High Flying

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Running my hand through my shirt fabric, I chewed on my lip. We was flying, that meant we would be high in the sky. I never like being high up. Not since Marge's dog chased me up a tree. They left me there for hours, the dog barking at me. That was a long time before they worked out what I was.

"Hey, you alright," Roger asked from my side.

Nodding fearfully, I tried to calm myself down. Usually this would be where Ama would hit me to get my sense back but she wasn't here. She wasn't allowed to come flying and had to wait in the dorms.

I felt Justin placing a hand on my shoulder, he lifted up his hand, doing his best to help me breathe.

Eventually, the teacher- Madam Hooch- walked out onto the field. "Good afternoon, class."

"Good afternoon, Madam Hooch," the class echoed back. Well the class except me as I had to leave my notebook in my bag and I'm not allowed to speak in a snake tongue.

"Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well, what are you waiting for? Everyone steps up to the left side of their broomstick. Come on now, hurry up. Stick your right hand over the broom and say, up!"


I tilted my head in confusion. How was I meant to command the stick when I couldn't speak? Slightly afraid that I would get told of for not doing the work, I chanted the word in my head, reaching out my magic.

I practically jumped when the broom leapt from the ground and into my hand. I need to calm down, I'm not flying yet. I'm just holding a broomstick.

A few of the students struggled to get their brooms up but soon everyone was off the ground and into a student's hand.

"Now, one you've got a hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. And grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding off the edge. When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment and then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle... 3... 2..." Madam Hooch blew her whistle loudly calling out one of our names to tell us to kick off from the ground.

She watched each of us, one by one, carefully hover in the air. She came up to me and nodded. "Harry. Now."

Kicking up, I hovered a little off the ground.

The second my feet left the ground a felt a cold sensation of terror fell over me. I didn't like this.

"Alright, come down," Madam Hooch ordered me as I shook my head, pulling my legs up and away from the invisible danger. It was like when I was in the tree. I could hear the dog barking at me.


I couldn't hear the class calling for me, I felt my magic bubbling under my skin in the familiar way it would when Uncle got angry. It must have affected the broom as it went shooting forward. I let out a panicked scream, pulling my broom into a tumble to avoid the approaching wall.

I could hear the class calling my name but the noise only made me panic more. I started screaming louder, doing my best to stop the dangerous item. I didn't like this! I didn't want to be flying! I like the ground. I like small spaces and my sewing kit.

I wanted to get down!

Letting go of the broom I started falling towards the floor. Madam Hooch ran forward, bringing out her wand and waving it around. I couldn't catch what she said but whatever it was broke my fall.

It felt like I hit a body of water, making a pain flare all across my body. It left oddly nice. Noticing that my leg was bent at an odd angle, I felt it. Smiling slightly at the red liquid pooling out of it. My leg was definitely broken. Gripping onto it, I twisted the bone back into place. Hearing the snap, I smiled while wrapping a piece of ripped robe around that wound. Once I was sure the pressure was tight enough, I looked up to see what the teacher wanted me to do now.

Normally, I would use clay to keep the bone in one piece while stitching up the skin with pieces of fabrics but I think that would annoy Poppy.

"Don't do that!" Madam Hooch slapped my hand away before looking at the damage.

"Why?" I slowly spelt the words in the air, being careful to make it clear what I was saying. I tilted my head at her, I didn't do any own surgery and took the right actions that Ama taught me.

Madam Hooch gave me a weird look as she looked over what I had done. "How did you know to do that?"

Rolling my eyes, I dipped my fingers in the pool of blood next to my leg. I wrote down the words needed, 'ever since I was little, I was taught how to respond to any medical need. I can perform open surgery if it is needed but I Poppy doesn't like me doing that.'

Madam Hooch gave me a worried and slightly horrified expression. "You're serious? What kind of guardians raised you?" She shook her head before wrapping her arms under my legs and around my back. She carefully lifted me off the ground, worried that she would hurt me but I just laughed.

"Everyone's to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take Mr. Potter to the hospital wing. understand? If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say, Quidditch." Madam Hooch started to walk away, muttering under her breath. "Twice in one week, this is why I say we should have practice brooms that can't actually do anything."

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