Troll Trouble

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Taking deep breaths, I held one hand over my mouth and one over Hermoine's. Her breath was rapid and she looked terrified. Flicking my wrist, I wrote in the air, 'stay quite. It might not know we are here. If we are lucky I might get out of here without having to fight.'

Hermoine nodded, taking a deep breath and pushing away my hand- replacing it with her own. Smiling- even if she couldn't see it- I motioned for her to duck down. I peered out under the door, coming face to face with a very smelly, very large, mountain troll. 

Yelping back, I pushed Hermoine to the floor as the troll swung at the stolls, shattering the wood. 

"Hermoine, Sly move!" Running in, Ron, Kevin and Wayne looked at us in panic. A thousand thoughts were running through their brains as the troll obliterated the rest of the stolls.

"Help! Help," Hermoine screamed making the boys run around. They picked up different pieces of wood and threw them at the troll. That was going to help, not.

"Hey, pea brain!" Ron picked up a particularly large fragment of wood, he threw it at the trolls head. Using the moment of destruction, I pushed Hermione out of the stolls. We jumped under the sinks as the troll slammed the bat down, destroying the bowls and spraying water everywhere. 

Hermoine screamed for help as Kevin ran forward with his wand out. Of course he didn't know what spell he was trying and was picked off the ground. Kevin let out a shock scream as he was waved about and landed on the trolls head. The more the troll struggled, the harder Kevin found it to hold on until he fell forward and his wand ended up in the troll's nose. 

The others in the room took as second to voice out their disgust as the troll got over the shock. He snorted before returning to his efforts to kill Kevi. He picked him up, holding him by his foot and dangling him by his foot. Kevin looked so scared, "do something!" The troll lines up his swing, swiping at Kevin as he pulls himself up and then down. The troll swiped again.

"What?" Ron looked around, asking the question of his general confusion on his face.

"Anything! Hurry up!" 

Wayne ran forward, pointing his wand at the club. "Wingardium Leviosa!" 

The club stopped for a second, hovering in the air. The troll looked confused, glancing up at the club as it hit him on the head. He swayed on his feet, dropping Kevin who quickly crawled away. The troll swayed on his feet before coming crashing down. 

"Is it... dead," Hermoin asked, approaching the large creature cautiously. 

'No. He is just knocked,' I wrote, walking toward him and poking the forehead. 

"Don't do that," Wayne warned me, dragging me away as Kevin pulled out his wand from the nose. 

"Ew. Troll bogies," he complained, wiping it on his robe but making more of a mess. 

I let out a small giggle before waving my hand and getting rid of the troll's mess. Kevin gave me a pleased smile as a sudden rush of footsteps came running into the room. 

McGonagall, Snape and Quirrell all came running into the bathroom, gasping at the knocked out troll. 

"Oh! Oh, my goodness! E-Explain yourselves, all of you!"

I tilted my head as Kevin, Wayne and Ron stammered over their response. "Well, what it is..."

"It's my fault, Professor McGonagall," Hermoine announced making the boys look at her. 

"Miss Granger?"

"I went-" knowing she was about to lie, I used my magic to pinch her- "ow!"

"Miss Ganger?"

Jumping in front of her, I pulled out my pad and quickly scribbled something down. 'She was upset and came here to get away from the school. I didn't want to leave her alone so I came as well. We didn't know there was a troll in the school until it was in here. Kevin, Wayne and Ron came looking for us as they knew we hadn't heard the announcement I can assume happened. They saved us and we would probably be dead without them.'

"And why was Miss Ganger upset exactly?"

'Why does any bright child who ends up outside Ravenclaw end up upset?'

I know McGonagall understands what I mean, her eyes widened and she looked back at Hermione and the boys. "Be that as it may be... it was an extremely foolish thing to do." 

I tilted my head but quickly worked out that she was talking about the boys who came to find us. I frowned when I noticed blood dribbling out of Snape's leg. The trouser was torn and a large cut was showing. Snape seemed to notice that I was staring at his leg and covered it up with his cloak. 

"I hope you three gentlemen have realized just how fortunate you are. Not many students could take on a full grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale. Five points... will be awarded to each of you. For sheer dumb luck." McGonagall turned around, Snape following off after.

'One day she will learn to say 'well done'.'

"Perhaps you ought to go... M-might wake up... heh," Quirrell stuttered as I rolled my eye and patted the troll on its head. It let out a growl making Quirrell and Ron jump. 

Giggling, I trailed out, hopping while using my crutches. The rest followed me, smiling in relief. 

"Thanks for getting us out of trouble, what did you say?" Ron smiled at me while I laughed.

Flicking my wrist, the quill appeared in front of them. 'That is something you'll never know.' 

Wayne rolled his eyes, taking the quill from the air. "You're going to use that trick a lot now, aren't you?" 

Laughing, I jolted the quill out of his hand and wrote in the air, 'Of course. It's a lot easier than having to write everything.'

"You still are writing everything," Hermoine pointed out.

'Yes, but now I am using magic,' I wrote, underlying magic and changing it to be multicoloured and decorated. 'Besides, this way I annoy anyone who decides to mess with my friends! We are friends, right?'

My question made Hermoine faulter for a brief second before she beamed at me. "Yeah, friends." 

Smiling, I sped up and made my way towards the Hufflepuff common room, thankful of the lack of stairs between here and there.

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