Tony's POV
At the end of school, somehow, everyone is coming to my house. Moms out of work early this is gonna be wild. I say "I have nothing at my house for us to do, why?" Were going to hang out for a little bit and then I'm going to get stabbed till like 10 at night. We walk into my house and Vic says "how can one have so many turtles on their body?" My mom says "you put them there, obviously." Mike says "theres your answer, Vic" chuckling. Oli says "how many are there?" I say "do ninja turtles count?" Oli says "ninja turtle?!" I say "of course. If you count that. Hmmm, like 12 going to be 13." Shane says "why not one more?" I say "one more turtle never hurt anyone" and we all laugh. My mom of course says "hey, I know you" too Mike, making us all laugh. Mike says "hey, I know you too!" My mom says "where are the girls?" Kellin says "probably making out at Danny house." Mom says "love that" chuckling. She says "are they together or does anyone know yet?" Shane says "how do you keep up with all the children's drama these days?" Mom says "what are you? Old?" Kellin says "no clue" chuckling. Shane says "I'll learn eventually and yes, I'm old." I say "I heard theres a new security guy, anyone fun?" Mom says "he's in his mid 20s, can't be any taller than 6 feet, muscular but skinny, he's a cutie though and Luka would not stop flirting with him the other day! They like each other though, I can tell." Shane says "I'm right here!" Mom says "I know, I can't just say someone looks nice? He's nice though and knows what he's doing. I didn't have to give him directions at all and it was great!" I say "do you have anything we can do?" Mom says "no, I meant to ask you, where is my purple electric?" I say "my room, we really need a stand for all the guitars" rubbing my forehead. Mom says "buy one then, we need like 9 slots at least." I laugh saying "where is it going to go?" Jaime says "you play?!" I say "you didn't know?! Have you been in my closet?!" Jaime says "no, why?!" I say "theres like 7 guitars in there" chuckling. Jaime says "we don't hang out in your room very often we eat tacos and be sad in the living room." Everyone laughs and I say "you aren't wrong" chuckling. We laugh and Vic says "I think I'm going to learn not to ask questions." I say "eventually, yeah" chuckling. My mom and Shane go outside and I say "what are we gonna do?" Jaime says "I don't know" and we all laugh. Mike says "we could go skateboarding or something? Scare Kellins mom, scare our mom, I don't think we could scare Tony's mom, and Oli's mom hates us." Oli says "she loves you guys, Shes British, shes always angry" chuckling. We chuckle and we all grab our skateboard from different houses. I go outside saying "were going skateboarding" hugging mom. She says "how are you doing?" I nod saying "good" and she says "k, you can go" and she kisses my cheek saying "love you, don't kill your body." I say "I'll try not to" chuckling. She pokes my side and I say "stop" pushing her hand away. She chuckles and I skateboard to the skate park. I check my phone and I have a couple hours, perfect. Jaime says "you're slow." The guys chuckle and I say "in the head, maybe" rolling my eyes. Mike says "mmm, I don't know, you're pretty smart." I blush saying "I try sometimes" chuckling. Vic says "I think I'm gonna break my ankle." Oli says "well, don't do that." I chuckle and I stomp my board down the ramp like I was yesterday. I say "this is weird if you guys are going to be watching me the whole time again." Kellin says "what else are we supposed to do?" I say "uh, watch your boyfriend fail, duh" making them laugh. Vic says "I am not going to fail, Mikes going to fail first." Mike says "bring it on, old man." Vic says "I will get you grounded." Mike says "great" rolling his eyes. I just keep boredly skating back and forth cause I don't know what to do. Its a constant thing for me to not know what to do. We all skate around for a couple hours and I say "my legs are dead." They chuckle and Mike says "I'll drag you." I say "no" getting up slowly and I say "nope staying on the ground" catching my breath. I say "I really need to listen to my doctor" laughing breathlessly. Jaime says "maybe" nodding. I say "no dip, never getting on a bike again, ever. If I do were making a scrapbook to show at my funeral. Its gonna look like the burn book in Mean Girls, obviously. That's how I die." We laugh and I say "never again" as I get up. I say "not collapsing any lungs today, boys. That was too close to home. I'm tired" laughing. Jaime says"very close to home" laughing. I nod and I say "yup" chuckling.
An hour later
All the guys went home a few minutes ago then I go to the tattoo shop cause thats what I do. I walk in and Alisha says "and he's back!" I say "no pun intended, I might nap" chuckling. She says "yup, you really are tired." I chuckle saying "maybe a little bit. I went skateboarding for a couple hours and couldn't breathe very well earlier" smiling. Alisha says "well, don't work yourself so hard, Tone." I say "I didn't notice it, I was focusing" chuckling. Zander says "hey buddy, got my coffee, ready to go till we can't anymore?" I say "yup, I'm ready, lets do this." He says "I'm required to tell everyone this, I'm not shaky from caffeine." I chuckle saying "I know, lets do this then" yawning. He says "you gonna fall asleep?" I say "maybe" chuckling. He quickly wipes down the table and I say "how long has it been?" He says "a few months." I say "great." The table dries and I take my shirt off, laying down on my stomach. Zander says "same colors as we put down before right?" I nod saying "yup" and he says "so, here's the deal, were going to do this till either my wrist cramps or you tell me to stop, then well take a break, then we'll do the turtle, then we can figure out if we want to keep going with your back, alright?" I nod saying "I got all the time, I have school tomorrow but I'll make it." Zander says "lets do this then" sitting down and wiping down my back with an alcohol swab. I say "thats cold" yawning. He says "I know" chuckling. Zander says "you ready?" I say "when you are" chuckling.

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