuff, and a black tee shirt with FBI on the back. Yes, I called it the scary stuff cause why not? Exactly. The teacher says "do you want me to leave while you do this?" Mom says "I don't care, do whatever you want" and the teacher leaves. Mom says "hey guys, whats up?" Mike says "I probably almost got detention!" I face palm and mom says "good job, Mike. What for though?" Mike says "I put on my sunglasses" making my mom laugh. Mom says "great, ok. Apparently I'm supposed to educate you on being nice to people or something. Seriously, like you guys are probably a bunch of teenage assholes, anyways, people are every which way. I'm not good at the advice thing, yikes. Why can't teachers teach you this, aren't they supposed to teach you how to be nice or whatever? Or am I going to have to scare you or something? Ok, so, if I'm going to tell you to be nice you aren't going to be, man, this is bullshit." The class laughs and mom says "so, how is everyone? I have like 30 minutes." One of the guys say "are you single?" I hit my head on the table and mom says "you're going to give yourself a concussion, bud. No, I'm not." I mumble "it would be better than hearing these people hit on you" rolling my eyes. Mike chuckles and mom says "I'd rather teenagers not hit on me, thank you. Some don't want to listen to it. How is everyone? What did you do this weekend, did you have any fun, anything amazing?" A guy says "slept." Alex says "I wish." A girl says "what did you do this weekend?" Mom says "hmm, I did some work, had a lot of teenagers at my house, hung out with my boyfriend, and could not enter my living room without stepping on someone, and played guitar. That was my weekend. Oh, I went on a date last night too. Literally thats it." A girl says "are you any good at playing guitar?" Mom says "I like to think so" chuckling. The class chuckles and a dude says "played video games, nothing much." Mom says "I wish I was doing that." We laugh and mom says "do I need to tell you anything like don't get in trouble, I might be nice now but if you get in big trouble you have to deal with me, just ask Mike." I laugh and Mike says "hey! It was one time." The class laughs and mom says "I wasn't mean to you" chuckling. She says "I just like to be mean to you." Mike says "a lot of people like to be mean to me" chuckling. I mumble "its your new thing" looking down. We laugh and Mike nods saying "you might be right." Alex says "are you talking to yourself again?" I say "no" rolling my eyes. She jumps saying "you scared me" laughing. Mom says "try having your back to him and he says hi and you end up with third degree burns." I quietly say "whoops." Mom mumbles "damn right, whoops" and the class laughs. I shrug and Mike chuckles and I smile, looking down. My mom talks for a little while then the teacher comes back. As the teacher walks in my mom says "don't get in trouble and be nice to people, bye guys" and briefly shakes the teachers hand, then she leaves. Everyone laughs quietly and the teacher says "what? Is my fly undone?" Everyone laughs and Alex says "Tony, I think I love your mom." Half the jocks turn in their seats saying "that was your mom?!" I nod and one of them say "prove it." I raise an eyebrow and everyones looks in curiosity. I pull my phone out and airplay a video of my mom playing a really cool solo on one of the guitars and then her saying "I'm hungry. I'm supposed to cook cause you can't." Then I say on the tv saying "I just don't like too, mom. Theres a difference" onto the tv. Everyone laughs and I shrug, taking it off the tv. One of the guys say "we've never heard you talk how do we know thats you?" I'm only going to talk to them to sass them. I say "well, you're just going to have to believe me then" shrugging and crossing my arms. I mumble "I hated every second of that." The bell rings and I mumble "thank god." Mike chuckles mumbling "you alright?" I nod and we leave the room. He says "you sure?" We go to our next class and I say "I don't know" squeezing his hand then letting go. I'm not freaking out about talking cause that didn't bother me too much but I don't know what's happening and its just freaking me out. I sigh and Mike rubs my back mumbling "just breathe, babe." I squeeze his hand, resting my head on my desk. He mumbles "you're amazing, baby." I blush, squeezing his hand, and he gently squeezes my hand. I mumble "ok, I'm good." Mike smiles, running his thumb over my knuckles. I blush, letting go, and the teacher walks in.

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