He's Mine

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Sugawara's POV

"Okay so we have good new and bad news. Which one would you like to hear first?" Dr. Sohma asks, her eyes filled with curiosity.

"Bad news..." I sigh as I'm ready to hear what has been created.

"The bad news is that there is no bad news! It seems the treatment that was chosen is working! Your oxygen rate went from a ten to fifteen within a week!" I smile, softly. It seems like it's the only response. But it's always been like this. It'd go down tremendously one week, then the next I'll get better. Letting that cycle repeat until it goes down low enough for either a death scare, or death. I was happy, but I didn't want to show it...

———— —————— ————

I run up to Daichi and wrap my arms around him, with a giant smile on my face.

"Well I assume it went well?" He breathily chuckles, returning the hug. I nod my head enthusiastically, "my oxygen rate went up five and there's no bad news!" I laugh and I can feel his smile form as he kisses me in the crook of the neck.

As we begin walking around the hospital, I had the same question in my head. What are we? We couldn't go on that date that day...because of me.

It took me awhile to realize I stopped walking. Daichi stops next to me, "Are you okay?" I nod and grab his hand and race to my favorite part of the hospital. The garden. Am I really going to do this?

As soon as we get there,I pull him over to the nearest bench, trying to catch my breathe.

"Daichi..." I breathily chuckle, trying to replicate what he does but ends up getting something in my throat, I clear my throat and begin to talk again.

"Daichi...I-I need to ask you something..." I stammer. He grips onto my hand and I give a small smile in return.

"Shoot." He relaxes in the bench, realizing we're going to stay here for a while.

"U-Uhm..." Don't back out Suga. Don't back out.

"Uh- I...I'm sorry..." what? I'm sorry?

"For?" What am I sorry for? Am I sorry for being sick? Am I sorry that I'm a crybaby? Am I sorry that he can't find anybody better? Am I sorry he pities me?

"I'm sorry...that you have to deal with me..." what am I saying? My words aren't forming in my head. Is this my heart speaking? Or my head?

"I'm sorry that I'm sick. I'm sorry that I'm a crybaby, I'm sorry that you can't find anybody else better than me, I'm sorry you pity me..." What?

"B-But...I want you to be mine...I don't want to worry about you walking out and not being interested anymore...I don't want to be a disappointment...I jut want to be happy and-" This is definitely not my head speaking.

"Suga..." I can't look up at him. I can't...he probably thinks I'm crazy. Insane to think that we can possibly be an official item.

He puts his hand on my chin and makes me look at him. He leans in,kissing me again, "Yes...Suga..." Again, "I want you to be mine..." again, "my angel...mine." He smiles against it this time. I can already feel how red I am. I feel my ears burning. I did it.

Daichi's POV

It's been two weeks since that day and I've never smiled more. Even with Michimaya, it never felt like this. It was always awkward and weird but with Suga...it felt normal. Love is like puzzle pieces or a kid playing with a 'match the shape' games. The kid always puts the circle in the square for a long time, until they find out the circle is round. I've always tried matching the circle into the square. And I've finally found the circle piece.

I visited Suga every day, sometimes occasionally falling asleep there. Before I met him, the hospital was a place of sickness,sadness,and anxiety but now...it was home. It was...safe. A place of happiness.
——————— —————————— —————
I walk into the familiar room to see him, standing on the desk, taking down all the art. He flashes me a smile before jumping down, I flinch, in fear he'd hurt himself.

"What are you doing?" I ask as he walks over to me. He looks behind him, "Hm? Oh! I'm taking it down!"

"Yeah- but why?" It's what made his room feel like home. It now started looking like a normal hospital room.

"I'm changing rooms. They decided that since I'm not in life threatening danger, it'd be okay for someone else to move closer to reception and emergency danger." I nod, somewhat understanding what he was saying.

"You should've asked for help." I smile and he just nods.

"I know. But you were at work, I didn't really want to bother you." He tippy toes to kiss my cheek.

"I could've taken time off." I respond before he hits the back of my head.

"No! It's not impossible for me to move yet!" He smiles and I return a soft one. Yet? Is there going to be a time where he can't even move? Yet. I really hate that word. I know, it's supposed to be a positive word. But in this case, it's just not. He continues to climb onto the table, almost falling backwards. I catch him and he laughs.

"Be careful!" He just giggles as I carry him down, "we can't risk you getting hurt..." I say quietly to myself, Suga just moves on, he didn't hear me.

"Daichi?" He asks, looking out the window.

"Hm?" I ask putting my arms around his waist from behind, resting my chin on top of his head.

"How long is 'today and tomorrow'?" I smile at his question.

"It's as long as you want it to be."

Because there is no end to today or tomorrow. It's infinite.

———— ————— ———

Long chapter this time : ) xx

(I had trouble publishing this chapter so if something is wrong (besides spelling) please tell me)

Words- 1000

Finished- August 21, 2020





Today and Tomorrow (a Suga x Daichi fan fiction) AUWhere stories live. Discover now