Why cant you

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Sugawara's POV

I tried to sleep but it felt impossible. Is something wrong with my lungs? My anxiety started rising, I don't want to go back to the hospital. As soon as I start hyperventilating, Daichi pulls me closer, calming me down. Not purposely. I look up at him and slowly squirm out of his arms, replacing myself with a pillow. I look down at him and smile, his lips slightly apart, and the moonlight shining on his face made him look perfect. I walk out of the room and into the bathroom.

I sigh to myself as I look in the mirror. I take my cannula out of my nose and breathe in, causing me to cough. As I feel myself being suffocated I put he cannula back on, still looking at myself.

I want to be normal. I want to stay here everyday without worrying about what's up to come next. I hear a soft knock on the door which makes me jump.

"...Suga? Are you okay?" Did I wake him up...? I breathe in and out.

"U-Uh yeah! Don't worry about me!" I respond. This is stupid. I open the door and see Daichi leaning on the stairs.

"I-I'm sorry for waking you..."

"No. It was my alarm...." He yawns, stretching his arms upwards. How long was I in here?

"Wait- what time is it?"

"Six a.m? Are you sure you're okay?" I nod, giving him a soft smile. 2 hours? I was in there for 2 hours.

"Let's make something to eat." He nods as I lead him down the stairs, gripping his hand, reassuring him I'm okay. I'm just...confused?

"What are you going to make?" Daichi asks, inching his way towards me.

"Just something simple." He tilts his head, I smile, "eggs and hash browns."

"Suga?" I glance over my shoulder, "hm?"

"How do you know how to cook so well?"

"I haven't had COPD my entire life, Daichi. I was still a normal person." I laugh at his question. He just smiles for a second before it disappeared.

"Don't look down. I'm fine with the life I have now. Besides, if I didn't have COPD, I probably wouldn't have met you." I smile as I'm putting the food on the two plates, a smaller portion on my plate.

"Michimaya says you were supposed to go to Karasuno...but you had health issues?" I nod, "She told you that? Wow. I didn't think people actually knew. But yes, I was supposed to go to Karasuno. But the Miyagi High School was closer to the hospital." I explain, turning around sliding the plate to him.

"So you had COPD in high school?" I shake my head, "no. It was just minor problems..." Is this going to be personal? I'm not ready to talk to him about my past mistakes...he might run away. Think fast, Suga.

"What kind of-"

"How about we eat, yeah?" I interrupt,asking with a tone, not meaning to have it there in the first place. We sit in uncomfortable silence.

I sigh, "sorry..." I mumble, "I'm not hungry..." I say, pushing my,barely touched, plate away from me.

"Suga....you need to eat." I shake my head, "no it's okay. I don't usually eat things like this anyway." I smile, Daichi putting his head down at the words. I get up from my chair, "I'm going to shower..." I mumble, grabbing a towel, my clothing, and one of Daichi's volleyball sweaters.

As soon as I went into the bathroom, I glided my back against the door.

He'll definitely run, if he finds out I'm here.

I cover my ears , shut up. I haven't head this voice since high school graduation.

"...go away..." I whisper to myself as the voice and buzzing go away. I forgot my longer cannula in his room. Dammit.

Daichi's POV

"How about we eat, yeah?" His tone, sending shivers down my spine. I've never heard him like that before. It sounded as if it hurt him. We sit in uncomfortable silence.

"Sorry..." I hear him mumble, I glance over at his plate and realized that he hasn't ate anything.

"I'm not hungry..." I can see that. I definitely did something I didn't mean to.

"Suga...you need to eat." He was already quite thin, he shakes his head, "no, it's okay. I don't usually eat things like this anyway."

'That doesn't give you permission to not eat though...' I thought to myself. But I already said something I shouldn't have. I should probably stay quiet.

As soon as I hear the bathroom door close I take out my laptop and research COPD.

"COPD is a chronic lung disease that includes chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or both. COPD affects the lungs and causes reduced airflow, which makes it hard to breathe. It is also progressive, which means it worsens over time. Each person is different, but with treatment, symptoms may improve. Your doctor can tell you what treatment is right for you." Treatment? Why can't he do something that works than something new that doesn't work?

'What are the treatments for COPD?'

"Treatment can ease symptoms, prevent complications, and generally slow disease progression. Your healthcare team may include a lung specialist (pulmonologist) and physical and respiratory therapists." Does he have these privileges? I begin reading through

"Medication; Bronchodilators are medications that help relax the muscles of the airways, widening the airways so you can breathe easier. They're usually taken through an inhaler or a nebulizer. Glucocorticosteroids can be added to reduce inflammation in the airways." Inflammation? I begin reading other treatments before seeing the one I hoped would be on here.

"Surgery; Surgery is reserved for severe COPD or when other treatments have failed, which is more likely when you have a form of severe emphysema. One surgery is lung volume reduction surgery, which removes damaged upper lung tissue. Lung transplantation is an option in some cases." ...he can't afford this. That's why. That's why he isn't doing any of this. As soon I hear the door open, I exit the tab and slam the laptop down.

"Hey Daichi?" I glance upwards and see him, in my high school volleyball sweater. I feel myself heat up as I look away. I haven't wore that in so long. I think he notices me, "U-Uhm! I-I'm sorry! I-It was just there...a-and it fit me so I decided to-" I smile at him as he starts to die down he his volume, "it's fine, Kōushi." He gives me a small smile but it disappeared.

"A-Anyways...uhm...shit..." he mumbles, "I'm sorry about earlier...you can ask the question if you want to..." Oh...right. It's no use asking that old question

"...Suga? Uhm...why can't you get proper treatments?"


ooo long chapter again 🤩

Words- 1135

Finished- August 22, 2020




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