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Sugawara's POV

I slow open my eyes and feel myself in someone's arms. I slowly turn into a light red as I look up to see Daichi, asleep. I lay there for a little while, remembering the events of last night. I feel safe. I just want to stay here. Forever. I shut my eyes again and feel movement. I open them and see Daichi, this time awake. We just stay there, in silence, once again, not moving at all.

"D-Daichi?" He doesn't respond.


"Don't apologize for anything, Kōushi..." he says quietly.

"But-" he pulls me in closer which makes me be quiet. He chuckles at this action.

"What's so funny?" I ask him cautiously.

"You're cute." He chuckles again. I feel my face heat up at his words. But then I remembered last night. When I shot a quick glance at him he had the same little girl from before and Michimaya, a girl from high school. They were together. I know it. I should probably back off...

"You should head home..." I sit up and peel his arm off my waist. He sits up as well and snakes his arm back around me. He puts his other hand on my cheek and rubs his thumb against my cheekbone. I feel myself heat up AGAIN, I look away. He runs his hand down from my cheek to my chin as he forces me to look at him. I feel my heart quicken.

"I'm sorry, Suga..."

"What do you-" he attaches our lips before I can finish. I can't explain the feeling in my heart. It feels like it stopped. Like it exploded. I pull away after a couple seconds and chuckle.

"U-Uhm...sorry...but Maya wouldn't-"

"Don't remind me..." he looks away and gets up. He fixes his hair and puts on a jacket before looking back at me.

"I know I should be happy with her but I'm just...not. Well, I have to go. See you soon, Kōushi." He gives a light smile before leaving the room. I felt angry. Why am I angry? Is it because he just...left? He kissed me...then...left? I clench my fists and I breathe in through my nose, which tickles because of the oxygen. I hate this feeling. I hate it so much.

——— ————— ———

"That jerk! Let me at him!" Kyon punches her fist into her hand. I shake my head, "no! It's okay! It just made...angry."

"And you should never feel that way. Anger is a bad emotion." Kakeru adds.

"You guys act like you're my parents!"

"We might as well be..." Kyon mumbles, I choose to ignore it and sigh.

"I can't explain the feeling I had when it happened felt as if I was in the air."

"Then why don't you do it again?"

"No! Of course not! I can't do that to his'd be cruel."

"Well, if he made the move first, it seems like he already wants to break up his family."


"Suga. Just tell him how you feel then."

Perhaps I should...


oooooooooo : ) three chapters done within a day

Words- 530

Finished: August 19th




Today and Tomorrow (a Suga x Daichi fan fiction) AUWhere stories live. Discover now