Tony's POV
We fall back on the floor and I say "I'm never moving again." Jaime says "you said it, sister" making us chuckle. Danny says "I'm tired." I say "me too" quietly. Jaime says "we need to find something to do." I say "you're telling me." We get up and I say "what now?" Danny says "lets go do something" and I say "like what?" Jaime says "annoy your mom." Danny says "my dad just texted me, I gotta go, bye guys." I wave and she leaves. Jaime says "tell me about her" resting his head in my lap. I boredly play with his hair saying "we were talking about what happened yesterday, turns out shes Zains sister." He says "shes nice." I say "she told me about a lot of stuff that Zain didn't so I understand everything more than I did." He says "you know the guys name?" I say "mmmm, maybe" smiling. He says "whats his name?" I say "Mike" blushing. Jaime says "awww" poking my cheek, making me blush even more. Jaime says "is that all you know?" I say "no, she just told me that Zain was in a gang and Mike is in this group thats not really gang like, they're just a group of reckless rebellious teenagers that are just a bit misunderstood. Apparently, they're really nice." Jaime says "why haven't we seen these guys before then?" I say "they live on the other side of town" messing with his hair. Jaime says "how have the guys in the actual gang been treating you?" I say "they haven't talked to me so I'd say alright" him chuckling. I smile and Jaime says "you're too pure for this world." I say "I've been told this multiple times today" blushing. Jaime says "lets go see your mom" getting up. I say "ok" getting up. We skateboard to the police station and we go in to this Mike guy yelling. Jaime mumbles "poor guy" and I nod. I say "hi mom" and she says "hey, bud" hugging me. Luka says "Zain wants to talk to you, Tony" rolling his eyes. I say "should I?" Jaime aye "do it if you want." Luka says "do you want me to bring you back or bring him to you?" I say "whatever's easier I guess" quietly. He says "ok, so were going to go back, we'll give him no more than 10 minutes, if you don't want to hear it, let me know." I nod and we go back to the cell area. We go in and theres a lot of yelling, they all seem to be mad at each other for something. Luka says "you have 10 minutes, punk. Use it wisely" leaning against the wall. Zain says "I didn't do anything, babe! I don't even know why I'm here! Why did you break up with me?!" I say "cause I don't believe you" looking down. This Mike guy says "cut the bullshit, Zain! You know exactly why you're here." Zain says "shut the fuck up, Mike! Why don't you believe me, Tony?" I say "cause he's been around more than you have, we were dating, he's a close friend, you're supposed to be around more. You aren't worth it, I should've listened to everyone around me" shaking my head. Zain says "you're a fucking slut!" Luka gently pushes me out of the way saying "listen, kid, if you talk to him or anyone like that in here, its a week in solitary. You're done, you blew it, great job, punk." I lean against the wall on the other side of the hall and this mike guy quietly says "you ok?" I blush, nodding. I mumble "think so." He says "don't listen to that guy, I mean I am a bit bias but he's not a good guy. You deserve someone better" quietly. I blush, looking down, and I say "I don't know what I say in him" quietly. Mike says "you don't talk much, do you?" I blush, shaking my head. He says "you should, I'm sure people would like to listen to what you have to say." I shyly say "you shouldn't yell so much, talking quietly gets your point across all the same, it shows if people are there to listen to you or not. There are times and places for everything, you notice more when you aren't so mad all the time, ya know?" He says "your right, I'm mad a lot and I'm Mexican, just naturally loud sometimes." I chuckle quietly, saying "its probably in your nature, don't blame being Mexican for being loud cause its not always true. I'm Mexican and I'd like to say I'm quiet." Mike says "my brother yells in Spanish for a living so never heard the opposite end of the spectrum" chuckling. I quietly say "now you have" making him chuckle. Mike says "I like listening to you talk, you seem to see everything differently than everyone else." I say "thank you" quietly, blushing. He says "you're welcome, not many people like me but your different." I smile saying "I'll see you later, Mike" quietly. He says "I never told you my name." I say "I listen" and Luka and I leave the cell block. Luka says "that Mike kid really liked talking to you, ya know." I smile saying "mhmm" blushing and looking down. Luka says "he could learn something from you and you from him." I blush saying "maybe, yeah" quietly. Luka says "you like him." I blush, saying "I don't know yet, shhh" him poking my side. He chuckles saying "the other school across town is moving to your school since both are so small and your school has the room." I say "so, more people?" Luka nods and I mumble "gross" making him chuckle. We go back and Jaime puts his arm around my shoulders saying "how'd it go?" I say "good" and my mom raises an eyebrow at me and I blush, looking down. She chuckles saying "who were you talking to in there?" Luka starts to talk and I slap my hand over his mouth saying "no one" making him roll his eyes. Mom says "I'll figure it out eventually, I'm getting home normal time tonight." I nod and Jaime looks at me saying "what now?" I say "my house?" He says "ok lets go!" I say "you sound like a tour guide" chuckling. We go to my house and Jaime says "who were you talking to at the thing?" I say "Mike" smiling. He chuckles, saying "well?!" I say "I think hes just a little misunderstood and a bit angry sometimes but he's nice to me" blushing heavily. Jaime chuckles saying "really? What ive heard is that he's aggressive, I just want you to be careful." I say "I will" hugging him. I say "did you hear about that the other school is moving to our school?" Jaime says "they are?" I nod and he says "yikes, that's going to be like 200 more people." I nod and he says "maybe we'll make more friends." I say "your right but I'm nervous." Jaime says "don be, it might be a bit awkward at first but eventually everyone might be friends with each other and well never know they werent there at first." I say "true. I jus don't like new people" leaning my head on his shoulder. He says "I know, did you talk to Zain any?" I say "a little bit, he was trying to get me to take him back" hiding my face in his shoulder. Jaime says "and?" I say "I didn't so he called me a slut" shyly but sadly. Jaime says "you poor thing" rubbing my back. I say "I talked to mike for a little while after that though" smiling.

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