Tony's POV
Jaime leaves after a couple hours and my mom comes home as soon as he leaves. my mom says "how are you doing, bud?" I say "I think I'm doing ok" resting my head on the counter. She ruffles my hair saying "whats wrong?" I say "just been thinking more than I normally do I guess." She says "about anything good?" I smile saying "most of the time." Mom says "the other school is moving into yours like tomorrow." I say "tomorrow?!" She says "yeah, I didn't want you to be surprised when you went to school tomorrow. I've looked over that school before, everyone in there is very laid back, you shouldn't have to worry about any of them." I say "ok, so like everyone at my school?" She says "they're better than everyone at your school." I say "promise?" Mom says "promise, they're chill, some of them are a little crazy but you get that everywhere, right?" I nod saying "right." Mom says "it'll be a lot easier than you think it will be." I say "ok, how long is Zain in there again?" She says "40 years I think unless something that happens that makes it longer." I nod saying "ok" yawning. Mom says "tired?" I say "haven't decided yet." She chuckles, saying "who was that that you were talking to back there?" I blush saying "no one." She says "it was someone!" I say "no" smiling, even though she knows I'm lying. She says "come on, you were talking to someone though!" I say "fine, yeah, I was." She says "who?!" I say "Mike" looking down. She says "he's a nice kid, he's just mad at the world I think." I smile saying "me too, he's nice." Mom says "he's a cutie too." I say "mom!" I blush and she chuckles saying "come on, you have to agree with me!" I say "fine, I do" blushing. Her phone rings and she smiles saying "one second" going into the other room. I text Jaime saying:
Me: new people at school tomorrow!
Jaime: ugh, says who?!
Me: my mom!
Jaime: ugh
Me: mom says they aren't going to be too bad very laid back compared to our school
Jaime: hopefully
Me: ill see you tomorrow, hime
Jaime: yup
She comes back into the room saying "would you be willing to meet someone tomorrow?" I say "who?" She says "just someone." I say "sure, why not?" Mom says "great, I'm going to bed, I'll see you in the morning?" I nod and she kisses my temple. I say "I love you, mom." She says "love you too, bud" and goes to her room. I turn all the lights off and go to my room. I strip of my clothes cause who needs them? Well, most people, Tony. I'm at the point of tiredness where I'm talking to myself. I lay on my bed, covering myself up. I groan, mumbling "Mike is so cute." Maybe I'll magically make friends like I did today with Danny. I mumble "he's just, ugh" blushing.
The next morning
I wake up feeling completely uncomfortable. I mumble "not again" blushing, hiding my face in my pillow. I've never done anything sexual before cause I was never comfortable going that far with Zain because he would always force himself on me. I know what I want, I know what happens, I just didn't want to let him do what he wanted with me without taking what I wanted into consideration. Anyways, ugh, I needed a shower anyways. If this doesn't go away I'm literally never leaving my house again cause I don't want to deal with it in any other way, if you know, you know. I take a cold shower and thankfully it goes away, I'm clean, this is just all convenient in a way. I put on a cut off tee shirt, skinny jeans, vans, a hat, and a sweatshirt. I mumble "what if I pierced my tongue? Never mind, I'm crazy. Too early to make decisions." Most of my tattoos were decided to be put on my body at this time, thats when the best ones are decided so maybe I should just do it. Mmm, maybe. I put my phone in my back pocket and I go to the kitchen. My mom says "hey." I say "hi" quietly. She smiles saying "you going to eat something?" I say "hmm, maybe." She hands me pop tarts saying "eat." I say "ok" chuckling. I eat and she says "I wish you luck okay, if something happens just call me." I nod saying "ok" hugging her. She says "you'll do good, ok? If you don't want to be there, just let me know, ok?" I nod and she says "I'll see you later, ok?" I leave and go to school. Jaime walks next to me saying "I have a feeling its going to be a weird day today." I nod saying "probably" quietly. We go in and theres a bunch of new people, Danny talking to a group of these scary looking guys. Jaime says "ok, that must be the other group, those are the plastics cause were in mean girls, scary guys must be the popular guys cause I cant find anyone in jerseys, just kidding there they are, hmm, thats it, there will be more" quietly. I nod, shyly saying "ok, maybe friends, avoid, avoid, and I got it." Jaime says "ok, now we talk like nothing happened." I chuckle saying "I don't think were good at that" quietly. Jaime says "oh sure" as I roll up my sleeves. Jaime says "you ok?" I nod saying "just anxious" quietly. He hugs me saying "anything else?" I shake my head saying "no, my mom is having someone over I haven't met before, lots of people here at once, someone I don't know coming to my house, I'm ok with it, I mean if my mom likes the person coming to my house then it should be fine but I don't know. The Zain thing, I just don't know what to do. I can't be here" and I go outside. I slide down the wall outside and Jaime sits in front of me saying "whats wrong?" I say "don't touch me, I can't breathe, I'm freaking out." Jaime says "its ok, you're ok, just chill out a little bit." I nod and he says "shhhh, you're ok, just breathe" holding my hand. I flinch a little and he says "its just me, its ok." I nod and I sob saying "I want a hug." He hugs me saying "what happened?" I say "I don't know. I'm a mess today." Jaime chuckles saying "its ok, you good or do you want to go home?" I sigh, wiping my tears, saying "I think I'm good but if this happens again today I'm going home. Do you have water?" Jaime gives me a water bottle and I drink like half of it. He squeezes my hand saying "you ok?" I nod saying "yeah, I think so" sighing. I say "I have a crazy idea." Jaime says "what is it?" I say "piercing my tongue" smirking slyly. He says "you kinky bastard, why not?" I blush saying "it was an impulse thought this morning" quietly. I say "how is it kinky" chuckling. Jaime says "when you're anyone getting your tongue pierced, it can be kinky" chuckling. I say "you're the one thinking about it" blushing and we stand up.

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