The Deal

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Groaning, I did not want to wake up. I had a headache and it made me want to curl into a cocoon and sleep. Of course, my brain loved pain and therefore decided to wake me up like the inconsiderate thing it was.

"Sly?! Are you okay?!"

Wincing, I covered my ears, trying to block out the loud voice. I felt something fluffy covering my hands and someone pried them away from my head. Slowly opening my eyes I saw Kevin holding my hands with a sad smile on his face.

Roger was on my other side and Ron was by my bed but other than that the hospital wing was abandoned. 'What is going on?'

"You passed out in the forest," Ron practically shouted only to get smacked by Kevin. Ron lowered his voice but continued nevertheless. "Hagrid found you and Justin and brought you here."

'Justin! Is he okay?!'

"He's fine, Sly. Stay calm," Kevin said soothingly as he stroked my hair in the same way Wayne and Roger would when I was panicking. "Justin is fine. A few scrapes from when he fell over but other than that he is unharmed."

'Good. Am I in the hospital wing again?'

"Yes you are Sly." I jumped up a little as Poppy came into the room. She rushed over to me and started to check over me. I wasn't hurt physically, still had a headache but Poppy gave me something for that. She let others stay for a bit but eventually lunch finished and they had to go back to class. So it was lunch time!

Poppy gave me some books to read through- though I might have ended up translating them instead; I mena, it still counts as I am thinking about what is said. It was pretty boring and it didn't take me long to be playing about with my magic. I turned some patches of fabric into different colours and tried- and succeeded- to make some of the animals move. A shushed voice alerted me to someone else entering the hospital wing.

He- I am pretty sure it was a he- was talking to Poppy who seemed reluctant to listen to him. Eventually, she agreed. I could hear her footsteps coming towards me as she pulled back the privacy covers. and told me to put up my glamour. I groaned a little but did as I was told.

A few seconds later, she pulled them back and let the boy come close. Now that I could see him, I could tell it was Draco. His platinum hair was pretty distinctive.

Poppy left us and walked to the back while Draco and I looked at each other awkwardly. I wonder if he was going to say something or just stand there watching me.

'Evening Draco,' I greeted making him jump as he was still unused to my writing.

"...Evening Potter." Draco fidgeted making me tilt my head.

'Is there something you wanted?'

Draco jumped a bit before clearing his throat. "I wanted to say... That I am sorry for being rude when we first met."

'That's alright Draco. I never thought you were being rude.'

"You didn't think I was being rude?"

'Nope. I just wanted to be your friend!' I gave Draco a smile as he looked away from me. I let out a small giggling as I pulled my legs up and hugged my legs. 'Hey, Draco, would you do me a favor? I really want to do something but Poppy doesn't trust me. Say, could you get me a sewing kit and some fabric?'

Draco looked startled by my request as he looked at me. "You... do sowing?"

'Well, I have to do something with my time. Sowing allows you to put new life in an old outfit, reducing the waste and environmental impact of a household. Plus it is super cheap and an easy way to waste your day without the need of specialist tools or materials. Now please help me, I'm dying of boredom!'

Draco looked a little shocked but ended up laughing at my exaggerated face. I gave him a smile before offering out my hand.

'How about a deal? You bring me a sewing kit and some fabric and I'll be your friend.'

Draco raised his eyebrow but nodded. He shook my hand before the door burst open and Ron came in. Draco pulled away from me and quickly made a Beeline for the door.

Ron gave a glare to Draco but didn't say anything as he knew he would get kicked out. He and Hermione came to my side, sitting down next to me. "What did he want?"

'He came to apologise,' I stated bluntly, tilting my head on my knees.

"I wouldn't trust him. He was really rude to Hermione and is stuck up," Ron snapped as I rolled my eyes. This is why I prefer Badgers, they don't judge.

'So, why are you here, I thought you were going to study today.'

Ron and Hermione shared a look before Hermione took the lead. "We are going after the philosopher's stone."

'That's a stupid idea.'

Both looked at me in shock, they probably didn't expect such a blunt response.

"If we can't stop Professor Snape now, he will get his hands on the philosopher's stone and give it to you-know-who," Ron shouted with a worried expression.

'Why would Snape want to get the philosopher's stone?'

"To give to you-know-who!" I don't know who!

'I feel like I've missed ten pages in this story.'

Before Ron could say anything, Hermione took charge. "Professor Snape has been trying to get the philosopher's stone. That is why he the dog bite on Halloween, he tried to get passed Fluffy and got bit."

I slowly nodded. It didn't make sense but I wasn't going to tell them that.

"So, we are going to get it tonight before he has the chance," Ron announced.

'Please don't...'

Hermione didn't say anything as Poppy came over and ushered them out.

'Hermione, Ron, at least wait for me to get out. I'll help you, you clearly keep getting caught without me.'

I didn't get to see their reaction as Poppy pushed them out. I curled under my sheets and tried to get to sleep. Of course I was too bored and too cold to get to sleep. Thankfully, I felt something land on my lap. When I looked up, I could see a sewing kit in a suspicious green and silver colour theme and a S embroidered into the middle.

I see Draco completed his end of the bargain. Guess I should too.

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