Tony's POV
Jaime and I put the stand together as we all talk to each other. Jaime says "this goes here right?" I say "yeah." Mike says "thats what he said!" We laugh and Jaime says "you got enough guitars to put on this thing?" I say "almost, a few short including the ones downstairs." This thing takes up a whole wall in the room. Mom brings the guitars up in the boxes saying "were going outside and I'm taking this with me" taking the purple guitar and leaving. I say "ok" putting the guitars on the stand. I mumble "I don't want to put the other ones in here. What now?" We all shrug and go downstairs. I lay on the floor in the living room and Jaime says "what are you doing?" I shrug saying "I dunno" smiling. Mike lays across my stomach and I mumble "what?" He mumbles "nothing" legit booping my nose, making the noise and everything. I laugh saying "you're an idiot." The guys laugh and I mumble "are you going to stay there?" He says "maybe" poking my chin. I say "whats with people poking me?" We laugh and I say "I don't get it!" Mike mumbles "I just like to" poking my cheek. I roll my eyes saying "k" squeezing his hand. Jaime says "cause I know it annoys you." We laugh and I say "thanks, Hime." Jaime says "you're welcome." I say "it was sarcasm" rolling my eyes. Jaime says "I know" rolling his eyes. Everyone ends up laying on the floor and Kellin says "anything exciting guys?" I say "mmmm, no I can't think of anything" sarcastically. I say "Jaime, you have a love life yet?" Jaime says "no, Oli?" Oli says "yeah, I've been with someone for several months, you didn't know?" I say "no" and Kellin says "I think Josh hates us." Oli says "no, he doesn't. If he did, he'd tell me." Theres a knock at the door and I say "I'll go get it" and Mike gets up so I can get up. He follows me and I open the door to someone I don't know. Mike says "yo, what the hell do you think you're doing here?" He mumbles "step back, go get your mom and Oli for me" and kisses my forehead. I nod and I go back to the living room. I say "Mike needs you, Oli" and I go get my mom. Mom says "hey, bud. Whats up?" I say "uh, somethings happening and Mike seemed worried about something and told me to come get you." She says "ok, I'm gonna go upstairs then I'll be down" and we go inside. They're yelling at each other at the door and mom says "k, no time" reaching under a desk and I hear a click. She slides a police grade pistol into her waistband and walks to the door. Shane quietly says "did you know that was there?" I say "no but she is pretty paranoid so its not surprising." The guy says "this slut here to protect you, Michael?" Shane tries to go up and I say "let her do it herself" grabbing his arm. He says "fine." Mom decides to go undercover in a way saying "nah man, I give up on these douchebags, do you have any hot guys in your gang? I'm over these ones, they're boring." The guy says "how about I give you a deal. You strip for us, we'll give you money or anything you want, hows that?" Mom says "perfect, can you show me these guys that I'm stripping for? I want to get to know their bodies first" playing the part and everything. I mumble "I'm gonna call Luka, he might want to help with this." I call Luka and he says "sup, this guy showed up at my house thats in the same gang as Zain and mom is getting to this guys place, could you maybe track her phone?" Luka says "yup, as soon as she leaves, we'll have a squad following but not obviously, k?" I say "yup." He says "does she have anything on her?" I say "her phone and a gun." He says "k bud, we'll get everyone hopefully. Thank god your mom looks 17." I chuckle saying "bye, Luka." He says "cya, bud" hanging up. My mom eventually leaves with this guy and Oli says "what just happened?" Jaime says "yeah?!" Shane says "I'm curious." I say "she found an opportunity to bust those guys and took it" shrugging. Mike says "how do they know where you live?" I say "Zain" sitting next to him on the floor. Vic says "who was it?" Oli says "punk assholes from this side of town that don't go to school. I don't know how fucking edgy it is to be fucking homeschooled but I mean, go for it I guess." Vic says "those guys are really fucking dumb" rolling his eyes. I mumble "you think?" Mikes phone rings and he answers saying "hey, whats up?" Alex's sobs ring through the phone and she says "can you come over?" Mike says "yup, I can. Do you want me to hang up?" She says "no, stay on the phone please?" He smiles saying "ok" and he kisses me. I mumble "don't be dumb about this." He nods and he leaves. Shane says "he seems stressed." I nod saying "he is" and we chuckle. Jaime says "welp, what are we gonna do?" I say "no clue. Nap time." Kellin says "mmm, naps are nice." I nod and I say "I'm hungry" yawning. I say "were so problematic" laughing. Vic says "maybe a little bit." We all laugh and Jaime says "we should order pizza, I'll pay." We all laugh and I say "I'm not calling" laying on my stomach. Jaime says "I know you aren't" rolling his eyes and pulling his phone out of his pocket. Kellin says "I like pizza." I say "what if you take a whole pizza and make a giant taco?" Vic says "its weird, I've tried it." I laugh saying "but pizza and tacos are so good why not put it together?" Jaime hangs up his phone saying "Tony, you're dumb." I say "but pizza tacos cause there is taco pizza so it can't be too bad." Jaime says "I think you're just hungry." I say "maybe" smiling.

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